I before E except after C: Difference between revisions

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'I before E when not preceded by C' is plausible with evidence 2.147465
'E before I when preceded by C' is not plausible with evidence 0.541667</pre>
<lang draco>\util.g
/* variables to hold totals for each possibility */
word cie, xie, cei, xei;
/* classify a word and add it to the proper total */
proc nonrec classify(*char w) void:
if CharsIndex(w, "ie") /= -1 then
if CharsIndex(w, "cie") /= -1
then cie := cie + 1
else xie := xie + 1
elif CharsIndex(w, "ei") /= -1 then
if CharsIndex(w, "cei") /= -1
then cei := cei + 1
else xei := xei + 1
/* see if a clause is plausible */
proc nonrec plausible(*char clause; word match, nomatch) bool:
bool p;
p := 2*match > nomatch;
writeln(clause, ": ", if p then "" else "not " fi, "plausible.");
proc nonrec main() void:
file() dict_file;
channel input text dict_ch;
[256] char line;
bool p;
cie := 0;
xie := 0;
cei := 0;
xei := 0;
/* read every word */
open(dict_ch, dict_file, "unixdict.txt");
while readln(dict_ch; &line[0]) do
/* print statistics */
writeln("CIE: ", cie:5);
writeln("xIE: ", xie:5);
writeln("CEI: ", cei:5);
writeln("xEI: ", xei:5);
/* see if the propositions are plausible */
p := plausible("I before E when not preceded by C", xie, cie);
p := plausible("E before I when preceded by C", cei, xei) and p;
writeln("I before E except after C: ",
if p then "" else "not " fi,
<pre>CIE: 24
xIE: 465
CEI: 13
xEI: 209
I before E when not preceded by C: plausible.
E before I when preceded by C: not plausible.
I before E except after C: not plausible.</pre>
