Inconsummate numbers in base 10: Difference between revisions

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The 1000th inconsummate number: 6996</pre>
<syntaxhighlight lang="applescript">on inconsummateNumbers(numberRequired)
set limit to numberRequired * 1000 -- Seems to be enough.
script o
property lst : makeList(limit, true)
end script
repeat with n from 11 to limit -- 1 to 10 obviously can't be inconsummate.
set digitSum to n mod 10
set temp to n div 10
repeat while (temp > 9)
set digitSum to digitSum + temp mod 10
set temp to temp div 10
end repeat
set digitSum to digitSum + temp
tell (n div digitSum) to if (it = n / digitSum) then set o's lst's item it to false
end repeat
set i to 0
repeat with n from 11 to limit
if (o's lst's item n) then
set i to i + 1
set o's lst's item i to n
if (i = numberRequired) then return o's lst's items 1 thru i
end if
end repeat
return {}
end inconsummateNumbers
on makeList(limit, filler)
if (limit < 1) then return {}
script o
property lst : {filler}
end script
set counter to 1
repeat until (counter + counter > limit)
set o's lst to o's lst & o's lst
set counter to counter + counter
end repeat
if (counter < limit) then set o's lst to o's lst & o's lst's items 1 thru (limit - counter)
return o's lst
end makeList
on join(lst, delim)
set astid to AppleScript's text item delimiters
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to delim
set txt to lst as text
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to astid
return txt
end join
on task()
script o
property inconsummates : inconsummateNumbers(100000)
end script
set output to {"First 50 inconsummate numbers:"}
set row to {}
repeat with i from 1 to 50
set row's end to text -5 thru -1 of (" " & o's inconsummates's item i)
if (i mod 10 = 0) then
set output's end to join(row, "")
set row to {}
end if
end repeat
set output's end to linefeed & "1,000th inconsummate number: " & o's inconsummates's item 1000
set output's end to "10,000th inconsummate number: " & o's inconsummates's item 10000
set output's end to "100,000th inconsummate number: " & o's inconsummates's end
return join(output, linefeed)
end task
<syntaxhighlight lang="applescript">"First 50 inconsummate numbers:
62 63 65 75 84 95 161 173 195 216
261 266 272 276 326 371 372 377 381 383
386 387 395 411 416 422 426 431 432 438
441 443 461 466 471 476 482 483 486 488
491 492 493 494 497 498 516 521 522 527
1,000th inconsummate number: 6996
10,000th inconsummate number: 59853
100,000th inconsummate number: 536081"</syntaxhighlight>