Honeycombs: Difference between revisions

m (→‎{{header|Java}}: small changes)
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$mw->bind('<Alt-q>', sub { $btn->invoke });
Resizable, with automatic font and line width scaling. Selection by mouse or keyboard. Constants for easy modification.<br>
In the 2 player game, the string chosen contains the selections of both players: odd chars = player 1, even chars = player 2.<br>
Included in the distribution as demo\rosetta\honeycomb.exw
<lang Phix>include ..\arwen\arwen.ew
include ..\arwen\axtra.ew
constant N = 5, -- columns
M = 4, -- rows
cLetter = Yellow, -- initial colour(!)
cChosen = Purple,
cPlayr2 = Purple, -- (2 player if!=c_Chosen)
cHover = White,
cLines = Black,
cSelect = Black, -- (text/list of selected letters)
cBackgnd = #EFF8FA,
sequence fonts -- list of {width,handle}, see set_font()
string chosen = ""
constant main = create(Window, "honeycomb", 0, 0, 20, 20, 520, 540, 0),
mainDC = getPrivateDC(main),
viewDC = c_func(xCreateCompatibleDC, {NULL}),
pSize = allocate_Point()
integer ls, -- length of a single side
dx, dy, -- bounding rectangle of a sloping side
ox, oy, -- offsets needed to center things
lw -- line width (10% of ls, tweaked)
-- The total bounding rectange of a completed N by M honeycomb is N*(ls+dx)+dx by (2*M+1)*dy.
-- However, as space for the chosen letters, pretend there is an extra row at the bottom.
-- Use that to determine the best ls, and hence dx and dy, as the window is resized.
constant cos60 = cos(2*PI*60/360), -- dx = ls*cos60 (cos60=0.5)
sin60 = sin(2*PI*60/360) -- dy = ls*sin60
function font_info(integer size)
atom hFont = createFontForDC(viewDC, "Calibri", size, Bold)
{} = selectObject(viewDC,hFont)
{} = c_func(xGetTextExtentPoint32,{viewDC,"W",1,pSize})
return {peek4u(pSize),hFont}
end function
fonts = {font_info(1)}
procedure set_font(atom ls)
while length(fonts)<=200 -- (arbitrary limit)
and fonts[$][1]<ls do -- until slightly too big
fonts = append(fonts,font_info(length(fonts)+1))
end while
for i=length(fonts) to 1 by -1 do
if fonts[i][1]<=ls then
{} = selectObject(viewDC,fonts[i][2])
end if
end for
end procedure
integer mx=0, my=0 -- mouse hover cell
procedure drawHexagon(integer x, integer y)
integer k = (y-1)*N+x
integer ch = letters[k]
string s = letters[k..k]
sequence points
-- calculate position of left mid:
atom x0 = (x-1)*(ls+dx) + ox + 5
atom y0 = (2*y-mod(x,2))*dy + oy + 10
-- and 3 more x co-ords, and above/below y0:
atom x1 = x0+dx, x2 = x1+ls, x3 = x2+dx,
ya = y0-dy, yb = y0+dy
-- points are {{left,top},top,right,btm,btm,home(left)}
points = {{x0,y0,x1,ya},{x2,ya},{x3,y0},{x2,yb},{x1,yb},{x0,y0}}
k = find(ch,chosen)
setPenColor(iff(k?iff(mod(k,2)?cChosen:cPlayr2):iff(x=mx and y=my?cHover:cLetter)))
{} = c_func(xGetTextExtentPoint32,{viewDC,s,1,pSize})
x0 += dx+ls/2-peek4u(pSize)/2 -- centre-width/2
y0 -= peek4u(pSize+4)/2 -- (centre)-height/2
end procedure
function xy_to_hex(sequence xy)
integer x, y, gx, gy, rx, ry, hx=0, hy=0
if dx!=0 and dy!=0 then -- (avoid divide by 0)
x = xy[1]-ox-5
y = xy[2]-oy-10+2*dy
-- Credit: Matt Lewis (hexes.exw)
-- (but I basically tilted it on its head
-- and tweaked it using trial and error;
-- see commented out loop in WM_PAINT.)
gx = floor(x/dx)
gy = floor((y-dy)/dy)
rx = remainder(x,dx)
ry = remainder(y,dy)
hx = floor(gx/3+0.7)
if remainder(gx,3)<1 then
atom mxb = (dx/dy)*ry
-- need to check the slope
if remainder(hx,2)!=remainder(gy,2) then
mxb = dx-mxb
end if
hx += (rx>mxb)
end if
hy = floor((gy+remainder(hx,2))/2)
end if
return {hx,hy}
end function
integer dw = 0, dh = 0 -- client area width and height
atom bmView
integer vwX = 0, vwY = 0 -- actual size of the view bitmap
function mainHandler(integer id, integer msg, atom wParam, object lParam)
integer ch
if msg=WM_SIZE then
{{},{},dw,dh} = getClientRect(main)
if dw>vwX or dh>vwY then
-- we need a bigger bitmap
bmView = c_func(xCreateCompatibleBitmap, {mainDC, dw, dh})
{} = deleteObject(selectObject(viewDC,bmView))
{vwX,vwY} = {dw,dh}
end if
-- width = N*(ls+dx)+dx = ls*(N*(1+cos60)+cos60),
-- height = (2*M+3)*dy = ls*(2*M+3)*sin60, pick whichever fits:
ls = min(floor((dw-10)/(N*(1+cos60)+cos60)),
dx = floor(ls*cos60) -- (same as ls/2)
dy = floor(ls*sin60)
ox = floor((dw-((N*(ls+dx))+dx))/2)
oy = floor((dh-((2*M+3)*dy))/2)
lw = floor((ls-10)/10)+1
elsif msg=WM_PAINT then
drawRectangleh(viewDC, True, 0, 0, dw, dh)
for x=1 to N do
for y=1 to M do
end for
end for
-- text/list of selected letters goes where (M+2)th row would:
-- I needed this to get xy_to_hex() working:
-- for i=1 to 400 do
-- for j=1 to 400 do
-- if xy_to_hex({i,j})={1,1} then
-- drawRectangleh(viewDC, True, i, j, i+1, j+1)
-- end if
-- end for
-- end for
void = c_func(xBitBlt,{mainDC,0,0,dw,dh,viewDC,0,0,SRCCOPY})
elsif msg=WM_CHAR then
if wParam=VK_ESCAPE then
if id then end if -- suppress warnings
-- elsif wParam='!' then
-- ?9/0
ch = upper(wParam)
if find(ch,letters) and not find(ch,chosen) then
chosen &= ch
end if
end if
elsif msg=WM_MOUSEMOVE then
{mx,my} = xy_to_hex(lParam)
elsif msg = WM_LBUTTONDOWN then
{mx,my} = xy_to_hex(lParam)
if mx>=1 and mx<=N
and my>=1 and my<=M then
ch = letters[(my-1)*N+mx]
if find(ch,letters) and not find(ch,chosen) then
chosen &= ch
end if
end if
elsif msg=WM_GETMINMAXINFO then
-- below this, things stop working...
end if
return 0
end function
WinMain(main, SW_NORMAL)</lang>
