Include a file: Difference between revisions

(Added Modula-3)
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The REXX Compiler for CMS and TSO supports a directive to include program text before compiling the program
<lang rexx>/*%INCLUDE member */</lang>
===Including a file at time of execution===
On the other hand, since REXX is a dynamic language, you can (mis)use some file IO and the INTERPRET statement to include another source file:
<lang rexx>
/* Include a file and INTERPRET it; this code uses ARexx file IO BIFs */
say 'This is a program running.'
if Open(other,'SYS:Rexxc/otherprogram.rexx','READ') THEN DO
say 'Now we opened a file with another chunk of code. Let's read it into a variable.'
do until EOF(other)
othercode=ReadLn(other) || ';'
call Close(other)
say 'Now we run it as part of our program.'
interpret othercode
say 'The usual program resumes here.'
exit 0
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