This version is based on the original game, but it diverges a little from the task!

Hunt The Wumpus/C++ is part of Hunt_The_Wumpus. You may find other members of Hunt_The_Wumpus at Category:Hunt_The_Wumpus.


<lang cpp>

  1. include <time.h>
  2. include <iostream>
  3. include <sstream>

typedef unsigned char byte;

enum gameResult { FINISH, PLAY_NEW, PLAY_SAME }; enum object : byte { NOTHING, WUMPUS = 1, BAT = 2, PIT = 4, PLAYER = 8 };

const unsigned S_PLAYER = 0, S_WUMPUS = 1, S_BAT1 = 2, S_BAT2 = 3, S_PIT1 = 4, S_PIT2 = 5,

              MAX_ROOMS = 20, SAVED = 6, MAX_EXITS = 3, A_PATH_LEN = 5, MAX_ARROWS = 5;

class cave { public:

       int con[] = { 1, 4, 7, 0, 2, 9, 1, 3, 11, 2, 4, 13, 0, 3, 5, 4, 6, 14, 5, 7, 16, 0, 6, 8, 7, 9, 17, 1, 8, 10, 9, 11, 18, 
                     2, 10, 12, 11, 13, 19, 3, 12, 14, 5, 13, 15, 14, 16, 19, 6, 15, 17, 8, 16, 18, 10, 17, 19, 12, 15, 18 };
       for( int x = 0, r = 0; x < MAX_ROOMS; x++, r = x * MAX_EXITS )
           for( unsigned c = r, d = 0; c < r + MAX_EXITS; c++, d++ )
               rooms[x].setExit( d, con[c] );    
   void clear()
       for( int x = 0; x < MAX_ROOMS; x++ )
   room* getRoom( int i ) { return &rooms[i]; }


   room rooms[MAX_ROOMS];


class wumpus { private:

