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(We might as well continue to until all of the hexagons have been selected)
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The task is to produce a matrix of 20 hexagon shaped widgets in a honeycomb arrangement. The matrix should be arranged in such a manner that there are five
The task is to produce a matrix of 20 hexagon shaped widgets in a honeycomb arrangement. The matrix should be arranged in such a manner that there are five
columns of four hexagons. The hexagons in columns one, three and five are aligned horizontally, whereas the hexagons in columns two and four occupy a lower position within the arrangement. Each hexagon should be the same colour, and should
columns of four hexagons. The hexagons in columns one, three and five are aligned horizontally, whereas the hexagons in columns two and four occupy a lower position within the arrangement. Each hexagon should be the same colour, and should
display a unique randomly selected single capital letter on the front. The application should now wait for the user to select a hexagon, either by using a pointing device, or by pressing a key that carries a corresponding letter on a hexagon. The selected hexagon should now change colour on the display. A message should be now be output saying "The user chose letter E" (or whatever letter the user actually chose). The cycle repeats until the user has chosen five of the letters. Note that each letter can only be selected once and previously selected hexagons retain their colour after selection. The program terminates when all five letters have been chosen.
display a unique randomly selected single capital letter on the front. The application should now wait for the user to select a hexagon, either by using a pointing device, or by pressing a key that carries a corresponding letter on a hexagon. A record of the choses letter should be maintained and the code should be suitably commented, at the point where the the selected letter has been determined. The selected hexagon should now change colour on the display. The cycle repeats until the user has chosen all of the letters. Note that each letter can only be selected once and previously selected hexagons retain their colour after selection. The program terminates when all letters have been chosen.


Revision as of 01:23, 28 June 2011

Honeycombs is a draft programming task. It is not yet considered ready to be promoted as a complete task, for reasons that should be found in its talk page.

The task is to produce a matrix of 20 hexagon shaped widgets in a honeycomb arrangement. The matrix should be arranged in such a manner that there are five columns of four hexagons. The hexagons in columns one, three and five are aligned horizontally, whereas the hexagons in columns two and four occupy a lower position within the arrangement. Each hexagon should be the same colour, and should display a unique randomly selected single capital letter on the front. The application should now wait for the user to select a hexagon, either by using a pointing device, or by pressing a key that carries a corresponding letter on a hexagon. A record of the choses letter should be maintained and the code should be suitably commented, at the point where the the selected letter has been determined. The selected hexagon should now change colour on the display. The cycle repeats until the user has chosen all of the letters. Note that each letter can only be selected once and previously selected hexagons retain their colour after selection. The program terminates when all letters have been chosen.


Requires PureBasic v4.60. Screen controls in PureBasic are referred to as 'gadgets'. <lang PureBasic>Macro PS(a)




 Data.i ps(a), ps(b), ps(c), ps(d), ps(e), ps(f), ps(g), ps(h), ps(i), ps(j), ps(k), ps(l), ps(m)
 Data.i ps(n), ps(o), ps(p), ps(q), ps(r), ps(s), ps(t), ps(u), ps(v), ps(w), ps(x), ps(y), ps(z)


Structure integerArray



Structure hexGadget

 Status.i     ;nonselected = 0, selected = 1
 center.POINT ;location of hex's center
 List shape.POINT()


Structure honeycomb

 Array hexGadgets.hexGadget(0)


Prototype hexEvent_prt(*h.honeycomb, hexID) Global *keyAlphaArray.integerArray = ?keyalphaarray

Procedure inpoly(*p.POINT, List poly.POINT())

 ;returns 1 if point is inside the polygon defined by poly(), otherwise returns 0
 Protected new.POINT, old.POINT, lp.POINT, rp.POINT, i, inside, *poly
 If ListSize(poly()) < 3: ProcedureReturn 0: EndIf 
 LastElement(poly()): old = poly()
 ForEach poly()
   ;find leftmost endpoint 'lp' and the rightmost endpoint 'rp' based on x value
   If poly()\x > old\x 
     lp = old
     rp = poly()
     lp = poly()
     rp = old
   If lp\x < *p\x And *p\x <= rp\x And (*p\y - lp\y) * (rp\x - lp\x) < (rp\y - lp\y) * (*p\x - lp\x)
     inside = ~inside
   old = poly()
 ProcedureReturn inside & 1


draw a hex Gadget by number

Procedure drawhex(*h.honeycomb, hexID)

