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<lang C++>
// constant value 2d array to represent the dodecahedron
// room structure
const static int adjacentRooms[20][3] = {
{1, 4, 7}, {0, 2, 9}, {1, 3, 11}, {2, 4, 13}, {0, 3, 5},
{4, 6, 14}, {5, 7, 16}, {0, 6, 8}, {7, 9, 17}, {1, 8, 10},
{9, 11, 18}, {2, 10, 12}, {11, 13, 19}, {3, 12, 14}, {5, 13, 15},
{14, 16, 19}, {6, 15, 17}, {8, 16, 18}, {10, 17, 19}, {12, 15, 18}
class WumpusGame {
// Data Members
int numRooms;
int currentRoom, startingPosition; // currentRoom is an integer variable that stores the room the player is currently in (between 0-20)
int wumpusRoom, batRoom1, batRoom2, pitRoom1, pitRoom2; // Stores the room numbers of the respective
int wumpusStart, bat1Start, bat2Start;
bool playerAlive, wumpusAlive; // Are the player and wumpus still alive? True or false.
int numArrows; //store arrow count
// private functions
void PlacePits();
void PlaceBats();
void PlaceWumpus();
void PlacePlayer();
bool IsValidMove(int);
bool IsRoomAdjacent(int, int);
int Move(int);
void InspectCurrentRoom();
void PerformAction(int);
void MoveStartledWumpus(int);
void PlayGame();
void PlayAgain();
void PrintInstructions();
// Access specifier
//public functions
void StartGame();
#include <iostream>
#include <stdlib.h> /* srand, rand */
#include <time.h> /* time */
#include <vector>
#include <cstring>
using namespace std;
// default constructor
WumpusGame::WumpusGame() {
numRooms = 20;
// This function prints the instructions for the game
// to the console
void WumpusGame::PrintInstructions() {
char wait;
cout << " Welcome to 'Hunt the Wumpus'! " << endl;
cout << " The wumpus lives in a cave of 20 rooms. Each room has 3 tunnels leading to" << endl;
cout << " other rooms. (Look at a dodecahedron to see how this works - if you don't know" << endl;
cout << " what a dodecahedron is, ask someone). \n" << endl;
cout << " Hazards: \n" << endl;
cout << " Bottomless pits - two rooms have bottomless pits in them. If you go there, you " << endl;
cout << " fall into the pit (& lose!) \n" << endl;
cout << " Super bats - two other rooms have super bats. If you go there, a bat grabs you" << endl;
cout << " and takes you to some other room at random. (Which may be troublesome). Once the" << endl;
cout << " bat has moved you, that bat moves to another random location on the map.\n\n" << endl;
cout << " Wumpus" << endl;
cout << " The wumpus is not bothered by hazards (he has sucker feet and is too big for a" << endl;
cout << " bat to lift). Usually he is asleep. Two things wake him up: you shooting an" << endl;
cout << " arrow or you entering his room. If the wumpus wakes he moves (p=.75) one room or " << endl;
cout << " stays still (p=.25). After that, if he is where you are, he eats you up and you lose!\n" << endl;
cout << " You \n" << endl;
cout << " Each turn you may move, save or shoot an arrow using the commands move, save, & shoot." << endl;
cout << " Moving: you can move one room (thru one tunnel)." << endl;
cout << " Arrows: you have 3 arrows. You lose when you run out. You aim by telling the" << endl;
cout << " computer the rooms you want the arrow to go to. If the arrow can't go that way" << endl;
cout << " (if no tunnel), the arrow will not fire." << endl;
cout << " Warnings" << endl;
cout << " When you are one room away from a wumpus or hazard, the computer says:" << endl;
cout << " Wumpus: 'I smell a wumpus'" << endl;
cout << " Bat: 'Bats nearby'" << endl;
cout << " Pit: 'I feel a draft'" << endl;
cout << endl;
cout << "Press Y to return to the main menu." << endl;
cin >> wait;
// This function will place two bats throughout the map
// this ensures that the bats will not be place in the same
// room as another bat or the wumpus
void WumpusGame::PlaceBats() {
srand (time(NULL));
bool validRoom = false;
batRoom1 = rand() % 20 + 1;
if(batRoom1 != wumpusRoom)
validRoom = true;
validRoom = false;
batRoom2 = rand() % 20 + 1;
if(batRoom2 != wumpusRoom && batRoom2 != batRoom1)
validRoom = true;
bat1Start = batRoom1;
bat2Start = batRoom2;
// this function randomly places the pits
// throughout the map excluding room 0
void WumpusGame::PlacePits() {
srand (time(NULL));
pitRoom1 = rand() % 20 + 1;
pitRoom2 = rand() % 20 + 1;
// this function randomly places the wumpus in a room
// without being in room number 0
void WumpusGame::PlaceWumpus() {
srand (time(NULL));
int randomRoom = rand() % 20 + 1;
wumpusRoom = randomRoom;
wumpusStart = wumpusRoom;
// place the player in room 0
void WumpusGame::PlacePlayer() {
startingPosition = 0;
currentRoom = Move(0);
// This is a method that checks if the user inputted a valid room to move to or not.
