Hunt the Wumpus: Difference between revisions

add swift version of hunt the wumpus
(add swift version of hunt the wumpus)
Line 4,914:
<lang swift>
import Foundation
//All rooms in cave
var cave: [Int:[Int]] = [
1: [2, 3, 4],
2: [1, 5, 6],
3: [1, 7, 8],
4: [1, 9, 10],
5: [2, 9, 11],
6: [2, 7, 12],
7: [3, 6, 13],
8: [3, 10, 14],
9: [4, 5, 15],
10: [4, 8, 16],
11: [5, 12, 17],
12: [6, 11, 18],
13: [7, 14, 18],
14: [8, 13, 19],
15: [9, 16, 17],
16: [10, 15, 19],
17: [11, 20, 15],
18: [12, 13, 20],
19: [14, 16, 20],
20: [17, 18, 19]
// initialize curr room, wumpus's room, bats room
var player: Int = 0, wumpus: Int = 0, bat1:Int = 0, bat2:Int = 0, pit1:Int = 0, pit2:Int = 0
//number of arrows left
var arrows = 5
//check if room is empty
func isEmpty(r:Int)->Bool {
if r != player &&
r != wumpus &&
r != bat1 &&
r != bat2 &&
r != pit1 &&
r != pit2 {
return true
return false
//sense if theres bat/pit/wumpus in adjacent rooms
func sense(adj: [Int]) {
var bat = false
var pit = false
for ar in adj {
if ar == wumpus {
print("You smell something terrible nearby.")
switch ar {
case bat1, bat2:
if !bat {
print("You hear rustling.")
bat = true
case pit1, pit2:
if !pit {
print("You feel a cold wind blowing from a nearby cavern.")
pit = true
//check if there are more than 1 arrow then add plural to arrow message
func plural(n: Int)->String {
if n != 1 {
return "s"
return ""
func game() {
//set current room to 1, start the game
player = 1
//wumpus, bats, pits will be in a random room - except start room
wumpus = Int.random(in: 2..<21)
bat1 = Int.random(in: 2..<21)
//bat2 must be in different room to bat1
while true {
bat2 = Int.random(in: 2..<21)
if bat2 != bat1 {
//pit1 and pit2 must be in different rooms from bats and each other
while true {
pit1 = Int.random(in: 2..<21)
if pit1 != bat1 && pit1 != bat2 {
while true {
pit2 = Int.random(in: 0..<21)
if pit2 != bat1 && pit2 != bat2 && pit2 != pit1 {
//player session
while true {
print("\nYou are in room \(player) with \(arrows) arrow\(plural(n: arrows)) left\n")
//list of adjacent rooms
let adj = cave[player]!
print("The adjacent rooms are \(adj)\n")
//check adjacent rooms
sense(adj: adj)
//variable to keep track of next room player gonna choose
var room: Int?
while true {
print("Choose an adjacent room: ")
//validate the room player choose
if let roomInput = Int(readLine()!) {
room = roomInput
if !adj.contains(room!) {
print("\ninvalid response, try again\n")
print("The adjacent rooms are \(adj)\n")
} else {
} else {
print("\ninvalid response, try again\n")
print("The adjacent rooms are \(adj)\n")
//initialize variable to store user input/action(shoot or walk)
var action: String = ""
//player action
while true {
print("Walk or shoot w/s: ")
//validate the action player choose
if var reply = readLine() {
reply = reply.lowercased()
if reply.count != 1 || (reply.count == 1 && Array(reply)[0] != "w" && Array(reply)[0] != "s") {
print("Invalid response, try again")
} else {
//if valid store the action
action = Array(arrayLiteral: reply)[0]
} else {
print("Invalid response, try again")
if action == "w" {
//if walk, set current room to selected room
player = room!
switch player {
//if the selected room is wumpus/pit, player lose
case wumpus:
print("You have been eaten by the wumpus and lost the game")
case pit1, pit2:
print("You have fallen down a bottomless pit and lost the game!")
//if the room has bat, player got transport to a random empty room
case bat1, bat2:
while true {
room = Int.random(in: 2..<21)
if isEmpty(r: room!) {
print("A bat has transported you to a random empty room.")
} else {
//if player shoot to wumpus room, player win
if room == wumpus {
print("You have killed the wumpus and won the game!!")
} else {
//chance player will miss the room with wumpus, wumpus will move to a different room
let chance = Int.random(in: 0..<4)
if chance > 0 {
wumpus = cave[wumpus]![Int.random(in: 0..<3)]
//if the room is the player room, player lost
if player == wumpus {
print("You have been eaten by the wumpus and lost the game!")
//reduce arrow after shoot
if arrows == 0 {
print("You have run out of arrows and lost the game!")
