Jaro-Winkler distance: Difference between revisions

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0.1111 switch
0.1111 switch
0.1111 twitch
0.1111 twitch

{{works with|jq}}
'''Works with gojq, the Go implementation of jq'''

This entry, which uses unixdict.txt, borrows the implementation in jq of the Jaro similarity measure as defined at
[[Jaro_similarity#jq]]; since it is quite long, it is not repeated here.
<lang jq># See [[Jaro_similarity#jq]] for the implementation of jaro/2

def length_of_common_prefix($s1; $s2):
if ($s1|length) > ($s2|length) then length_of_common_prefix($s2; $s1)
else ($s1|explode) as $x1
| ($s2|explode) as $x2
| first( range(0;$x1|length) | select( $x1[.] != $x2[.] )) // ($x1|length)

# Output: the Jaro-WInkler distance using 0.1 as the common-prefix multiplier
def jaro_winkler($s1; $s2):
if $s1 == $s2 then 0
else jaro($s1; $s2) as $j
| length_of_common_prefix($s1[:4]; $s2[:4]) as $l
| 1 - ($j + 0.1 * $l * (1 - $j))
end ;

# Input: an array of words
# Output: [[match, distance] ...]
def candidates($word; $threshold):
map(jaro_winkler($word; . ) as $x | select($x <= $threshold) | [., $x] );

def lpad($len): tostring | ($len - length) as $l | (" " * $l)[:$l] + .;

def task:
[inputs] # the dictionary
| ("accomodate", "definately", "goverment​", "occured", "publically", "recieve​", "seperate", "untill", "wich​") as $word
| candidates($word; 0.15) | sort_by(.[-1]) | .[:5]
| "Matches for \($word|lpad(10)): Distance",
(.[] | "\(.[0] | lpad(21)) : \(.[-1] * 1000 | round / 1000)") ;

Invocation: jq -rRn -f program.jq unixdict.txt
Matches for accomodate: Distance
accommodate : 0.018
accordant : 0.104
accolade : 0.114
acclimate : 0.122
accompanist : 0.133
Matches for definately: Distance
define : 0.08
definite : 0.085
defiant : 0.089
definitive : 0.12
deflate : 0.127
Matches for goverment​: Distance
govern : 0.08
governor : 0.13
governess : 0.133
governance : 0.149
Matches for occured: Distance
occurred : 0.025
occur : 0.057
occurrent : 0.095
occlude : 0.106
concurred : 0.122
Matches for publically: Distance
public : 0.08
publication : 0.133
Matches for recieve​: Distance
receive : 0.063
reeve : 0.1
relieve : 0.105
recife : 0.108
recipe : 0.108
Matches for seperate: Distance
desperate : 0.079
separate : 0.092
temperate : 0.116
sept : 0.117
septate : 0.131
Matches for untill: Distance
until : 0.033
till : 0.111
huntsville : 0.133
unital : 0.142
Matches for wich​: Distance
winch : 0.107
witch : 0.107
which : 0.12
wichita : 0.126