I before E except after C: Difference between revisions

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m →‎{{header|C}}: Included the "overall, the rule is ... something" statement in the output.
Line 55:
return 0;
Please find the linux build instructions along with example run in the comments at the beginning of the f90 source. Thank you.
<lang FORTRAN>
!-*- mode: compilation; default-directory: "/tmp/" -*-
!Compilation started at Sat May 18 22:19:19
!a=./F && make $a && $a < unixdict.txt
!f95 -Wall -ffree-form F.F -o F
! ie ei cie cei
! 490 230 24 13
! [^c]ie plausible
! cei implausible
! ([^c]ie)|(cei) implausible
!Compilation finished at Sat May 18 22:19:19
! test the plausibility of i before e except...
program cia
implicit none
character (len=256) :: s
integer :: ie, ei, cie, cei
integer :: ios
data ie, ei, cie, cei/4*0/
do while (.true.)
read(5,*,iostat = ios)s
if (0 .ne. ios) then
call lower_case(s)
cie = cie + occurrences(s, 'cie')
cei = cei + occurrences(s, 'cei')
ie = ie + occurrences(s, 'ie')
ei = ei + occurrences(s, 'ei')
write(6,'(1x,4(a4,1x))') 'ie','ei','cie','cei'
write(6,'(1x,4(i4,1x))') ie,ei,cie,cei ! 488 230 24 13
write(6,'(1x,2(a,1x))') ' [^c]ie',plausibility(ie,ei)
write(6,'(1x,2(a,1x))') ' cei',plausibility(cei,cie)
write(6,'(1x,2(a,1x))') '([^c]ie)|(cei)',plausibility(ie+cei,ei+cie)
subroutine lower_case(s)
character(len=*), intent(inout) :: s
integer :: i
do i=1, len_trim(s)
s(i:i) = achar(ior(iachar(s(i:i)),32))
end subroutine lower_case
integer function occurrences(a,b)
character(len=*), intent(in) :: a, b
integer :: i, j, n
n = 0
i = 0
j = index(a, b)
do while (0 .lt. j)
n = n+1
i = i+len(b)+j-1
j = index(a(i:), b)
end do
occurrences = n
end function occurrences
character*(32) function plausibility(da, nyet)
integer, intent(in) :: da, nyet
if (nyet*2 .lt. da) then
plausibility = 'plausible'
plausibility = 'implausible'
end function plausibility
end program cia