Interactive help: Difference between revisions

julia example
(julia example)
Line 191:
tails BOOL Returned only tail of path.
types STRKEY Filter files to include type: one or more of chars 'fdlpsbc' for file, directory, link, etc.</pre>
When Julia is run without a program file as argument, the REPL (Read-Evaluate-Print Loop) runs. Entering a ? at the prompt brings up help, with help on a topic printer if the topic name is preceded by ? at the prompt.
<lang julia>
> julia
_ _ _(_)_ | Documentation:
(_) | (_) (_) |
_ _ _| |_ __ _ | Type "?" for help, "]?" for Pkg help.
| | | | | | |/ _` | |
| | |_| | | | (_| | | Version 1.1.1 (2019-05-16)
_/ |\__'_|_|_|\__'_| | Official release
|__/ |
search: ⊻ ⊋ ⊊ ⊉ ⊈ ⊇ ⊆ ≥ ≤ ≢ ≡ ≠ ≉ ≈ ∪ ∩ ∛ √ ∘ ∌ ∋ ∉ ∈ ℯ π ÷ ~ | ^ \ > < : / - + * & % ! if do IO |> rm pi mv in im fd cp
Welcome to Julia 1.1.1. The full manual is available at
as well as many great tutorials and learning resources:
For help on a specific function or macro, type ? followed by its name, e.g. ?cos, or ?@time, and press enter. Type ;
to enter shell mode, ] to enter package mode.
help?> function
search: function Function functionloc @functionloc @cfunction
Functions are defined with the function keyword:
function add(a, b)
return a + b
Or the short form notation:
add(a, b) = a + b
The use of the return keyword is exactly the same as in other languages, but is often optional. A function without
an explicit return statement will return the last expression in the function body.
