Hunt the Wumpus: Difference between revisions

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See [[Hunt_The_Wumpus/Rust]].
<lang shale>
// This is an implementation of the old game called Hunt the Wumpus.
// You can read about it here:
// Here's a quick summary:
// You are in a maze of 20 rooms, numbered 1 through 20. Each room is connected to
// 3 other rooms. There is no light in the maze, and the game will tell you which
// rooms are connected to the one you're in. The maze layout and numbering is the
// same for every game. At the time of writing, the Wikipedia page above has an
// image showing the layout and numbering.
// In the maze is a Wumpus, 2 bottomless pits and 2 super bats. You will die if you
// are in the same room as the Wumpus or if you fall into one of the pits.
// If you enter a room where a super bat is you will be transported to another
// random room.
// You can move about the maze by entering one of the connecting rooms.
// If a connecting room contains the Wumpus, a pit or a super bat, the game
// will let you know that they are around but not which room they are in.
// To win you need to kill the Wumpus. You have 5 arrows at your disposal that
// may be shot through up to 5 connected rooms, and if your arrow passes through
// the room containing the Wumpus then it dies and you win. If your arrow
// misses it will wake the Wumpus up and it will move randomly through the maze.
maths library
file library
string library
playerRoom var
wumpusRoom var
pit1Room var
pit2Room var
bat1Room var
bat2Room var
arrows var
wumpusIsAwake var
showStats var
statPlayer var
statWumpus var
statPit var
statArrow var
haveWon var
haveDied var
// Initialises the maze.
init dup var {
i dup var 1 =
{ i 20 <= } {
0 i.value:: room:: var
1 i.value:: room:: var
2 i.value:: room:: var
} while
0 1:: room:: 2 =
1 1:: room:: 5 =
2 1:: room:: 8 =
0 2:: room:: 1 =
1 2:: room:: 3 =
2 2:: room:: 10 =
0 3:: room:: 2 =
1 3:: room:: 4 =
2 3:: room:: 12 =
0 4:: room:: 3 =
1 4:: room:: 5 =
2 4:: room:: 14 =
0 5:: room:: 1 =
1 5:: room:: 4 =
2 5:: room:: 6 =
0 6:: room:: 5 =
1 6:: room:: 7 =
2 6:: room:: 15 =
0 7:: room:: 6 =
1 7:: room:: 8 =
2 7:: room:: 17 =
0 8:: room:: 1 =
1 8:: room:: 7 =
2 8:: room:: 9 =
0 9:: room:: 8 =
1 9:: room:: 10 =
2 9:: room:: 18 =
0 10:: room:: 2 =
1 10:: room:: 9 =
2 10:: room:: 11 =
0 11:: room:: 10 =
1 11:: room:: 12 =
2 11:: room:: 19 =
0 12:: room:: 3 =
1 12:: room:: 11 =
2 12:: room:: 13 =
0 13:: room:: 12 =
1 13:: room:: 14 =
2 13:: room:: 20 =
0 14:: room:: 4 =
1 14:: room:: 13 =
2 14:: room:: 15 =
0 15:: room:: 6 =
1 15:: room:: 14 =
2 15:: room:: 16 =
0 16:: room:: 15 =
1 16:: room:: 17 =
2 16:: room:: 20 =
0 17:: room:: 7 =
1 17:: room:: 16 =
2 17:: room:: 18 =
0 18:: room:: 9 =
1 18:: room:: 17 =
2 18:: room:: 19 =
0 19:: room:: 11 =
1 19:: room:: 18 =
2 19:: room:: 20 =
0 20:: room:: 13 =
1 20:: room:: 16 =
2 20:: room:: 19 =
} =
// Couple of funciton to return various random numbers needed
// for different tasks.
getRandomRoom dup var {
random maths::() 8 >> 20 % 1 +
} =
getRandomConnectingRoom dup var {
random maths::() 12 >> 3 % swap :: room:: value
} =
getRandomWumpusMove dup var {
random maths::() 8 >> 4 % 0 > // 3 in 4 chance the Wumpus moves.
