Knapsack problem/Continuous: Difference between revisions

(→‎{{header|Perl 6}}: reformat for style and clarity)
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welt 3.50 63.38
15.00 349.38</pre>
Works with SWI-Prolog and <b>library(simplex)</b> written by <b>Markus Triska</b>
<lang Prolog>:- use_module(library(simplex)).
% tuples (name, weights, value).
knapsack :-
L = [( beef, 3.8, 36),
( pork, 5.4, 43),
( ham, 3.6, 90),
( greaves, 2.4, 45),
( flitch, 4.0, 30),
( brawn, 2.5, 56),
( welt, 3.7, 67),
( salami, 3.0, 95),
( sausage, 5.9, 98)],
length(L, N),
numlist(1, N, LN),
( ( create_constraint_N(LN, L, S0, S1, [], LW, [], LV),
constraint(LW =< 15.0, S1, S2),
maximize(LV, S2, S3)
compute_lenword(L, 0, Len),
sformat(A1, '~~w~~t~~~w|', [Len]),
sformat(A2, '~~t~~2f~~~w|', [10]),
sformat(A3, '~~t~~2f~~~w|', [10]),
print_results(S3, A1,A2,A3, L, LN, 0, 0).
create_constraint_N([], [], S, S, LW, LWF, LV, LVF) :-
reverse(LW, LWF),
reverse(LV, LVF).
create_constraint_N([HN|TN], [(_, W, V) | TL], S1, SF, LW, LWF, LV, LVF) :-
constraint([x(HN)] >= 0, S1, S2),
constraint([x(HN)] =< W, S2, S3),
X is V/W,
create_constraint_N(TN, TL, S3, SF, [x(HN) | LW], LWF, [X * x(HN) | LV], LVF).
compute_lenword([], N, N).
compute_lenword([(Name, _, _)|T], N, NF):-
atom_length(Name, L),
( L > N -> N1 = L; N1 = N),
compute_lenword(T, N1, NF).
print_results(_S, A1, A2, A3, [], [], WM, VM) :-
sformat(W1, A1, [' ']),
sformat(W2, A2, [WM]),
sformat(W3, A3, [VM]),
format('~w~w~w~n', [W1,W2,W3]).
print_results(S, A1, A2, A3, [(Name, W, V)|T], [N|TN], W1, V1) :-
variable_value(S, x(N), X),
( X = 0 -> W1 = W2, V1 = V2
sformat(S1, A1, [Name]),
sformat(S2, A2, [X]),
Vtemp is X * V/W,
sformat(S3, A3, [Vtemp]),
format('~w~w~w~n', [S1,S2,S3]),
W2 is W1 + X,
V2 is V1 + Vtemp ),
print_results(S, A1, A2, A3, T, TN, W2, V2).
Output :
<pre> ?- knapsack.
ham 3.60 90.00
greaves 2.40 45.00
brawn 2.50 56.00
welt 3.50 63.38
salami 3.00 95.00
15.00 349.38
true .</pre>
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