Kahan summation: Difference between revisions

Example implementation in R, with comparison to the standard sum() implementation
(→‎{{header|Python}}: Contrast Pythons sum())
(Example implementation in R, with comparison to the standard sum() implementation)
Line 48:
>>> </lang>
> # A straightforward implementation of the algorithm
> kahansum <- function(x) {
+ ks <- 0
+ c <- 0
+ for(i in 1:length(x)) {
+ y <- x[i] - c
+ kt <- ks + y
+ c = (kt - ks) - y
+ ks = kt
+ }
+ ks
+ }
> # make R display more digits in the result
> options(digits=10)
> input <- c(10000.0, 3.14159, 2.71828)
> kahansum(input)
[1] 10005.85987
> # compare with the standard sum() function
> sum(input)
[1] 10005.85987
> # seems like R does the "right thing"
> # let's use the Dr. Dobbs example (http://www.drdobbs.com/floating-point-summation/184403224)
> input <- c(1.0, 1.0e10, -1.0e10)
> kahansum(input)
[1] 1
> sum(input)
[1] 1
> # again, R does it right