// The room number has to be between 0 and 20, but also must be adjacent to the current room.
bool WumpusGame::IsValidMove(int roomID) {
if (roomID < 0) return false;
if (roomID > numRooms) return false;
if (!IsRoomAdjacent(currentRoom, roomID)) return false;
return true;
// This method returns true if roomB is adjacent to roomA, otherwise returns false.
// It is a helper method that loops through the adjacentRooms array to check.
// It will be used throughout the app to check if we are next to the wumpus, bats, or pits
// as well as check if we can make a valid move.
bool WumpusGame::IsRoomAdjacent(int roomA, int roomB)
for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++)
if (adjacentRooms[roomA][j] == roomB){
return true;
return false;
// This method moves the player to a new room and returns the new room. It performs no checks on its own.
int WumpusGame::Move(int newRoom)
return newRoom;
// Inspects the current room.
// This method check for Hazards such as being in the same room as the wumpus, bats, or pits
// It also checks if you are adjacent to a hazard and handle those cases
// Finally it will just print out the room description
void WumpusGame::InspectCurrentRoom() {
srand (time(NULL));
if (currentRoom == wumpusRoom)
cout << "The Wumpus ate you!!!" << endl;
cout << "LOSER!!!" << endl;
else if (currentRoom == batRoom1 || currentRoom == batRoom2)
int roomBatsLeft = currentRoom;
bool validNewBatRoom = false;
bool isBatRoom = false;
cout << "Snatched by superbats!!" << endl;
if(currentRoom == pitRoom1 || currentRoom == pitRoom2)
cout << "Luckily, the bats saved you from the bottomless pit!!" << endl;
currentRoom = Move(rand() % 20 + 1);
if(currentRoom != batRoom1 && currentRoom != batRoom2)
isBatRoom = true;
cout << "The bats moved you to room ";
cout << currentRoom << endl;
if(roomBatsLeft == batRoom1){
batRoom1 = rand() % 19 + 1;
if(batRoom1 != wumpusRoom && batRoom1 != currentRoom)
validNewBatRoom = true;
} else {
batRoom2 = rand() % 19 + 1;
if(batRoom2 != wumpusRoom && batRoom2 != currentRoom)
validNewBatRoom = true;
else if(currentRoom == pitRoom1 || currentRoom == pitRoom2)
cout << "YYYIIIIIEEEEE.... fell in a pit!!!" << endl;
cout << "GAME OVER LOSER!!!" << endl;
cout << "You are in room ";
cout << currentRoom << endl;
if (IsRoomAdjacent(currentRoom, wumpusRoom)){
cout << "You smell a horrid stench..." << endl;
if (IsRoomAdjacent(currentRoom, batRoom1) || IsRoomAdjacent(currentRoom, batRoom2)){
cout << "Bats nearby..." << endl;
if (IsRoomAdjacent(currentRoom, pitRoom1) || IsRoomAdjacent(currentRoom, pitRoom2)){
cout << "You feel a draft..." << endl;
cout << "Tunnels lead to rooms " << endl;
for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++)
cout << adjacentRooms[currentRoom][j];
cout << " ";
cout << endl;
// Method accepts an int which is the command the user inputted.
