K-d tree: Difference between revisions

8,832 bytes added ,  3 years ago
Add Rust implementation
(Add Rust implementation)
Line 2,787:
Distance: 0.0340950700678338
Nodes visited: 23</pre>
<lang rust>
use std::cmp::Ordering;
use std::cmp::Ordering::Less;
use std::ops::Sub;
use std::time::Instant;
use rand::prelude::*;
#[derive(Clone, PartialEq, Debug)]
struct Point {
pub coords: Vec<f32>,
impl<'a, 'b> Sub<&'b Point> for &'a Point {
type Output = Point;
fn sub(self, rhs: &Point) -> Point {
assert_eq!(self.coords.len(), rhs.coords.len());
Point {
coords: self
.map(|(&x, &y)| x - y)
impl Point {
fn norm_sq(&self) -> f32 {
self.coords.iter().map(|n| n * n).sum()
struct KDTreeNode {
point: Point,
dim: usize,
// Construction could become faster if we use an arena allocator,
// but this is easier to use.
left: Option<Box<KDTreeNode>>,
right: Option<Box<KDTreeNode>>,
impl KDTreeNode {
/// Create a new KDTreeNode around the `dim`th dimension.
/// Alternatively, we could dynamically determine the dimension to
/// split on by using the longest dimension.
pub fn new(points: &mut [Point], dim: usize) -> KDTreeNode {
let points_len = points.len();
if points_len == 1 {
return KDTreeNode {
point: points[0].clone(),
left: None,
right: None,
// Split around the median
let pivot = quickselect_by(points, points_len / 2, &|a, b| {
let left = Some(Box::new(KDTreeNode::new(
&mut points[0..points_len / 2],
(dim + 1) % pivot.coords.len(),
let right = if points.len() >= 3 {
&mut points[points_len / 2 + 1..points_len],
(dim + 1) % pivot.coords.len(),
} else {
KDTreeNode {
point: pivot,
pub fn find_nearest_neighbor<'a>(&'a self, point: &Point) -> (&'a Point, usize) {
self.find_nearest_neighbor_helper(point, &self.point, (point - &self.point).norm_sq(), 1)
fn find_nearest_neighbor_helper<'a>(
&'a self,
point: &Point,
best: &'a Point,
best_dist_sq: f32,
n_visited: usize,
) -> (&'a Point, usize) {
let mut my_best = best;
let mut my_best_dist_sq = best_dist_sq;
let mut my_n_visited = n_visited;
// We should always examine the near side
if self.point.coords[self.dim] < point.coords[self.dim] && self.right.is_some() {
let (a, b) = self.right.as_ref().unwrap().find_nearest_neighbor_helper(
my_best = a;
my_n_visited = b;
} else if self.left.is_some() {
let (a, b) = self.left.as_ref().unwrap().find_nearest_neighbor_helper(
my_best = a;
my_n_visited = b;
// distance along this node's axis
let axis_dist_sq = (self.point.coords[self.dim] - point.coords[self.dim]).powi(2);
if axis_dist_sq <= my_best_dist_sq {
// self can only be nearer than best if axis_dist_sq is less than
// best_dist_sq because axis_dist_sq is a lower bound for
// self_dist_sq
let self_dist_sq = (point - &self.point).norm_sq();
if self_dist_sq < my_best_dist_sq {
my_best = &self.point;
my_best_dist_sq = self_dist_sq;
// bookkeeping
my_n_visited += 1;
// same reasoning applies for the far side of the split
if self.point.coords[self.dim] < point.coords[self.dim] && self.left.is_some() {
let (a, b) = self.left.as_ref().unwrap().find_nearest_neighbor_helper(
my_best = a;
my_n_visited = b;
} else if self.right.is_some() {
let (a, b) = self.right.as_ref().unwrap().find_nearest_neighbor_helper(
my_best = a;
my_n_visited = b;
(my_best, my_n_visited)
pub fn main() {
let mut rng = thread_rng();
// wordpress
