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About 59 frames/second on Firefox 4.
About 59 frames/second on Firefox 4.

<lang scala>// version 1.2.10

import java.awt.*
import java.awt.event.*
import java.awt.image.*
import java.util.Random
import javax.swing.*

class ImageNoise {
var framecount = 0
var fps = 0
lateinit var image: BufferedImage
val kernel: Kernel
lateinit var cop: ConvolveOp
val frame = JFrame("Java Image Noise")

val panel = object : JPanel() {
private var showFps = 0 // 0 = blur + FPS; 1 = FPS only; 2 = neither
private val ma = object : MouseAdapter() {
override fun mouseClicked(e: MouseEvent) {
showFps = (showFps + 1) % 3

init {
preferredSize = Dimension(320, 240)

override fun paintComponent(g1: Graphics) {
val g = g1 as Graphics2D
g.drawImage(image, 0, 0, null)
if (showFps == 0) {
// add blur behind FPS
val xblur = width - 130
val yblur = height - 32
val bc = image.getSubimage(xblur, yblur, 115, 32)
val bs = BufferedImage(
bc.width, bc.height, BufferedImage.TYPE_BYTE_GRAY
cop.filter(bc, bs)
g.drawImage(bs, xblur, yblur, null)
if (showFps <= 1) {
// add FPS text
g.color = Color.RED
g.font = Font("Monospaced", Font.BOLD, 20)
g.drawString("FPS: $fps", width - 120, height - 10)

// Timer to trigger update display, with 1 ms delay
val repainter = Timer(1, object: ActionListener {
override fun actionPerformed(e: ActionEvent) = panel.repaint()

// Timer to check FPS, once per second
val framerateChecker = Timer(1000, object : ActionListener {
override fun actionPerformed(e: ActionEvent) {
fps = framecount
framecount = 0

init {
// Intitalize kernel describing blur, and convolve operation based on this
val vals = FloatArray(121) { 1.0f / 121.0f }
kernel = Kernel(11, 11, vals)
cop = ConvolveOp(kernel, ConvolveOp.EDGE_NO_OP, null)

// Initialize frame and timers
with (frame) {
defaultCloseOperation = JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE
isVisible = true

fun drawNoise() {
val w = panel.width
val h = panel.height

// Check if our image is initialized or window has been resized,
// requiring new image
if (!this::image.isInitialized || image.width != w || image.height != h) {
image = BufferedImage(w, h, BufferedImage.TYPE_BYTE_GRAY)
val rand = Random()
val data = IntArray(w * h)
// Each int has 32 bits so we can use each bit for a different pixel
// - much faster
for (x in 0 until w * h / 32) {
var r = rand.nextInt()
for (i in 0..31) {
data[x * 32 + i] = (r and 1) * Int.MAX_VALUE
r = r ushr 1
// Copy raw data to the image's raster
image.raster.setPixels(0, 0, w, h, data)

fun main(args: Array<String>) {
// Invoke GUI on the Event Dispatching Thread
SwingUtilities.invokeLater(object: Runnable {
override fun run() {

Similar to Java entry

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