} =
// Randomise the starting locations.
chooseStartingRooms dup var {
playerRoom getRandomRoom() =
wumpusRoom getRandomRoom() =
{ wumpusRoom playerRoom == } {
wumpusRoom getRandomRoom() =
} while
pit1Room getRandomRoom() =
pit1Room playerRoom == { pit1Room wumpusRoom == } or {
pit1Room getRandomRoom() =
} ifthen
pit2Room getRandomRoom() =
pit2Room playerRoom == { pit2Room wumpusRoom == { pit2Room pit1Room == } or } or {
pit2Room getRandomRoom() =
} ifthen
bat1Room getRandomRoom() =
bat1Room playerRoom == { bat1Room wumpusRoom == } or {
bat1Room getRandomRoom() =
} ifthen
bat2Room getRandomRoom() =
bat2Room playerRoom == { bat2Room wumpusRoom == { bat2Room bat1Room == } or } or {
bat2Room getRandomRoom() =
} ifthen
} =
// Details the connected rooms and whether the Wumpus, a pit or a bat is in a connected room.
showPlayerRoom dup var {
pitNearby dup var false =
batsNearby dup var false =
2 playerRoom.value:: room:: 1 playerRoom.value:: room:: 0 playerRoom.value:: room:: playerRoom "You are in room %d, with connections to rooms %d, %d and %d\n" printf
0 playerRoom.value:: room:: wumpusRoom == { 1 playerRoom.value:: room:: wumpusRoom == { 2 playerRoom.value:: room:: wumpusRoom == } or } or {
"You smell a dreadful stench!" println
} ifthen
0 playerRoom.value:: room:: pit1Room == { 1 playerRoom.value:: room:: pit1Room == { 2 playerRoom.value:: room:: pit1Room == } or } or {
pitNearby true =
} ifthen
pitNearby not {
0 playerRoom.value:: room:: pit2Room == { 1 playerRoom.value:: room:: pit2Room == { 2 playerRoom.value:: room:: pit2Room == } or } or {
pitNearby true =
} ifthen
} ifthen
pitNearby {
"You feel a draft." println
} ifthen
0 playerRoom.value:: room:: bat1Room == { 1 playerRoom.value:: room:: bat1Room == { 2 playerRoom.value:: room:: bat1Room == } or } or {
batsNearby true =
} ifthen
batsNearby not {
0 playerRoom.value:: room:: bat2Room == { 1 playerRoom.value:: room:: bat2Room == { 2 playerRoom.value:: room:: bat2Room == } or } or {
batsNearby true =
} ifthen
} ifthen
batsNearby {
"There are bats nearby." println
} ifthen
"" println
} =
getAnswer dup var {
haveAnswer dup var false =
{ haveAnswer not } {
stdin file:: fgets file::() {
"xyzzy" equals string::() {
showStats showStats not =
} {
atoi string::()
haveAnswer true =
} if
} {
0 exit
} if
} while
} =
// Handles the process of moving to a connected room.
move dup var {
haveRoom dup var false =
req var
{ haveRoom not } {
2 playerRoom.value:: room:: 1 playerRoom.value:: room:: 0 playerRoom.value:: room:: "Move to room (%d, %d or %d): " printf
req getAnswer() =
req 0 playerRoom.value:: room:: == { req 1 playerRoom.value:: room:: == { req 2 playerRoom.value:: room:: == } or } or {
playerRoom req =
haveRoom true =
} {
"That is not a connected room." println
} if
} while
"" println
} =
// Handles the process of shooting an arrow.
