Horizontal sundial calculations: Difference between revisions

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Translation of BASIC versions.
<lang LiveCode>on mouseUp
ask "Enter lng,lat,meridian"
if it is empty then exit mouseup
// -150.5, -4.95, -150.0
put item 1 of it into longitude
put item 2 of it into latitude
put item 3 of it into meridian
repeat with hour = 6 TO 18
put 15 *hour - longitude + meridian - 180 into hra
put rad2deg(atan(sin(deg2rad(latitude)) * tan(deg2rad(hra)))) into hla
if abs(hra) > 90 then put hla + 180 * sgn(hra *latitude) into hla
put hour && hra && hla & cr after sunhours
end repeat
put sunhours
end mouseUp

function rad2deg theta
return theta * (180 / pi)
end rad2deg
function deg2rad theta
return theta * (pi / 180)
end deg2rad
function sgn x
if x >0 then return 1 else return -1
end sgn</lang>
