Honeycombs: Difference between revisions

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End Function
End Function

This program is largely inspired by the C version, but this is not a direct translation. We have reused many parts of the C version, for instance the computations and the way to draw the cells. But we have also introduced a “honeycomb” object, improved somewhat the drawing of the labels and taken advantage of the high level binding to Gtk3 provided by “gintro”.

<lang Nim>import lenientops, math, random, sequtils, strutils, tables

import gintro/[gobject, gdk, gtk, gio, cairo]
import gintro/glib except PI

Size = 308 # Size of drawing area.
NHexagons = 20 # Number of hexagons.
Radius = 30.0
XOffset = 1 + sin(PI / 6)
YOffset = cos(PI / 6)


Letter = range['A'..'Z']

# Description of a hexagon.
Hexagon = object
cx, cy: float
letter: Letter
selected: bool

# Description of the honeycomb.
HoneyComb = ref object
hexagons: array[NHexagons, Hexagon] # List of hexagons.
indexes: tables.Table[char, int] # Mapping letter -> index of hexagon.
archive: seq[Letter] # List of selected letters.
label: Label # Label displaying the selected letters.


proc newHoneyComb(): HoneyComb =
## Create a honeycomb.

var letters = toSeq('A'..'Z')

for i in 0..<NHexagons:
result.hexagons[i].letter = letters[i]
result.indexes[letters[i]] = i
# Compute position of hexagon center.
let q = i div 4
let m = i mod 4
result.hexagons[i].cx = Radius * (2 + q * XOffset)
result.hexagons[i].cy = Radius * (2 * (1 + m * YOffset) + (q and 1) * YOffset)


proc drawHexagons(context: Context; honeyComb: HoneyComb; select: bool) =
## Draw a hexagon (content or border).

for hex in honeyComb.hexagons:
if select == hex.selected:
let cx = hex.cx
let cy = hex.cy
context.moveTo(cx + Radius, cy)
for i in 1..5:
let x = cx + Radius * cos(i * PI / 3)
let y = cy + Radius * sin(i * PI / 3)
context.lineTo(x, y)


proc drawLabels(context: Context; honeyComb: HoneyComb; select: bool) =
## Draw the labels of the hexagons.

for hex in honeyComb.hexagons:
if select == hex.selected:
let letter = $hex.letter
var extents: TextExtents # Used to adjust letter position in hexagon.
context.getTextExtents(letter, extents)
context.moveTo(hex.cx - extents.width / 2, hex.cy + extents.height / 2)


proc onDraw(area: DrawingArea; context: Context; honeyComb: HoneyComb): bool =
## Callback to draw/redraw the drawing area contents.

# Fill unselected in yellow.
context.setSource(0.8, 0.8, 0.0, 1.0)
context.drawHexagons(honeyComb, false)

# Fill selected in purple.
context.setSource(0.8, 0.0, 0.8, 1.0)
context.drawHexagons(honeyComb, true)

# Draw border.
context.setSource(0.7, 0.7, 0.7, 0.7)
context.drawHexagons(honeyComb, false)

# Prepare label drawing.
context.selectFontFace("cairo:monospace", FontSlant.normal, FontWeight.bold)

# Draw labels for selected hexagons.
context.setSource(0, 0, 0, 1)
context.drawLabels(honeyComb, true)

# Draw labels for unselected hexagons.
context.setSource(0, 0, 1, 1)
context.drawLabels(honeyComb, false)

result = true


proc select(honeyComb: HoneyComb; hex: var Hexagon) =
## Select a hexagon.

hex.selected = true
honeyComb.label.setText(honeyComb.label.text() & hex.letter)


proc onButtonPress(area: DrawingArea; event: Event; honeyComb: HoneyComb): bool =
## Callback to process a button press event.

var xwin, ywin: float
if not event.getCoords(xwin, ywin): return false

# Search the hexagon selected.
for hex in honeyComb.hexagons.mitems:
if hypot(xwin - hex.cx, ywin - hex.cy) < Radius * cos(PI / 15):
if not hex.selected:
return true


proc onKeyPress(area: DrawingArea; event: Event; honeyComb: HoneyComb): bool =
## Callbakc to process a key press event.

var keyval: int
if not event.getKeyval(keyval): return false
if keyval notin ord('a')..ord('z'): return false # For ASCII letters, keyvals are ASCII codes.
let letter = chr(keyval).toUpperAscii() # We want the uppercase letter.
if letter notin honeyComb.indexes: return false
let idx = honeyComb.indexes[letter]
if not honeyComb.hexagons[idx].selected:


proc activate(app: Application) =
## Activate the application.

var honeyComb = newHoneyComb()

let window = app.newApplicationWindow()

let vbox = newBox(Orientation.vertical, 1)

honeyComb.label = newLabel()
vbox.packEnd(honeyComb.label, false, false, 4)

# Create the drawing area.
let area = newDrawingArea()
area.setEvents({EventFlag.buttonPress, EventFlag.keyPress, EventFlag.exposure})
vbox.packStart(area, true, true, 4)
area.setSizeRequest(Size, Size)

# Connect events.
discard area.connect("draw", ondraw, honeyComb)
discard area.connect("button-press-event", onButtonPress, honeyComb)
discard area.connect("key-press-event", onKeyPress, honeyComb)



let app = newApplication(Application, "Rosetta.honeycombs")
discard app.connect("activate", activate)
discard app.run()</lang>

=={{header|Mathematica}} / {{header|Wolfram Language}}==
=={{header|Mathematica}} / {{header|Wolfram Language}}==