shoot dup var {
haveAnswer var
req var
rooms var
lastRoom var
i var
gotKilled var
gotTheWumpus var
"" println
arrows 1 == { "" } { "s" } if arrows "You have %d arrow%s remaining.\n" printf
"How many rooms will your arrow pass through (1 to 5): " print
lastRoom playerRoom =
gotKilled false =
gotTheWumpus false =
haveAnswer false =
{ haveAnswer not } {
req getAnswer() =
req 1 >= req 5 <= and {
rooms req =
haveAnswer true =
} {
"You must specify 1, 2, 3, 4 or 5." println
} if
} while
i 1 =
{ i rooms <= } {
haveAnswer false =
{ haveAnswer not } {
2 lastRoom.value:: room:: 1 lastRoom.value:: room:: 0 lastRoom.value:: room::
i rooms == {
rooms 1 == { "Only room" } { "Last room" } if
} {
i 1 == { "1st room" } ifthen
i 2 == { "2nd room" } ifthen
i 3 == { "3rd room" } ifthen
i 4 == { "4th room" } ifthen
} if
"%s (%d, %d or %d): " printf
req getAnswer() =
req 0 lastRoom.value:: room:: == { req 1 lastRoom.value:: room:: == { req 2 lastRoom.value:: room:: == } or } or {
req playerRoom == {
gotKilled true =
} ifthen
req wumpusRoom == {
gotTheWumpus true =
} ifthen
lastRoom req =
haveAnswer true =
} ifthen
} while
} while
"" println
gotKilled {
"You were killed by your own arrow." println
haveDied true =
} {
gotTheWumpus {
"Congratulations, you killed the Wumpus." println
haveWon true =
} {
arrows 0 == {
"Your arrow missed and you have died because you have no arrows left." println
haveDied true =
} {
wumpusIsAwake {
"Your arrow missed." println
} {
"Your arrow missed and you've woken up the Wumpus." println
wumpusIsAwake true =
} if
} if
} if
} if
} =
// The player's turn, move or shoot.
playerTurn dup var {
turnOver dup var false =
req var
{ turnOver not } {
"1 - move" println
"2 - shoot" println
"> " print
req getAnswer() =
req 1 == {
turnOver true =
} ifthen
req 2 == {
turnOver true =
} ifthen
} while
} =
// The game's turn, whether to move the Wumpus or not.
gameTurn dup var {
wumpusIsAwake {
getRandomWumpusMove() {
wumpusRoom wumpusRoom.value getRandomConnectingRoom() =
} ifthen
} ifthen
} =
// Check if something bad happened to the player.
checkSituationAfterPlayerMove dup var {
playerRoom wumpusRoom == {
"You have died, eaten by the Wumpus." println
haveDied true =
} {
playerRoom pit1Room == playerRoom pit2Room == or {
"You have died by falling into a pit." println
haveDied true =
} ifthen
} if
haveDied not {
playerRoom bat1Room == {
playerRoom getRandomRoom() =
{ playerRoom bat1Room == playerRoom bat2Room == or } {
playerRoom getRandomRoom() =
} while
bat1Room getRandomRoom() =
{ bat1Room playerRoom == bat1Room bat2Room == or } {
bat1Room getRandomRoom() =
} while
playerRoom "You have been moved to room %d.\n" printf
} {
playerRoom bat2Room == {
playerRoom getRandomRoom() =
{ playerRoom bat1Room == playerRoom bat2Room == or } {
playerRoom getRandomRoom() =
} while
bat2Room getRandomRoom() =
{ bat2Room playerRoom == bat2Room bat1Room == or } {
bat2Room getRandomRoom() =
} while
playerRoom "You have been moved to room %d.\n" printf
} ifthen
} if
} ifthen
} =
// Check if something bad happened to the player.
checkSituationAfterGameMove dup var {
playerRoom wumpusRoom == {
"You have died, eaten by the Wumpus." println
haveDied true =
} ifthen
} =
// Take turns between the player and the game.
play dup var {
haveWon false =
haveDied false =
wumpusIsAwake false =
arrows 5 =
"" println
{ haveWon not haveDied not and } {
haveWon not haveDied not and {
} ifthen
} while
} =
toplevel dup var {
haveAnswer var
req var
showStats false =
statPlayer 0 =
statWumpus 0 =
statPit 0 =
statArrow 0 =
{ true } {
haveAnswer false =
{ haveAnswer not } {
showStats {
statArrow statPit statWumpus statPlayer "\nPlayer %d, Wumpus %d, Pit %d, Arrow %d\n" printf
} ifthen
"" println
"1 - play game" println
"2 - quit" println
"> " print
req getAnswer() =
req 2 == {
0 exit
} ifthen
req 1 == {
haveAnswer true =
} ifthen
} while
} while
} =