Honeycombs: Difference between revisions

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The programme uses the ''Tk'' GUI toolkit.
<lang perl>#!/usr/bin/perl
use warnings;
use strict;
use Tk;
use List::Util qw(shuffle);
sub altitude {
sqrt(3/4) * shift;
sub polygon_coordinates {
my ($x, $y, $size) = @_;
my $alt = altitude($size);
return ($x - $size, $y,
$x - ($size / 2), $y - $alt,
$x + ($size / 2), $y - $alt,
$x + $size, $y,
$x + ($size / 2), $y + $alt,
$x - ($size / 2), $y + $alt,
{ my %changed;
sub change {
my ($canvas, $id, $letter_id) = @_;
return sub {
$canvas->itemconfigure($id, -fill => 'magenta');
$canvas->itemconfigure($letter_id, -fill => 'black');
undef $changed{$id};
if (20 == keys %changed) {
print "All letters pressed.\n";
# Simple exit causes a "Font still in cache" segfault
# when the last letter is changed with a mouse button.
$canvas->MainWindow->after(10, sub { exit });
{ my @letters = (shuffle('A' .. 'Z'))[1 .. 20];
sub comb {
my ($canvas, $fromx, $fromy, $size, $count) = @_;
for (my $x = $fromx; $x < 3 * $count * $size; $x += 3 * $size) {
for (my $y = $fromy; $y < 7.5 * $size; $y += 2 * altitude($size)) {
my $id = $canvas->createPolygon(
polygon_coordinates($x, $y, $size),
-outline => 'black',
-fill => 'yellow',
-width => 2,
my $letter = shift @letters;
my $letter_id = $canvas->createText($x, $y,
-fill => 'red',
-text => $letter,
-font => "{sans} " . ($size * 0.9),
$canvas->MainWindow->bind('all', lc $letter,
change($canvas, $id, $letter_id));
$canvas->bind($_, '<Button-1>',
change($canvas, $id, $letter_id))
for $id, $letter_id;
my $size = 36;
my $mw = 'MainWindow'->new(-title => "Honeycombs");
my $canvas = $mw->Canvas(-width => 8 * $size,
-height => 8 * $size,
comb($canvas, $size, $size, $size, 3);
comb($canvas, $size * 2.5, $size + altitude($size), $size, 2);
my $btn = $mw->Button(-text => 'Quit',
-underline => 0,
-command => sub { exit },
$mw->bind('<Alt-q>', sub { $btn->invoke });
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