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m Doh! Forgot to eliminate top and bottom blank lines in xaml also.
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[[Honeycombs/Python|Rambling python3 code with tkinter]]
[[Honeycombs/Python|Rambling python3 code with tkinter]]

<lang racket>#lang racket

(struct Hex (x y letter clicked?) #:mutable #:transparent)

(define hexes
(let* ([A (char->integer #\A)]
[letters (take (shuffle (map (compose string integer->char)
(range A (+ A 26))))
(for*/list ([row 4] [column 5])
(Hex (* 3/2 column) (* 2 (+ row (if (odd? column) 1/2 0)))
(list-ref letters (+ (* 5 row) column))

(require 2htdp/image)
(define (blank width height) (rectangle width height 'outline (color 0 0 0 0)))

(define (hexagon mode color) (regular-polygon 1 6 mode color))
(define aspect-ratio (sin (/ pi 3)))

(define (board _)
(scale 100
(for/fold ([the-board (blank 8 (* aspect-ratio 9))])
([hex hexes])
(define-values (letter-color hex-color)
(if (Hex-clicked? hex) (values 'black 'purple) (values 'red 'yellow)))
'left 'top the-board
(Hex-x hex) (* aspect-ratio (Hex-y hex))
(overlay (scale 1/10 (text (Hex-letter hex) 10 letter-color))
(hexagon 'outline 'black)
(hexagon 'solid hex-color))))))

#| Closest hex in hexes to x y, as one with minimum distance to its center. |#
(define (hex-at x y)
(argmin (λ (hex) (+ (sqr (- x (* 100 (add1 (Hex-x hex)))))
(sqr (- y (* aspect-ratio 100 (add1 (Hex-y hex)))))))

(define letters-chosen '())
(define (choose hex)
(set-Hex-clicked?! hex true)
(define letter (Hex-letter hex))
(when (not (member letter letters-chosen))
(set! letters-chosen (list* (Hex-letter hex) letters-chosen))))

(require 2htdp/universe)
(void (big-bang
[to-draw board]
[stop-when (λ (_) (andmap Hex-clicked? hexes)) board]
[on-key (λ (_ k)
(define hex (findf (λ (hex) (key=? k (string-downcase (Hex-letter hex))))
(when hex (choose hex)))]
[on-mouse (λ (_ x y event-type)
(when (equal? "button-down" event-type)
(choose (hex-at x y))))]))

(displayln "The letters were chosen in the order:")
(for-each display (add-between (reverse letters-chosen) " "))</lang>
