IRC gateway

Revision as of 20:12, 20 August 2011 by rosettacode>Markhobley (omissions)

Create an IRC Gateway capable of connecting an IRC server with another IRC server or Chat server

IRC gateway is a draft programming task. It is not yet considered ready to be promoted as a complete task, for reasons that should be found in its talk page.


This code is called as a complete script, perhaps like this: <lang sh>./ircgateway.tcl irc:// bait irc:// botfly</lang>

Library: Tcllib (Package: picoirc)

<lang tcl>#!/bin/env tclsh8.5 package require picoirc

      1. Parse script arguments
  1. URL form: irc://

if {$argc != 4} {

   puts stderr "wrong # args: should be \"$argv0 ircA nickA ircB nickB\""
   exit 1

} lassign $argv url1 nick1 url2 nick2

      1. How to do the forwarding from one side to the other

proc handle {from to -> state args} {

   upvar #0 conn($from) f conn($to) t chan($to) chan
   switch -exact -- $state {

"chat" { lassign $args target nick message type if {![string match "*>>*<<*" $message]} { picoirc::post $t $chan ">>$nick said<< $message" } } "traffic" { lassign $args action channel nick newnick switch -exact -- $action { "entered" - "left" { picoirc::post $t $chan ">>$nick has $action<<" } } } "close" { exit }



      1. Connect and run the event loop

set chan(1) [lindex [picoirc::splituri $url1] 2] set chan(2) [lindex [picoirc::splituri $url1] 2] interp alias {} handle1to2 {} handle 1 2 interp alias {} handle2to1 {} handle 2 1 set conn(1) [picoirc::connect handle1to2 $nick1 $url1] set conn(2) [picoirc::connect handle2to1 $nick2 $url2] vwait forever</lang>