History variables: Difference between revisions

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The easiest solution is to use the Stack module coming with OCaml's standard library:
<lang ocaml>
open HistoryStack
module History =
(* This is only for convenience when typing code *)
module HistoryH = Stack
let show_entry e =
type hist = { mutable hve: int list }
List.iter (fun v -> Printf.printf "History entry: %5d\n" v) hv.hvee
let init () = { hve = [] }
let push h e =
h.hve <- e::h.hve
let pop h =
match h.hve with
| [] -> ()
| v::t -> h.hve <- t; print_int v; print_newline ()
let show hv =
List.iter (fun v -> Printf.printf "History entry: %5d\n" v) hv.hve
open History
module H = History
let () =
let hv hs = H.initcreate() in
H.push hv 111 hs ;
H.push hv 4 hs ;
H.push hv 42 hs ;
H.showiter hvshow_entry hs;
hs |> H.pop hv|> Printf.printf "%d\n";
hs |> H.pop hv|> Printf.printf "%d\n";
hs |> H.pop hv|> Printf.printf "%d\n"
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