   inOut       inOut;
   cave        theCave;        
   unsigned    playerPos, wumpusPos, pathLen, arrowsCnt, exits[MAX_EXITS], arrowPath[A_PATH_LEN], saved[SAVED];
   bool        gameOver, playerWins;
   void look()
       room* r = theCave.getRoom( playerPos );
       inOut.msg( "\n\n-----------------------------------\n" );
       inOut.msg( "You are in room #" ); inOut.msg( playerPos + 1 );
       inOut.msg( "\nTunnels lead to rooms #: " );
       for( int x = 0; x < MAX_EXITS; x++ )
           inOut.msg( ( 1 + r->getExit( x ) ) ); 
           inOut.msg( " " );
       lookAround( r );
   void shoot()
       room* r = theCave.getRoom( playerPos );
       unsigned e;
       for( unsigned x = 0; x < pathLen; x++ )
           for( e = 0; e < MAX_EXITS; e++ )
               if( r->getExit( e ) == arrowPath[x] ) break;
           if( e < MAX_EXITS ) r = theCave.getRoom( arrowPath[x] );
           else r = theCave.getRoom( r->getExit( rand() % MAX_EXITS ) );
           byte o = r->contains();
           if( WUMPUS & o ) { gameOver = playerWins = true; return; }
           if( PLAYER & o ) 
               gameOver = true; playerWins = false; 
               inOut.msg( "\n  OUCH! Arrow got you!\n" ); return;
       inOut.msg( "\n  Missed!\n\n" );
       if( --arrowsCnt == 0 )
           inOut.msg( "\n  You run out of arrows...\n" );
           gameOver = true; playerWins = false;
       wumpusMove( playerPos );
   gameResult showResult( bool pw )
       if( pw ) inOut.msg( "\n  AHA! You got the Wumpus!\n  HEE HEE HEE - The Wumpus'll getcha next time!!\n\n" );
       else inOut.msg( "  HA HA HA - You lose!\n\n" );
       if( inOut.getLetter( "Play again (Y/N)? ", 'Y', 'N' ) == 'Y' )
           if( inOut.getLetter( "Same setup (Y/N)? ", 'Y', 'N' ) == 'Y' ) return PLAY_SAME;
           return PLAY_NEW;
       return FINISH;
   void lookAround( room* r )
       byte msg = 0, o;
       for( int x = 0; x < MAX_EXITS; x++ )
           o = theCave.getRoom( r->getExit( x ) )->contains();
           msg += ( ( WUMPUS & o ) + ( BAT & o ) + ( PIT & o ) );
       if( msg & WUMPUS ) inOut.msg( "\nYou smell something terrible nearby." );
       if( msg & PIT    ) inOut.msg( "\nYou feel a cold wind blowing from a nearby cavern." );
       if( msg & BAT    ) inOut.msg( "\nYou hear a rustling." );
   bool checkExits( int e )
       for( int x = 0; x < MAX_EXITS; x++ )
           if( e == exits[x] ) return true;
       return false;
   void getInput()
       if( inOut.getLetter( "\n\nShoot or Move (S/M)? ", 'S', 'M' ) == 'M' )
           int e = inOut.getNumber( "Where to? " ) - 1;
           if( checkExits( e ) ) setPlayer( e );
           else inOut.msg( "\nArrggh! --- You cannot go there!\n\n" );
               pathLen = inOut.getNumber( "\nNumber of rooms (1-5)? " );
           while( pathLen < 1 || pathLen > A_PATH_LEN );
           for( unsigned i = 0; i < pathLen; i++ )
               arrowPath[i] = inOut.getNumber( "Room #" ) - 1;
               if( i <= 1 || arrowPath[i] != arrowPath[i - 2]) continue;
               inOut.msg( "\nArrows aren't that crooked! - Please, try another room.\n\n" );
   void setPlayer( int pos )
       if( playerPos < MAX_ROOMS ) 
           theCave.getRoom( playerPos )->clear( PLAYER );
       if( hazards( pos ) ) return;
       playerPos = pos;
       room* r = theCave.getRoom( playerPos );
       r->populate( PLAYER );
       for( int x = 0; x < MAX_EXITS; x++ )
           exits[x] = r->getExit( x );
   bool hazards( int pos )
       room* r = theCave.getRoom( pos );
       byte o = r->contains();
       if( WUMPUS & o )
           inOut.msg( "\n  ...OOPS! Bumped a Wumpus!\n\n" );
           if( wumpusMove( pos ) )
               inOut.msg( "\n  TSK TSK TSK - Wumpus got you!\n" );
               gameOver = true; playerWins = false;
               return true;
       if( PIT & o )
           inOut.msg( "\n  YYYYIIIIEEEE!!!! Fell in pit!\n");
           gameOver = true; playerWins = false;
           return true;
       if( BAT & o )
           inOut.msg( "\n  ZAP -- Super bat snatch! Elsewhereville for you!\n\n" );
           setPlayer( rand() % MAX_ROOMS );
           return true;
       return false;
   bool wumpusMove( int pos )
       if( rand() % 100 < 75 ) 
           room* r = theCave.getRoom( wumpusPos );
           r->clear( WUMPUS );
           wumpusPos = r->getExit( rand() % MAX_EXITS );
           theCave.getRoom( wumpusPos )->populate( WUMPUS );
       return ( pos == wumpusPos );
   void initGame( gameResult gr )
       inOut.msg( "\n\n\n\nHUNT THE WUMPUS\n---------------\n" );
       theCave.clear(); gameOver = false; arrowsCnt = MAX_ARROWS;
       if( gr == PLAY_NEW )
           saved[S_PLAYER] = rand() % MAX_ROOMS;
           setPlayer( saved[S_PLAYER] );
           saved[S_BAT1] = fillRoom( BAT ); saved[S_BAT2] = fillRoom( BAT );
           saved[S_PIT1] = fillRoom( PIT ); saved[S_PIT2] = fillRoom( PIT );
           wumpusPos = saved[S_WUMPUS] = fillRoom( WUMPUS );
           setPlayer( saved[S_PLAYER] ); wumpusPos = saved[S_WUMPUS];
           theCave.getRoom( wumpusPos )->populate( WUMPUS );
           theCave.getRoom( saved[S_BAT1] )->populate( BAT );
           theCave.getRoom( saved[S_BAT2] )->populate( BAT );
           theCave.getRoom( saved[S_PIT1] )->populate( PIT );
           theCave.getRoom( saved[S_PIT2] )->populate( PIT );
   int fillRoom( object c )
       int i; room* r;
           i = rand() % MAX_ROOMS;
           r = theCave.getRoom( i );
       while( r->contains() );
       r->populate( c );
       return i;
   void printInstructions()
       if( inOut.getLetter( "Instructions (Y/N)? ", 'Y', 'N' ) == 'N' ) return;
       inOut.msg( "\n\nWelcome to 'HUNT THE WUMPUS'\n\nThe Wumpus lives in a cave of 20 rooms: each room has 3 tunnels leading to\n"
                  "other rooms. (Look at a Dodecahedron to see how this works, if you don't\nknow what a dodecahedron is, ask someone)\n"
                  "\n\n HAZARDS:\n --------\n\nBottomless pits:\n----------------\nTwo rooms have bottomless pits in them.\n"
                  "If you go there, you fall into the pit and lose!\n\nSuper bats:\n-----------\nTwo other rooms have super bats.\nIf you go there, "
                  "a bat grabs you and takes you to some other room at random,\nwhich might be troublesome.\n\nWumpus:\n-------\nThe Wumpus is not "
                  "bothered by the hazards, he has sucker feet and is too big\nfor a bat to lift.\nUsually he is asleep.\nTwo things wake him up: "
                  "your entering his room or your shooting an arrow.\nIf the Wumpus wakes, he has 75% chance to move one room or 25% chance to stay\n"
                  "still.\nAfter that, if he is where you are, he eats you up and you lose!\n\nYou:\n----\nEach turn you may move or shoot a crooked arrow.\n"
                  "- Moving: you can move one room (thru one tunnel)\n- Arrows: you have 5 arrows. You lose when you run out.\n  Each arrow can go from "
                  "1 to 5 rooms, you aim by telling the computer the\n  rooms #s you want the arrow to go to.\n  If the arrow can't go that way (if no tunnel) "
                  "it moves at random to the \n  next room.\n  If the arrow hits the Wumpus: you win, if the arrow hits you: you lose.\n"
                  "\n\n WARNINGS:\n --------\nWhen you are one room away from Wumpus or any other hazard, the computer says:\nWumpus: 'You smell something "
                  "terrible nearby.'\nBat: 'You hear a rustling.'\nPit: 'You feel a cold wind blowing from a nearby cavern.'\n\n\n\nPress return to play..." );


   void play()
       playerPos = MAX_ROOMS;
       gameResult gr = PLAY_NEW;
       while( gr != FINISH )
           initGame( gr );
           while( !gameOver ) { look(); getInput(); }
           gr = showResult( playerWins );


int main( int argc, char* argv[] ) {

   srand( static_cast<unsigned>( time( NULL ) ) );
   wumpus hw;;
   return 0;

} </lang>