I before E except after C: Difference between revisions

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(→‎{{header|Wren}}: Doh, 7 'awkward' words in fact.)
(→‎{{header|Wren}}: Added stretch goal.)
Line 3,419: Line 3,419:
Cases against : 24
Cases against : 24
Ratio for/agst : 0.54
Ratio for/agst : 0.54
Plausible : no

Plausible overall: no

And the code and results for the 'stretch goal' which has just the one double-counted word:

<lang ecmascript>import "io" for File
import "/pattern" for Pattern
import "/fmt" for Fmt

var yesNo = Fn.new { |b| (b) ? "yes" : "no" }

var plausRatio = 2

var count1 = 0 // [^c]ie
var count2 = 0 // [^c]ei
var count3 = 0 // cie
var count4 = 0 // cei
var count5 = 0 // ^ie
var count6 = 0 // ^ei

var p0 = Pattern.new("+1/s")
var p1 = Pattern.new("^cie")
var p2 = Pattern.new("^cei")

var entries = File.read("corpus.txt").split("\n").map { |w| w.trim() }.where { |w| w != "" }
System.print("The following words fall into more than one category")
System.print("and so are counted more than their frequency:")
for (entry in entries.skip(1)) {
var items = p0.splitAll(entry)
if (items.count == 3) {
var word = items[0] // leave any trailing * in place
var freq = Num.fromString(items[2])
var tc1 = count1 + count2 + count3 + count4 + count5 + count6
if (p1.isMatch(word)) count1 = count1 + freq
if (p2.isMatch(word)) count2 = count2 + freq
if (word.contains("cie")) count3 = count3 + freq
if (word.contains("cei")) count4 = count4 + freq
if (word.startsWith("ie")) count5 = count5 + freq
if (word.startsWith("ei")) count6 = count6 + freq
var tc2 = count1 + count2 + count3 + count4 + count5 + count6
if ((tc2 -tc1) > freq) System.print(" " + word)

System.print("\nChecking plausability of \"i before e except after c\":")
var nFor = count1 + count5
var nAgst = count2 + count6
var ratio = nFor / nAgst
var plaus = (ratio > plausRatio)
Fmt.print(" Cases for : $d", nFor)
Fmt.print(" Cases against : $d", nAgst)
Fmt.print(" Ratio for/agst : $4.2f", ratio)
Fmt.print(" Plausible : $s", yesNo.call(plaus))

System.print("\nChecking plausability of \"e before i when preceded by c\":")
var ratio2 = count4 / count3
var plaus2 = (ratio2 > plausRatio)
Fmt.print(" Cases for : $d", count4)
Fmt.print(" Cases against : $d", count3)
Fmt.print(" Ratio for/agst : $4.2f", ratio2)
Fmt.print(" Plausible : $s", yesNo.call(plaus2))

Fmt.print("\nPlausible overall: $s", yesNo.call(plaus && plaus2))</lang>

The following words fall into more than one category
and so are counted more than their frequency:

Checking plausability of "i before e except after c":
Cases for : 8192
Cases against : 4826
Ratio for/agst : 1.70
Plausible : no

Checking plausability of "e before i when preceded by c":
Cases for : 327
Cases against : 994
Ratio for/agst : 0.33
Plausible : no
Plausible : no