let mut wp_points: Vec<Point> = [
[2.0, 3.0],
[5.0, 4.0],
[9.0, 6.0],
[4.0, 7.0],
[8.0, 1.0],
[7.0, 2.0],
.map(|x| Point { coords: x.to_vec() })
let wp_tree = KDTreeNode::new(&mut wp_points, 0);
let wp_target = Point {
coords: vec![9.0, 2.0],
let (point, n_visited) = wp_tree.find_nearest_neighbor(&wp_target);
println!("Wikipedia example data:");
println!("Point: [9, 2]");
println!("Nearest neighbor: {:?}", point);
println!("Distance: {}", (point - &wp_target).norm_sq().sqrt());
println!("Nodes visited: {}", n_visited);
// randomly generated 3D
let n_random = 1000;
let mut make_random_point = || Point {
coords: (0..3).map(|_| (rng.gen::<f32>() - 0.5) * 1000.0).collect(),
let mut random_points: Vec<Point> = (0..n_random).map(|_| make_random_point()).collect();
let start_cons_time = Instant::now();
let random_tree = KDTreeNode::new(&mut random_points, 0);
let cons_time = start_cons_time.elapsed();
"1,000 3d points (Construction time: {}ms)",
let random_target = make_random_point();
let (point, n_visited) = random_tree.find_nearest_neighbor(&random_target);
println!("Point: {:?}", random_target);
println!("Nearest neighbor: {:?}", point);
println!("Distance: {}", (point - &random_target).norm_sq().sqrt());
println!("Nodes visited: {}", n_visited);
// benchmark search time
let n_searches = 1000;
let random_targets: Vec<Point> = (0..n_searches).map(|_| make_random_point()).collect();
let start_search_time = Instant::now();
let mut total_n_visited = 0;
for target in &random_targets {
let (_, n_visited) = random_tree.find_nearest_neighbor(target);
total_n_visited += n_visited;
let search_time = start_search_time.elapsed();
"Visited an average of {} nodes on {} searches in {} ms",
total_n_visited as f32 / n_searches as f32,
fn quickselect_by<T>(arr: &mut [T], position: usize, cmp: &dyn Fn(&T, &T) -> Ordering) -> T
T: Clone,
// We use `thread_rng` here because it was already initialized in `main`.
let mut pivot_index = thread_rng().gen_range(0, arr.len());
// Need to wrap in another closure or we get ownership complaints.
// Tried using an unboxed closure to get around this but couldn't get it to work.
pivot_index = partition_by(arr, pivot_index, &|a: &T, b: &T| cmp(a, b));
let array_len = arr.len();
match position.cmp(&pivot_index) {
Ordering::Equal => arr[position].clone(),
Ordering::Less => quickselect_by(&mut arr[0..pivot_index], position, cmp),
Ordering::Greater => quickselect_by(
&mut arr[pivot_index + 1..array_len],
position - pivot_index - 1,
fn partition_by<T>(arr: &mut [T], pivot_index: usize, cmp: &dyn Fn(&T, &T) -> Ordering) -> usize {
let array_len = arr.len();
arr.swap(pivot_index, array_len - 1);
let mut store_index = 0;
for i in 0..array_len - 1 {
if cmp(&arr[i], &arr[array_len - 1]) == Less {
arr.swap(i, store_index);
store_index += 1;
arr.swap(array_len - 1, store_index);
Wikipedia example data:
Point: [9, 2]
Nearest neighbor: Point { coords: [8.0, 1.0] }
Distance: 1.4142135
Nodes visited: 4
1,000 3d points (Construction time: 6ms)
Point: Point { coords: [-353.30945, 277.02594, -260.73093] }
Nearest neighbor: Point { coords: [-345.98798, -24.195671, -350.5432] }
Distance: 314.41107
Nodes visited: 183
Visited an average of 351.573 nodes on 1000 searches in 415 ms
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