 With *h\hexGadgets(hexID)
   Protected p.POINT
   If LastElement(\shape())
     p = \shape()
   ForEach \shape()
     LineXY(p\x, p\y, \shape()\x, \shape()\y, RGB(0, 0, 0)) ;black
     p = \shape()
   If \Status
     FillArea(\center\x + 1, \center\y + 1, RGB(0, 0, 0), RGB($FF, 0, $FF))    ;magenta
     DrawText(\center\x - TextWidth(\text) / 2, \center\y - TextHeight(\text) / 2, \text, RGB(0, 0, 1)) ;black, almost
     FillArea(\center\x + 1, \center\y + 1, RGB(0, 0, 0), RGB($FF, $FF, 0)) ;yellow
     DrawText(\center\x - TextWidth(\text) / 2, \center\y - TextHeight(\text) / 2, \text, RGB($FF, 0, 0)) ;red


Procedure selectHex(*h.honeycomb, hexID)

 If Not *h\hexGadgets(hexID)\Status
   *h\chosen + *h\hexGadgets(hexID)\text
   *h\hexGadgets(hexID)\Status = 1
     drawhex(*h, hexID)
     DrawText(0, *h\textY, "Chosen: " + *h\chosen)
     DrawText(0, *h\textY + 20, "The user chose letter " + *h\hexGadgets(hexID)\text + ".  ")
   ProcedureReturn 1


Procedure hexKey(*h.honeycomb, hexID)

 Protected key = GetGadgetAttribute(*h\gadgetID, #PB_Canvas_Key)
 If key = *keyAlphaArray\i[Asc(*h\hexGadgets(hexID)\text) - 65]
   ProcedureReturn selectHex(*h, hexID)


Procedure hexMouse(*h.honeycomb, hexID)

 Protected mPos.POINT
 mPos\x = GetGadgetAttribute(*h\gadgetID, #PB_Canvas_MouseX)
 mPos\y = GetGadgetAttribute(*h\gadgetID, #PB_Canvas_MouseY)
 If inpoly(mPos,*h\hexGadgets(hexID)\shape())
   ProcedureReturn selectHex(*h, hexID)


Procedure honeycombEvents(*h.honeycomb)

 If Len(*h\chosen) >= *h\maxLength: ProcedureReturn: EndIf
 Protected event = EventType(), *eventFunction.hexEvent_prt
 Select event
   Case #PB_EventType_KeyDown
     *eventFunction = @hexKey()
   Case #PB_EventType_LeftButtonUp
     *eventFunction = @hexMouse()
   Case #PB_EventType_LostFocus
 If *eventFunction
   For hexID = 0 To ArraySize(*h\hexGadgets())
     If *eventFunction(*h, hexID)
       Break ;event successfully handled


Procedure createHexGadget(*h.honeycomb, hexID, x, y, dx, dy)

 With *h\hexGadgets(hexID)
   If *h\unusedLetters
     Protected letterNum = Random(Len(*h\unusedLetters) - 1) + 1
     \text = Mid(*h\unusedLetters, letterNum, 1)
     *h\unusedLetters = ReplaceString(*h\unusedLetters, \text, "")
   \center\x = x: \center\y = y
   AddElement(\shape()): \shape()\x = x - dx:     \shape()\y = y
   AddElement(\shape()): \shape()\x = x - dx / 2: \shape()\y = y + dy
   AddElement(\shape()): \shape()\x = x + dx / 2: \shape()\y = y + dy
   AddElement(\shape()): \shape()\x = x + dx:     \shape()\y = y
   AddElement(\shape()): \shape()\x = x + dx / 2: \shape()\y = y - dy
   AddElement(\shape()): \shape()\x = x - dx / 2: \shape()\y = y - dy 


Procedure initHoneycomb(*h.honeycomb, posX, posY, dx = 30, dy = 25, marginX = 10, marginY = 5)

