Isograms and heterograms: Difference between revisions

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<syntaxhighlight lang="applescript">use AppleScript version "2.3.1" -- Mac OS X 10.9 (Mavericks) or later.
use sorter : script ¬
"Custom Iterative Ternary Merge Sort" -- <>
use scripting additions

-- Return the n number of an n-isogram or 0 for a non-isogram.
on isogramicity(wrd)
set chrCount to (count wrd)
if (chrCount < 2) then return chrCount
set chrs to wrd's characters
tell sorter to sort(chrs, 1, chrCount, {})
set i to 1
set currentChr to chrs's beginning
repeat with j from 2 to chrCount
set testChr to chrs's item j
if (testChr ≠ currentChr) then
if (i = 1) then
set n to j - i -- First character's instance count.
else if (j - i ≠ n) then
return 0 -- Instance count mismatch.
end if
set i to j
set currentChr to testChr
end if
end repeat
if (i = 1) then return chrCount -- All characters the same.
if (chrCount - i + 1 ≠ n) then return 0 -- Mismatch with last character.
return n
end isogramicity

on task()
script o
property wrds : paragraphs of ¬
(read file ((path to desktop as text) & "unixdict.txt") as «class utf8»)
property isograms : {{}, {}, {}, {}, {}} -- Allow for up to 5-isograms.
-- Sort customisation handler to order the words as required.
on isGreater(a, b)
set ca to (count a)
set cb to (count b)
if (ca = cb) then return (a > b)
return (ca < cb)
end isGreater
end script
ignoring case -- A mere formality. It's the default and unixdict.txt is single-cased anyway!
repeat with i from 1 to (count o's wrds)
set thisWord to o's wrds's item i
set n to isogramicity(thisWord)
if (n > 0) then set end of o's isograms's item n to thisWord
end repeat
repeat with thisList in o's isograms
tell sorter to sort(thisList, 1, -1, {comparer:o})
end repeat
end ignoring
set output to {"N-isograms where n > 1:"}
set n_isograms to {}
repeat with i from (count o's isograms) to 2 by -1
set n_isograms to n_isograms & o's isograms's item i
end repeat
set wpl to 6 -- Words per line.
repeat with i from 1 to (count n_isograms)
set n_isograms's item i to text 1 thru 10 of ((n_isograms's item i) & " ")
set wtg to i mod wpl -- Words to go to in this line.
if (wtg = 0) then set end of output to join(n_isograms's items (i - wpl + 1) thru i, "")
end repeat
if (wtg > 0) then set end of output to join(n_isograms's items -wtg thru i, "")
set end of output to linefeed & "Heterograms with more than 10 characters:"
set n_isograms to o's isograms's beginning
set wpl to 4
repeat with i from 1 to (count n_isograms)
set thisWord to n_isograms's item i
if ((count thisWord) < 11) then exit repeat
set n_isograms's item i to text 1 thru 15 of (thisWord & " ")
set wtg to i mod wpl
if (wtg = 0) then set end of output to join(n_isograms's items (i - wpl + 1) thru i, "")
end repeat
if (wtg > 0) then set end of output to join(n_isograms's items (i - wtg) thru (i - 1), "")
return join(output, linefeed)
end task

on join(lst, delim)
set astid to AppleScript's text item delimiters
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to delim
set txt to lst as text
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to astid
return txt
end join


<syntaxhighlight lang="applescript">"N-isograms where n > 1:
aaa iii beriberi bilabial caucasus couscous
teammate appall emmett hannah murmur tartar
testes anna coco dada deed dodo
gogo isis juju lulu mimi noon
otto papa peep poop teet tete
toot tutu ii

Heterograms with more than 10 characters:
ambidextrous bluestocking exclusionary incomputable
lexicography loudspeaking malnourished atmospheric
blameworthy centrifugal christendom consumptive
countervail countryside countrywide disturbance
documentary earthmoving exculpatory geophysical
inscrutable misanthrope problematic selfadjoint
stenography sulfonamide switchblade switchboard
switzerland thunderclap valedictory voluntarism "</syntaxhighlight>
