Image noise: Difference between revisions

added ocaml
(added ocaml)
Line 242:
With this revision, on my laptop, I typically get in the range of 58..59 FPS, with a cpu load of about 3% (so I am probably limited by v-sync, and if I tuned my opengl drivers I perhaps could get significantly faster fps?).
with the ocaml-sdl bindings
<lang ocaml>let frames =
{ contents = 0 }
let t_acc =
{ contents = 0 }
let last_t =
{ contents = Sdltimer.get_ticks () }
let print_fps () =
let t = Sdltimer.get_ticks () in
let dt = t - !last_t in
t_acc := !t_acc + dt;
if !t_acc > 1000 then begin
let el_time = !t_acc / 1000 in
"- fps: %g\n%!"
(float !frames /. float el_time);
t_acc := 0;
frames := 0;
last_t := t
let blit_noise surf =
let ba = Sdlvideo.pixel_data_8 surf in
let dim = Bigarray.Array1.dim ba in
let rec aux () =
for i = 0 to pred dim do
ba.{i} <- if Random.bool () then max_int else 0
Sdlvideo.flip surf;
incr frames;
print_fps ();
aux ()
aux ()
let blit_noise surf =
try blit_noise surf
with _ -> Sdl.quit ()
let () =
Sdl.init [`VIDEO; `TIMER];
let surf =
~w:640 ~h:480 ~bpp:8
Sys.catch_break true;
blit_noise surf</lang>