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Print the [[wp:Word_size#Word_size_choice|word size]] and [[wp:Endianness|endianness]] of the host machine.
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<lang ada>
with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO;
with System; use System;
procedure Host_Introspection is
Put_Line ("Word size" & Integer'Image (Word_Size));
Put_Line ("Endianness " & Bit_Order'Image (Default_Bit_Order));
end Host_Introspection;
Sample output on a Pentium machine:
Word size 32
=={{header|ALGOL 68}}==
INT max abs bit = ABS(BIN 1 SHL 1)-1;
INT bits per char = ENTIER (ln(max abs char+1)/ln(max abs bit+1));
INT bits per int = ENTIER (1+ln(max int+1.0)/ln(max abs bit+1));
printf(($"states per bit: "dl$,max abs bit+1));
printf(($"bits per char: "z-dl$,bits per char));
printf(($"bits per int: "z-dl$,bits per int));
printf(($"chars per int: "z-dl$,bits per int OVER bits per char));
printf(($"bits width: "z-dl$, bits width));
STRING abcds = "ABCD";
FILE abcdf;
INT abcdi;
INT errno := open(abcdf, "abcd.dat",stand back channel);
put(abcdf,abcds); # output alphabetically #
get bin(abcdf,abcdi); # input in word byte order #
STRING int byte order := "";
FOR shift FROM 0 BY bits per char TO bits per int - bits per char DO
int byte order +:= REPR(abcdi OVER (max abs bit+1) ** shift MOD (max abs char+1))
printf(($"int byte order: "g,", Hex:",16r8dl$,int byte order, BIN abcdi))
Output (Intel i686):
states per bit: 2
bits per char: 8
bits per int: 32
chars per int: 4
bits width: 32
int byte order: ABCD, Hex:44434241
On older CPUs the results would vary:
{|border="1" align="center"
|| ALGOL 68R
|| ~ <pre>
bits per char: 6
bits per int: 24
chars per int: 4</pre>
|| ICL 2900 <pre>
bits per char: 8
bits per int: 32
chars per int: 4</pre>
|| Multics <pre>
bits per char: 6
bits per int: 36
chars per int: 6</pre>
<lang c>#include <stdio.h>
#include <stddef.h> /* for size_t */
#include <limits.h> /* for CHAR_BIT */
int main() {
int one = 1;
printf("word size = %d\n", CHAR_BIT * sizeof(size_t)); /* best bet: size_t typically is exactly one word */
if (*(char *)&one) /* if the least significant bit is located in the lowest-address byte */
printf("little endian\n");
printf("big endian\n");
return 0;
On POSIX-compatible systems, the following also tests the endianness (this makes use of the fact that network order is big endian):
<lang c>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <arpa/inet.h>
int main()
if (htonl(1) == 1)
printf("big endian\n");
printf("little endian\n");
<lang d>
import std.stdio, std.system;
void main() {
writefln("word size = ", size_t.sizeof * 8);
writefln(endian == Endian.LittleEndian ? "little" : "big", " endian");
USING: alien.c-types io layouts ;
"Word size: " write cell 8 * .
"Endianness: " write little-endian? "little" "big" ? print
: endian
cr 1 cells . ." address units per cell"
s" ADDRESS-UNIT-BITS" environment? if cr . ." bits per address unit" then
cr 1 here ! here c@ if ." little" else ." big" then ." endian" ;
This relies on '''c@''' being a byte fetch (4 chars = 1 cells). Although it is on most architectures, ANS Forth only guarantees that 1 chars <= 1 cells. Some Forths like OpenFirmware have explicitly sized fetches, like b@.
{{works with|Fortran|90 and later}}
INTEGER(i8) :: a(2)
INTEGER(i16) :: b
WRITE(*,*) bit_size(1) ! number of bits in the default integer type
! which may (or may not!) equal the word size
b = Z'1234' ! Hexadecimal assignment
a = (TRANSFER(b, a)) ! Split a 16 bit number into two 8 bit numbers
IF (a(1) == Z'12') THEN ! where did the most significant 8 bits end up
WRITE(*,*) "Big Endian"
WRITE(*,*) "Little Endian"
import Data.Bits
main = print $ bitSize (undefined :: Int) -- print word size
Dunno about endianness
'''Method A''':
":&> (|: 32 64 ;"0 big`little) {"_1~ 2 2 #: 16b_e0 + a. i. 0 { 3!:1 <nowiki>''</nowiki>
'''Method B''':
((4*#) ,:&": little`big {::~ '7'={.) {: 3!:3 ] 33 b.~_1
<lang java>System.out.println("word size: "+System.getProperty(""));
System.out.println("endianness: "+System.getProperty("sun.cpu.endian"));</lang>
IMPORT IO, Fmt, Word, Swap;
IO.Put("Word Size: " & Fmt.Int(Word.Size) & "\n");
IF Swap.endian = Swap.Endian.Big THEN
IO.Put("Endianness: Big\n");
IO.Put("Endianness: Little\n");
END Host.
Output (on an x86):
Word Size: 32
Endianness: Little
<lang ocaml>Printf.printf "%d\n" Sys.word_size; (* Print word size *)
Printf.printf "%s\n" Sys.os_type; (* Print operating system *)</lang>
Dunno about endianness
<lang python>>>> import sys, math
>>> int(round(math.log(sys.maxint,2)+1)) # this only works in Python 2.x
>>> import struct
>>> struct.calcsize('i') * 8
>>> sys.byteorder
>>> import socket
>>> socket.gethostname()
>>> </lang>
irb(main):001:0> 42.size * 8
=> 32
irb(main):002:0> if [1].pack('i')[0] != 0
irb(main):003:1> 'little endian'
irb(main):004:1> else
irb(main):005:1* 'big endian'
irb(main):006:1> end
=> "little endian"