 Protected i, sx, sy, hCols = 5, hRows = 5, hexGadgetCount = hCols * hRows - 1
 If Not *h: ProcedureReturn 0: EndIf
 *h\unusedLetters.s = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ"    
 *h\chosen = ""
 *h\maxLength = 5
 Dim *h\hexGadgets(hexGadgetCount)
 ;calculate size width, height and create honeycomb with margins
 sx = Round(dx * (0.5 + hCols * 1.5), #PB_Round_Nearest) + 1 + 2 * marginX
 sy = dy * (2 * hRows + 1) + 1 + 2 * marginY + 2 * 20 ;includes room for hex, margins, and text
 *h\textY = sy - 2 * 20
 ;create hexes
 Protected hexID, column, row, x, y, baseX, baseY, majorOffsetY = dy
 baseX = dx + marginX
 For column = 0 To hCols - 1
   baseY = dy + marginY
   majorOffsetY ! dy
   For row = 0 To hRows - 1
     x = baseX
     y = baseY + majorOffsetY
     createHexGadget(*h, hexID, x, y, dx, dy)
     baseY + dy * 2
     hexID + 1
   baseX + dx * 1.5
 ;draw honeycomb
 *h\gadgetID = CanvasGadget(#PB_Any, posX, posY, sx, sy, #PB_Canvas_Keyboard | #PB_Canvas_ClipMouse)
 If *h\gadgetID = 0: ProcedureReturn 0: EndIf ;failed to created honeycomb
 LoadFont(0, "Arial", 24, #PB_Font_Bold)
   For i = 0 To ArraySize(*h\hexGadgets())
     drawhex(*h, i)
   Box(0, *h\textY, sx, 40, RGB(0, 0, 0)) ;draw black text box
 ProcedureReturn 1


If OpenWindow(0, 0, 0, 400, 400, "PureBasic - Honeycombs", #PB_Window_SystemMenu)

 Define honeycomb.honeycomb, quit
 If Not initHoneycomb(honeycomb, 0, 0): End: EndIf
 ResizeWindow(0, #PB_Ignore, #PB_Ignore, GadgetWidth(honeycomb\gadgetID), GadgetHeight(honeycomb\gadgetID))
   event = WaitWindowEvent()
   Select event
     Case #PB_Event_Gadget
       If EventGadget() = honeycomb\gadgetID
         If Len(honeycomb\chosen) = honeycomb\maxLength
           MessageRequester("Exit", "You chose: " + honeycomb\chosen + ".")
           quit = 1
     Case #PB_Event_CloseWindow
       quit = 1
 Until quit = 1



Library: Tk

<lang tcl>package require Tcl 8.5 package require Tk

  1. How to make a honeycomb

proc honeycomb {w letterpattern} {

   canvas $w -width 500 -height 470
   set basey 10
   foreach row $letterpattern {

set basex 10 set majoroffsety 0 foreach letter $row { set x [expr {$basex + 60}] set y [expr {$basey + 50 + $majoroffsety}] drawhex $w $x $y $letter 30 50 set majoroffsety [expr {50 - $majoroffsety}] incr basex 90 } incr basey 100

   return $w


namespace import tcl::mathop::?  ;# For convenience

  1. How to draw a single hexagon, centered at a particular point.

proc drawhex {w x y ch dx dy} {

   if {$ch eq ""} return          ;# Allow elision of cells (not used here)
   $w create polygon \

[- $x $dx] [- $y $dy] [+ $x $dx] [- $y $dy] [+ $x $dx $dx] $y \ [+ $x $dx] [+ $y $dy] [- $x $dx] [+ $y $dy] [- $x $dx $dx] $y \ -fill yellow -outline black -tags [list hex$ch hull$ch] -width 3

   $w create text $x $y -text $ch -fill red -tags [list hex$ch txt$ch] \

-font {Arial 72 bold}

   # Install bindings on items
   $w bind hex$ch <Enter> [list enterhex $w $ch]
   $w bind hex$ch <Leave> [list leavehex $w $ch]
   $w bind hex$ch <Button-1> [list dohex $w $ch]
   # Handle keyboard activity through canvas-level bindings
   bind $w [string toupper $ch] [list dokey $w $ch]
   bind $w [string tolower $ch] [list dokey $w $ch]


  1. Callbacks for various bindings

proc enterhex {w ch} {

   global chosen
   if {$ch ni $chosen} {

$w itemconfigure hull$ch -fill magenta $w itemconfigure txt$ch -fill black


} proc leavehex {w ch} {

   global chosen
   if {$ch ni $chosen} {

$w itemconfigure hull$ch -fill yellow $w itemconfigure txt$ch -fill red


} proc dohex {w ch} {

   global chosen
   if {$ch ni $chosen} {

lappend chosen $ch puts "chosen $ch"

   if {[llength $chosen] >= 5} {

destroy $w


} proc dokey {w ch} {

   enterhex $w $ch
   dohex $w $ch


  1. Initial declarations of state variables

set chosen {} set letterpattern {

   {L A R N D}
   {G U I Y T}
   {P C F E B}
   {V S O M K}


  1. Build the GUI

pack [honeycomb .c $letterpattern] focus .c

  1. Usually don't use this, but it's ideal for this interaction pattern

tkwait window .c puts "overall list of characters: $chosen" exit</lang>