Increment a numerical string: Difference between revisions

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Nbdsp (talk | contribs)
Nig (talk | contribs)
→‎{{header|AppleScript}}: Added AppleScriptObjC solution.
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Preserving the distinction between real and integer strings, and allowing for strings containing non-numeric tokens and/or multiple numeric expressions. Provides an option to either retain or prune out any non-numeric tokens in the string:
Preserving the distinction between real and integer strings, and allowing for strings containing non-numeric tokens and/or multiple numeric expressions. Provides an option to either retain or prune out any non-numeric tokens in the string:
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<pre>42 1492.3 -0.5 137
<pre>42 1492.3 -0.5 137
42 pine martens in 1492.3 -0.5 mushrooms ≠ 137</pre>
42 pine martens in 1492.3 -0.5 mushrooms ≠ 137</pre>

The task description's delightfully unspecific about what's meant by "increment" ("add 1" as in C-related languages or "add a certain amount" as in English?) and what's meant by "numerical string" with regard to format, number type, locale, and base. This attempts to cover most bases — except for base itself, which is strictly decimal here.

<syntaxhighlight lang="applescript">use AppleScript version "2.4" -- OS X 10.10 (Yosemite) or later
use framework "Foundation"

-- Using the machine's own locale setting.
on incrementNumericalString:str byAmount:incrementSize
set localeID to current application's class "NSLocale"'s currentLocale()'s localeIdentifier()
return my incrementNumericalString:str byAmount:incrementSize localeID:localeID
end incrementNumericalString:byAmount:

-- Including a locale ID as a parameter.
on incrementNumericalString:str byAmount:incrementSize localeID:localeID
set |⌘| to current application
set str to |⌘|'s class "NSString"'s stringWithString:(str)
set locale to |⌘|'s class "NSLocale"'s localeWithLocaleIdentifier:(localeID)
-- We'll use an NSNumberFormatter to generate NSDecimalNumber objects for the math
-- as its string conversion methods are more flexible than NSDecimalNumber's own.
tell |⌘|'s class "NSNumberFormatter"'s new()
its setGeneratesDecimalNumbers:(true)
its setLocale:(locale)
set eRange to str's rangeOfString:("[Ee]") options:(|⌘|'s NSRegularExpressionSearch)
if (eRange's |length|() > 0) then
-- "E" or "e" in the input string. Set the output style to "scientific".
its setNumberStyle:(|⌘|'s NSNumberFormatterScientificStyle)
set e to str's substringWithRange:(eRange)
its setExponentSymbol:(e) -- Same case as the original.
-- Straight base 10 numerical text, with or without separators as per the input and locale.
its setNumberStyle:(|⌘|'s NSNumberFormatterDecimalStyle)
set groupingSeparator to locale's objectForKey:(|⌘|'s NSLocaleGroupingSeparator)
its setUsesGroupingSeparator:(str's containsString:(groupingSeparator))
end if
-- Generate and add the NSDecimalNumbers and convert the result back to NSString.
set decNum to its numberFromString:(str)
set increment to its numberFromString:(incrementSize as text)
set output to its stringFromNumber:(decNum's decimalNumberByAdding:(increment))
end tell
-- If the input style's scientific and has a "+" after the "E" or "e" , insert a "+" at that point
-- in the output if there's no sign there already. NSNumberFormatter only includes minus signs.
if ((eRange's |length|() > 0) and ((str's containsString:((e as text) & "+")) as boolean)) then ¬
set output to output's stringByReplacingOccurrencesOfString:("(?<=[Ee])(?=\\d)") withString:("+") ¬
options:(|⌘|'s NSRegularExpressionSearch) range:({0, output's |length|()})
return output as text -- Return as AppleScript text.
end incrementNumericalString:byAmount:localeID:

return {¬
(my incrementNumericalString:"12345" byAmount:1), ¬
(my incrementNumericalString:"999,999,999,999,999" byAmount:5), ¬
(my incrementNumericalString:"-1.23" byAmount:10 localeID:"en"), ¬
(my incrementNumericalString:"-1,23E+0" byAmount:"10" localeID:"fr_FR") ¬

<syntaxhighlight lang="applescript">{"12346", "1,000,000,000,000,004", "8.77", "8,77E+0"}</syntaxhighlight>

=={{header|ARM Assembly}}==
=={{header|ARM Assembly}}==