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I managed to identify nine algorihms in use on this page, so I translated all of them. Kill ordering lists omitted for sanity.<br>
Note indexes and results are 1-based. Prisoners do not have to be numbers. Based on AWK, but replacing killed prisoners in-situ.
Unclassified: Haskell, Python[4 aka learning iter in python], REXX[version 2] (plus Befunge, J, and Mathematica, which I'm happy to ignore)<br>
<lang Phix>function Josephus(sequence prisoners, integer step, survivors)
Note all indexes and results are 1-based. For skipping/linked_list/sliding_queue, prisoners do not have to be numbers, the
integer n = length(prisoners), nn = n
same would be true for contractacycle and contractalot with the tiniest of tweaks.
integer p = 0
=== skipping ===
360 assembly, 6502 Assembly, AWK, EchoLisp, ERRE, MATLAB, NetRexx, Phix, PHP, PL/I, REXX[version 1].<br>
Method: all prisoners stay where they are, executioner walks round and round, skipping over ever increasing numbers of dead bodies
(slowest of the lot, by quite some margin)
<lang Phix>function skipping(sequence prisoners, integer step, survivors=1)
integer n = length(prisoners), nn = n, p = 0
while n>survivors do
while n>survivors do
integer found = 0
integer found = 0
while found!=step do
while found<step do
p = iff(p=nn?1:p+1)
p = iff(p=nn?1:p+1)
found += prisoners[p]!=-1
found += prisoners[p]!=-1
end while
end while
-- (if you want a kill list, build it here!)
prisoners[p] = -1
prisoners[p] = -1
n -= 1
n -= 1
Line 2,744: Line 2,749:
return remove_all(-1,prisoners)
return remove_all(-1,prisoners)
end function
end function
--?skipping({"Joe","Jack","William","John","James"},2,1) --> {"William"}</lang>

===linked list===
AArch64 Assembly, Ada, ARM Assembly, Common Lisp[2, probably], Fortran, JavaScript[1] (albeit dbl-lnk), Python[3].<br>
Method: like skipping, all prisoners stay where they are, but the executioner uses the links to speed things up a bit.
<lang Phix>function linked_list(sequence prisoners, integer step, survivors)
integer n = length(prisoners)
sequence links = tagset(n,2)&1
integer p = n, prvp
while n>survivors do
for i=1 to step do
prvp = p
p = links[p]
end for
prisoners[p] = -1
links[prvp] = links[p]
n -= 1
end while
return remove_all(-1,prisoners)
end function</lang>

===sliding queue===
Clojure, Crystal, D (both), Eiffel, Elixir, Erlang, friendly interactive shell, Go, jq, Perl, PowerShell, PureBasic (albeit one at a time), Raku, REBOL, Ruby, Scala, Sidef[1], Tcl.<br>
Method: all skipped prisoners rejoin the end of the queue which sidles left, executioner stays put until the queue gets too short.
<lang Phix>function sliding_queue(sequence prisoners, integer step, survivors)
integer n = length(prisoners)
while n>survivors do
integer k = remainder(step-1,n)+1 -- (mostly k==step)
prisoners = prisoners[k+1..$]&prisoners[1..k-1] -- rotate, dropping one.
n -= 1
end while
return prisoners
end function</lang>

AppleScript[2], Groovy<br>
Method: executioner walks along killing every k'th prisoner; while he walks back the queue contracts to remove gaps.
(once the queue gets too small it obviously reverts to one at a time, a bit more like contractalot below)
<lang Phix>function contractacycle(integer n, integer k, s)
sequence living = tagset(n)
integer startPosition = k, i, lasti
while n!=s do -- Keep going round the circle until only s prisoners remain.
integer circleSize = n
if (n < k) then
i = mod(startPosition-1,circleSize) + 1
living = living[1..i-1]&living[i+1..$]
n -= 1
lasti = i
for i=startPosition to circleSize by k do
living[i] = -1
n -= 1
if (n = s) then exit end if -- Not Groovy, see note
lasti = i
end for
living = remove_all(-1,living)
end if
startPosition = lasti + k - circleSize
end while
return living
end function</lang>
Groovy does not have a n=s test, it probably is entirely unnecessary. The Grovy code is also somewhat neater, always using
a loop and remove_all() - while not probihitively expensive, it may check lots of things for -1 that the slicing won't.

