Knapsack problem/Continuous: Difference between revisions

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An [ outer constructor method] is used to create instances of <code>KPCSupply</code> when only the <code>item</code>, <code>weight</code> and <code>value</code> are supplied. The <code>isless</code> method is provided for <code>KPCSupply</code> objects so that items are transparently sorted by their unit value. <code>KPCSupply</code> supports any real type for <code>weight</code>, <code>value</code> and <code>uvalue</code> (though this simple implementation does not support mixed types or promotion). This solution uses [ Rational] numbers to avoid rounding errors until the results are printed.
'''Type and Functions''':
<lang julia>struct KPCSupply{T<:Real}
<lang Julia>
immutable KPCSupply{S<:String, T<:Real}
function KPCSupply{S<:String, T<:Real}(item::SAbstractString, weight::TReal, value::TReal)
Base.isless(a::KPCSupply, b::KPCSupply) = a.uvalue<b.uvalue
w, v = promote(weight, value)
KPCSupply(item, weightw, valuev, valuev /weight w)
function KPCSupply{S<:String, T<:Real}(item::S, weight::T, value::T)
KPCSupply(item, weight, value, value/weight)
end, s::KPCSupply) = print(io, s.item, @sprintf " (%.2f kg, %.2f €, %.2f €/kg)" s.weight s.value s.uvalue)
function solve{S<:String, T<:Real}(store::Array{KPCSupply{S,T},1},
Base.isless(a::KPCSupply, b::KPCSupply) = a.uvalue < b.uvalue
ksack = KPCSupply{S,T}[]
function solve(store::Vector{KPCSupply{T}}, capacity::Real) where T<:Real
sack = similar(store, 0) # vector like store, but of length 0
kweight = zero(T)
for s in sort(store, rev = true)
if kweight + s.weight <= capacity
kweight += s.weight
push!(ksacksack, s)
w = capacity - kweight
v = w * s.uvalue
push!(ksacksack, KPCSupply(s.item, w, v, s.uvaluevalue))
return ksacksack
<lang julia>store = [KPCSupply("beef", 38//10, 36),
<lang Julia>
store = [ KPCSupply("beefpork", 3854//10, 36//143),
KPCSupply("porkham", 5436//10, 43//190),
KPCSupply("hamgreaves", 3624//10, 90//145),
KPCSupply("greavesflitch", 244//101, 45//130),
KPCSupply("flitchbrawn", 425//110, 30//156),
KPCSupply("brawnwelt", 2537//10, 56//167),
KPCSupply("weltsalami", 373//101, 67//195),
KPCSupply("salamisausage", 359//110, 95//198),]
KPCSupply("sausage", 59//10, 98//1)]
sack = solve(store, 15//1)
println("The store contains:\n - ", join(store, "\n - "))
println("The\nThe thief should take::\n - ", join(sack, "\n - "))
@printf("\nTotal value in the sack: %.2f €\n", sum(getfield.(sack, :value)))</lang>
println("The store contains:")
<pre>The store contains:
println(" Item Weight Unit Price")
- beef (3.80 kg, 36.00 €, 9.47 €/kg)
for s in store
- pork (5.40 kg, 43.00 €, 7.96 €/kg)
println(@sprintf("%12s %4.1f %6.2f",
- ham (3.60 kg, 90.00 €, 25.00 €/kg)
s.item, float(s.weight), float(s.uvalue)))
- greaves (2.4 40 kg, 45.00 €, 18.75 €/kg)
- flitch (4.00 kg, 30.00 €, 7.50 €/kg)
- brawn (2.50 kg, 56.00 €, 22.40 €/kg)
- welt (3.70 kg, 67.00 €, 18.11 €/kg)
- salami (3.0 00 kg, 95.00 €, 31.67 €/kg)
- sausage (5.9 90 kg, 98.00 €, 16.61 €/kg)
The thief should take::
- salami (3.00 kg, 95.00 €, 31.67 €/kg)
println("The thief should take:")
- ham (3.60 kg, 90.00 €, 25.00 €/kg)
println(" Item Weight Value")
- brawn (2.50 kg, 56.00 €, 22.40 €/kg)
for s in sack
- greaves (2.40 kg, 45.00 €, 18.75 €/kg)
println(@sprintf("%12s %4.1f %6.2f",
- welt (3.50 kg, 63.38 €, 67.00 €/kg)
s.item, float(s.weight), float(s.value)))
w = mapreduce(x->x.weight, +, sack)
v = mapreduce(x->x.value, +, sack)
println(@sprintf("%12s %4.1f %6.2f",
"Total", float(w), float(v)))
The store contains:
Item Weight Unit Price
beef 3.8 9.47
pork 5.4 7.96
ham 3.6 25.00
greaves 2.4 18.75
flitch 4.0 7.50
brawn 2.5 22.40
welt 3.7 18.11
salami 3.0 31.67
sausage 5.9 16.61
Total value in the sack: 349.38 €</pre>
The thief should take:
Item Weight Value
salami 3.0 95.00
ham 3.6 90.00
brawn 2.5 56.00
greaves 2.4 45.00
welt 3.5 63.38
Total 15.0 349.38