Isograms and heterograms: Difference between revisions

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(Added Quackery.)
Line 796:
valedictory 1 11
voluntarism 1 11
<syntaxhighlight lang="Quackery">
[ [] ]'[
rot witheach
[ dup nested
unrot over do
iff [ dip join ]
else nip ]
drop ] is filter ( [ --> [ )
[ 0 127 of
swap witheach
[ upper 2dup peek
1+ unrot poke ]
[] swap witheach
[ dup iff join else drop ]
dup [] = iff [ drop 0 ] done
behead swap witheach
[ over != if
[ drop 0 conclude ] ] ] is isogram ( [ --> n )
$ "rosetta/unixdict.txt" sharefile
drop nest$ dup
filter [ isogram 1 > ]
sortwith [ size dip size < ]
sortwith [ isogram dip isogram < ]
60 wrap$
filter [ size 10 > ]
filter [ isogram 1 = ]
sortwith [ size dip size < ]
60 wrap$
<pre>aaa iii beriberi bilabial caucasus couscous teammate appall
emmett hannah murmur tartar testes anna coco dada deed dodo
gogo isis juju lulu mimi noon otto papa peep poop teet tete
toot tutu ii
ambidextrous bluestocking exclusionary incomputable
lexicography loudspeaking malnourished atmospheric
blameworthy centrifugal christendom consumptive countervail
countryside countrywide disturbance documentary earthmoving
exculpatory geophysical inscrutable misanthrope problematic
selfadjoint stenography sulfonamide switchblade switchboard
switzerland thunderclap valedictory voluntarism