AutoHotkey, C#, C++, Frink, Formulae, Java (both), JavaScript[2], Julia[2], Kotlin, Lua, NanoQuery, Nim, Objeck,
Oforth, Processing, Python[1], Rust, Seed7, Swift, VBScript, Vedit, VisualBasic.NET, XPL0, zkl. <br>
Method: executioner walks round and round, queue contracts after every kill.
<lang Phix>function contractalot(integer n, integer k, s)
sequence list = tagset(n)
integer i = 1
while n>s do
i += k - 1
if (i > n) then i := mod(i-1, n)+1 end if
list [i..i] = {}
n -= 1
end while
return list
end function</lang>

Emacs Lisp, Icon, Julia[1], PARI/GP, PicoLisp (less the optms.n), Sidef[2]<br>
Method: recursive mod maths madness - only handles the lone survivor case.
<lang Phix>function recursive(integer n, k)
return iff(n=1?1:1+mod(k-1+(recursive(n-1, k)),n))
end function</lang>

ALGOL 68, ANSI Standard BASIC, AppleScript[1,3(!!)], BASIC, Batch File, C (but not ULL), Common Lisp[1], Factor, Forth, FreeBASIC, Modula-2, Python[2], R, Racket, Ring, SequenceL, ZX Spectrum Basic<br>
Method: iterative mod maths madness - but hey, it will be extremely fast. Unlike functional, it can also deliver >1 survivor, one at a time.
<lang Phix>function iterative(integer n, k, m=0)
-- Return m-th on the reversed kill list; m=0 is final survivor.
for a = m+1 to n do
m = mod(m+k, a)
end for
return m + 1 -- (make result 1-based)
end function</lang>

Method: more iterative mod maths madness
<lang Phix>function iterative2(integer n,k,s)
integer a = k*(n-s) + 1,
olda = a
atom q = k/(k-1),
nk = n*k
while a <= nk do
olda = a
a = ceil(a*q)
end while
return nk - olda + 1 -- (make result 1-based)
end function</lang>
===test driver===
<lang Phix>--demo/rosetta/Josephus.exw
constant show_all = true,
show_slow = true,
show_skipping = false,
show_linkedlist = false,
show_sliding_queue = false,
show_contractacycle = false,
show_contractalot = false,
show_recursive = false,
show_iterative = false,
show_iterative2 = true

constant TAGSET = #01,
ITER = #02,
ITER2 = #04,
SLOW = #08,
ONES = #10

constant tests = {{41,3,1,false},

procedure test(string name, integer flags)
atom t0 = time()
integer rid = routine_id(name)
for i=1 to length(tests) do
integer {prisoners, step, survivors, slow} = tests[i]
if (not and_bits(flags,ONES) or survivors=1)
and (not slow or show_slow or not and_bits(flags,SLOW)) then
sequence res
if and_bits(flags,ONES) then
-- (recursive does not take a 3rd param)
res = {rid(prisoners,step)}
elsif and_bits(flags,TAGSET) then
res = rid(tagset(prisoners),step,survivors)
elsif and_bits(flags,ITER) then
res = {}
for s=0 to survivors-1 do
res &= rid(prisoners,step,s)
end for
elsif and_bits(flags,ITER2) then
res = {}
for s=prisoners-survivors+1 to prisoners do
res &= rid(prisoners,step,s)
end for
res = rid(prisoners,step,survivors)
end if
printf(1,"%s(%d,%d,%d) = %v\n",{name,prisoners,step,survivors,res})
end if
end for
end procedure
if show_all or show_skipping then test("skipping",TAGSET+SLOW) end if
if show_all or show_linkedlist then test("linked_list",TAGSET+SLOW) end if
if show_all or show_sliding_queue then test("sliding_queue",TAGSET+SLOW) end if
if show_all or show_contractacycle then test("contractacycle",NULL) end if
if show_all or show_contractalot then test("contractalot",NULL) end if
if show_all or show_recursive then test("recursive",ONES) end if
if show_all or show_iterative then test("iterative",ITER) end if
if show_all or show_iterative2 then test("iterative2",ITER2) end if</lang>
As shown for sliding_queue, some of the result sets are in a slightly different order, sometimes, otherwise matching output replaced by "...".
skipping(41,3,1) = {31}
skipping(41,3,3) = {16,31,35}
skipping(5,2,1) = {3}
skipping(5,4,1) = {1}
skipping(50,2,1) = {37}
skipping(60,3,1) = {41}
skipping(23482,3343,3) = {1088,1336,13318}
skipping(23482,3343,1) = {1336}
skipping(41,3,6) = {2,4,16,22,31,35}
linked_list(41,3,1) = {31}...
sliding_queue(41,3,1) = {31}...
sliding_queue(23482,3343,3) = {13318,1088,1336}
sliding_queue(41,3,6) = {31,35,2,4,16,22}
contractacycle(41,3,1) = {31}...
contractalot(41,3,1) = {31}...
recursive(41,3,1) = {31}...
iterative(41,3,1) = {31}...
iterative2(41,3,1) = {31}...