JSON pointer: Difference between revisions

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Wherrera (talk | contribs)
Peak (talk | contribs)
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error: "bad/pointer" pointers must start with a slash or be the empty string
{{works with|jq}}
'''Also works with gojq, the Go implementation of jq.'''
The approach taken here is to piggy-back off jq's support for "array paths", that is,
JSON arrays of strings and integers representing paths in much the same way as JSON Pointer.
Note that jq's `getpath/1` cannot be used directly as it does not raise errors in the way required of JSON Pointer.
<syntaxhighlight lang="jq">
# JSON Pointer
# The characters '~' (%x7E) and '/' (%x2F) have special meanings in JSON Pointer,
# so '~' needs to be encoded as '~0'
# and '/' needs to be encoded as '~1'
# when these characters appear in a reference token.
# The JSON Pointer spec allows 0 both for indexing an array and for retrieving a key named "0".
# disambiguate($k) accordingly disambiguates $k w.r.t. `.`.
# $k should be a string or integer.
# If $k is a string and . is an object then: if has($k) then $k else null end.
# If $k is an integer and . is an array, then emit $k.
# If $k is an integer-valued string and . is an array then exit $k|tonumber.
# Otherwise emit null
def disambiguate( $k ):
if ($k|type) == "string"
then if type == "object" then $k
elif type == "array" and ($k|test("^[0-9]+$"))
then ($k|tonumber)
else null
elif ($k|type) == "number" and type == "array"
then $k
else null
# $array should be an array of strings and integers.
# Emit the disambiguated array, suitable for running getpath/1.
# Emit null if disambiguation fails at any point.
def disambiguatePath($array):
. as $in
| reduce $array[] as $x ([];
if . then . as $path
| ($in | getpath($path) | disambiguate($x)) as $y
| if $y then . + [ $y ]
else null
else .
# $p is an array as for getpath
def stepwisegetpath($p):
if ($p|length) == 0 then .
else $p[0] as $x
| if (type == "object" and ($x|type) == "string" and has($x))
or (type == "array" and ($x|type) == "number" and $x > -1 and $x < length)
then .[$x] | stepwisegetpath($p[1:])
else "JSON Pointer mismatch" | error
# getjsonpointer() is like jq's getpath() but for jsonpointer pointers,
# and an error condition is raised if there is no value at the location.
def getjsonpointer($pointer):
if $pointer == "" then .
elif $pointer[:1] != "/" then "Invalid JSON Pointer: \($pointer)" | error
else . as $in
# first decode ~1, then ~0
| ($pointer | split("/") | .[1:]
| map(gsub("~1"; "/") | gsub("~0"; "~"))) as $array
| disambiguatePath($array) as $apath
| if $apath then stepwisegetpath($apath)
else "JSON Pointer disambiguation failed: \($pointer)" | error
The Task
<syntaxhighlight lang="jq">
def check($p; $result):
if getjsonpointer($p) == $result
then empty
else "whoops: \($p)"
def checkError($p):
(try getjsonpointer($p) catch nan)
| . as $result
| if isnan then empty
else "\($p) should have raised an error but yielded \($result)"
check(""; .), # The entire input document.
check("/"; "Rosetta"),
check("/ "; "Code"),
check("/abc"; ["is", "a"]),
check("/def/"; "programming"),
check("/g~1h"; "chrestomathy"),
check("/i~0j"; "site"),
check("/wiki/links/0"; "https://rosettacode.org/wiki/Rosetta_Code"),
check("/wiki/links/1"; "https://discord.com/channels/1011262808001880065"),
Nothing, by design.