// This method performs the action of the command or prints out an error.
void WumpusGame::PerformAction(int cmd) {
int newRoom;
switch (cmd)
case 1:
cout << "Which room? " << endl;
cin >> newRoom;
// Check if the user inputted a valid room id, then simply tell the player to move there.
if (IsValidMove(newRoom))
currentRoom = Move(newRoom);
cout << "You cannot move there." << endl;
catch (...) // Try...Catch block will catch if the user inputs text instead of a number.
cout << "You cannot move there." << endl;
case 2:
if(numArrows > 0){
cout << "Which room? " << endl;
cin >> newRoom;
// Check if the user inputted a valid room id, then simply tell the player to move there.
if (IsValidMove(newRoom))
if(newRoom == wumpusRoom){
cout << "ARGH.. Splat!" << endl;
cout << "Congratulations! You killed the Wumpus! You Win." << endl;
cout << "Press 'Y' to return to the main menu." << endl;
wumpusAlive = false;
cin >> newRoom;
cin.ignore(10000, '\n');
cout << "Miss! But you startled the Wumpus" << endl;
cout << "Arrows Left: ";
cout << numArrows << endl;
if(wumpusRoom == currentRoom){
cout << "The wumpus attacked you! You've been killed." << endl;
cout << "Game Over!" << endl;
cout << "You cannot shoot there." << endl;
catch (...) // Try...Catch block will catch if the user inputs text instead of a number.
cout << "You cannot shoot there." << endl;
} else
cout << "You do not have any arrows!" << endl;
case 3:
cout << "Quitting the current game." << endl;
playerAlive = false;
cout << "You cannot do that. You can move, shoot, save or quit." << endl;
// this function moves the wumpus randomly to a room that is adjacent to
// the wumpus's current position
void WumpusGame::MoveStartledWumpus(int roomNum){
srand (time(NULL));
int rando = rand() % 3;
if(rando != 3)
wumpusRoom = adjacentRooms[roomNum][rando];
// This restarts the map from the begiinning
void WumpusGame::PlayAgain(){
char reply;
cout << "Would you like to replay the same map? Enter Y to play again." << endl;
cin >> reply;
if(reply == 'y' || reply == 'Y'){
currentRoom = startingPosition;
wumpusRoom = wumpusStart;
batRoom1 = bat1Start;
batRoom2 = bat2Start;
cout << "Try not to die this time. \n" << endl;
} else {
playerAlive = false;
// PlayGame() method starts up the game.
// It houses the main game loop and when PlayGame() quits the game has ended.
void WumpusGame::PlayGame()
int choice;
bool validChoice = false;
cout << "Running the game..." << endl;
// Initialize the game
// game set up
playerAlive = true;
wumpusAlive = true;
numArrows = 3;
//Inspects the initial room
// Main game loop.
while (playerAlive && wumpusAlive)
cout << "Enter an action choice." << endl;
cout << "1) Move" << endl;
cout << "2) Shoot" << endl;
cout << "3) Quit" << endl;
cout << ">>> ";
validChoice = true;
cout << "Please make a selection: ";
cin >> choice;
switch (choice)
case 1:
case 2:
case 3:
validChoice = false;
cout << "Invalid choice. Please try again." << endl;
cin.ignore(10000, '\n');
catch (...)
validChoice = false;
cout << "Invalid choice. Please try again." << endl;
cin.ignore(10000, '\n');
} while (validChoice == false);
// this function begins the game loop
void WumpusGame::StartGame() {
srand (time(NULL));
int choice;
bool validChoice;
bool keepPlaying;
wumpusStart = bat1Start = bat2Start = -1;
do {
keepPlaying = true;
cout << "Welcome to Hunt The Wumpus." << endl;
cout << "1) Play Game" << endl;
cout << "2) Print Instructions" << endl;
cout << "3) Quit" << endl;
validChoice = true;
cout << "Please make a selection: ";
cin >> choice;
switch (choice)
case 1:
case 2:
case 3:
cout << "Quitting." << endl;
keepPlaying = false;
validChoice = false;
cout << "Invalid choice. Please try again." << endl;
cin.ignore(10000, '\n');
catch (...)
validChoice = false;
cout << "Invalid choice. Please try again." << endl;
cin.ignore(10000, '\n');
} while (validChoice == false);
} while (keepPlaying);
int main() {
// create wumpus game object
WumpusGame game;
// start the game