Kahan summation: Difference between revisions

modified example to comply with revised task and subtask
(included subtask code and comparison of the results)
(modified example to comply with revised task and subtask)
Line 170:
{{incorrect|PHP|This does not follow the original or the revised task description}}
===Interactive mode===
<lang php>$ php -a
Interactive mode enabled
<lang php><?php
php > function kahansum($input) {
// Main task
php { $sum = $c = 0;
php { foreach($input as $item) {
php { $y = $item + $c;
php { $t = $sum + $y;
php { $c = ($t - $sum) - $y;
php { $sum = $t;
php { }
php { return $sum;
php { }
php > $input = array(10000.0, 3.14159, 2.71828);
php > list($a, $b, $c) = $input;
php > echo $sumabc."\n";
php > echo kahansum($input)."\n";
php > echo array_sum($input)."\n";
php > // does not seem to be any difference in PHP 5.5
// 1. Do all arithmetic in decimal to a precision of six digits.
// PHP does not have a way of restricting overall precision
// 2. Write a function/method/procedure/subroutine/... to perform Kahan
// summation on an ordered collection of numbers, (such as a list of numbers). )
function kahansum($input) {
$sum = $c = 0;
foreach($input as $item) {
$y = $item + $c;
$t = $sum + $y;
$c = ($t - $sum) - $y;
$sum = $t;
return $sum;
// 3. Create the three numbers a, b, c equal to 10000.0, 3.14159, 2.71828
// respectively.
$input = array(10000.0, 3.14159, 2.71828);
list($a, $b, $c) = $input;
// 4. show that the simple left-to-right summation, equivalent to (a + b) + c
// gives an answer of 10005.8 )
$sumabc = ($a + $b) + $c;
echo "Main task - Left to right summation: ";
echo sprintf("%6.1f", $sumabc).PHP_EOL;
// 10005.9
// 5. Show that the Kahan function applied to the sequence of values a, b, c
// results in the more precise answer of 10005.9
echo "Main task - Kahan summation: ";
echo sprintf("%6.1f", kahansum($input)).PHP_EOL;
// 10005.9
// Let's use the substask
$epsilon = 1.0;
while ((1.0 + $epsilon) != 1.0) {
$epsilon /= 2.0;
echo "Trying the subtask".PHP_EOL."epsilon: ";
echo $epsilon.PHP_EOL;
// 1.1102230246252E-16
$a = 1.0;
$b = $epsilon;
$c = -$epsilon;
$input = array($a, $b, $c);
// left-to-right summation
$sumabc = ($a + $b) + $c;
echo "Sub task - Left to right summation: ";
echo sprintf("%.1f", $sumabc).PHP_EOL;
// kahan summation
echo "Sub task - Kahan summation: ";
echo sprintf("%.1f", kahansum($input)).PHP_EOL;
// but, are they really the same or is an artifact?
echo "Are the results the same?".PHP_EOL;
var_dump((($a + $b) + $c) === kahansum($input));
// ok, then what is the difference?
<lang php><?php
echo "Difference between the operations: ";
function kahansum($input) {
$diff = (($a + $b) + $c) - kahansum($input);
$sum = $c = 0;
echo $diff.PHP_EOL;
foreach($input as $item) {
$y = $item + $c;
$t = $sum + $y;
$c = ($t - $sum) - $y;
$sum = $t;
return $sum;
$input = array(10000.0, 3.14159, 2.71828);
list($a, $b, $c) = $input;
$sumabc = $a + $b + $c;
echo $sumabc."\n";
echo kahansum($input)."\n";
echo array_sum($input)."\n";
Script output:
<lang bash>
$ php kahansum.php
Main task - Left to right summation: 10005.9
Main task - Kahan summation: 10005.9
Trying the subtask
epsilon: 1.1102230246252E-16
Sub task - Left to right summation: 1.0
Sub task - Kahan summation: 1.0
Are the results the same?
Difference between the operations: 1.1102230246252E-16