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Which is an array of results, one for each size board - a board having only one row is impossible as the pieces can't be placed. Notice that row 3, column 3 has X, meaning that X has an unbeatable strategy, no matter what O tries, and so on for the other worked-through board sizes. The number of possible games increases very rapidly as the board size increases...
OTT GUI version.
From reading the 1962 pdf, I felt the only thing that would do it justice would be to show a graphic
representation of the 24 matchboxes, with grey arrows for still-eligible and red for eliminated.
Displays full training data (for black and white), and last game history.
Mouse-operated: Hover on an appropriate sector of one of your pieces until an arrow shows, and click.
<lang Phix>-- demo\rosetta\hexapawn.exw
include pGUI.e
-- A board is held as eg {"WWW","...","BBB"} (nb displayed upside down)
-- A move is held as {{{y1,x1},{y2,x2}},colour} where x/y are 1..3.
-- The above correspond to board_canvas .. white_canvas.
-- BOARD|MOVES also apply within each of the above, that is
-- data[BOARD][BOARD], data[BOARD][MOVES], data[MOVES][BOARD],
-- etc are all valid uses, however data[BOARD][BLACK] isn't.
sequence data = {{{},{}}, -- BOARD -- (current)
{{},{}}, -- MOVES -- (game log)
{{},{}}, -- BLACK -- (training data)
{{},{}}} -- WHITE -- (training data)
-- data[BOARD][BOARD] is always a sequence of length 1, for consistency,
-- whereas [other][BOARD] can contain 0..19 of them,
-- where that 19 is just from the highest yet seen.
-- data[BOARD][MOVES] is {} or one move, depending on the mouse hover.
-- data[MOVES][MOVES] has one move per board, except last which is {}.
-- data[BLACK/WHITE][MOVES] can contain 0-3 possible moves, obviously.
bool game_over = false
integer bw = 0, ww = 0 -- win counts
-- The next five values flip on every move:
integer player, opponent, -- 'W' <==> 'B'
player_type, opponent_type, -- HUMAN/COMPUTER
traindx = WHITE -- or BLACK, top-level index to data
function possible_moves(sequence board)
sequence moves = {}
integer height = length(board),
width = length(board[1]),
direction = iff(player='W'?+1:-1)
for row=1 to height do
for col=1 to width do
if board[row][col]=player then
integer rd = row+direction
if rd<1 or rd>height then ?9/0 end if -- game_over??
for tgt=max(1,col-1) to min(col+1,width) do
if board[rd][tgt]==iff(tgt==col?'.':opponent) then
moves = append(moves,{{{row,col},{rd,tgt}},CD_DARK_GREY})
end if
end for
end if
end for
end for
return moves
end function
-- We use mirroring to approximately halve the training data set sizes.
-- (every possible board/move has an equivalent mirror, some idential)
function mirror(sequence board)
-- flip each row, eg {".WW","W..","BBB"} <=> {"WW.","..W","BBB"}
for i=1 to length(board) do
board[i] = reverse(board[i])
end for
return board
end function
function mirror_move(sequence move)
-- from/to x := 4-x; y's and colour unchanged.
integer {{{y1,x1},{y2,x2}},colour} = move
move = {{{y1,4-x1},{y2,4-x2}},colour}
return move
end function
function find_board(sequence board)
-- retrieve an index to the training data (created if rqd)
-- also returns bools flip (move must flip too then), and
-- is_mirror (ie the training data deserves two updates)
-- (Also used to init training data, ie show the
-- starting board, with all moves valid/grey.)
sequence mb = mirror(board)
bool is_mirror = (mb==board), flip = false
if mb<board then
board = mb
flip = true
end if
integer k = find(board,data[traindx][BOARD])
if k=0 then
sequence moves = possible_moves(board)
data[traindx][BOARD] &= {board}
data[traindx][MOVES] &= {moves}
k = length(data[traindx][BOARD])
end if
return {k,flip,is_mirror}
end function
procedure train(integer mdx)
-- Learn something from losing a game.
-- player, traindx should already be set.
-- nb learn both/propagate are technically not in the original spec,
-- which confiscates max one bead per round. Obviously you could
-- instead hunt for one earlier move when moves[m][2]==CD_RED,
-- and simply play more games to complete the training.
data[MOVES][MOVES][mdx][1][2] = CD_RED -- (just the game log)
sequence board = data[MOVES][BOARD][mdx],
move = data[MOVES][MOVES][mdx][1]
{integer k, bool flip, bool is_mirror} = find_board(board)
sequence moves = data[traindx][MOVES][k]
if flip then move = mirror_move(move) end if
integer m = find(move[1],vslice(moves,1))
if moves[m][2]!=CD_RED then
moves[m][2] = CD_RED
if is_mirror then -- (learn both)
m = find(mirror_move(move)[1],vslice(moves,1))
moves[m][2] = CD_RED
end if
data[traindx][MOVES][k] = moves
if mdx>2 and sum(sq_ne(vslice(moves,2),CD_RED))=0 then
train(mdx-2) -- (propagate)
end if
end if
end procedure
procedure play_move(sequence move)
if length(move) then
move[2] = CD_DARK_GREY
integer {{{y1,x1},{y2,x2}}/*,colour*/} = move
data[BOARD][BOARD][1][y1][x1] = '.'
data[BOARD][BOARD][1][y2][x2] = player
data[MOVES][MOVES][$] = {move} -- (fill in game log)
data[MOVES][BOARD] &= data[BOARD][BOARD]
data[MOVES][MOVES] &= {{{}}}
{player, opponent} = {opponent, player}
{player_type, opponent_type} = {opponent_type, player_type}
traindx = WHITE+BLACK - traindx -- (toggle b/w)
sequence board = data[BOARD][BOARD][1]
if y2!=2 -- (must be "third row" then, ie 1|3)
or not find(player,flatten(board))
or possible_moves(board)={} then
game_over = true
if player='W' then bw += 1 else ww +=1 end if
{} = find_board(board)
end if
end if
end procedure
procedure opponent_play()
-- does nothing if opponent is HUMAN
if not game_over
and player_type=COMPUTER then
sequence board = data[BOARD][BOARD][1]
{integer k, bool flip, bool is_mirror} = find_board(board)
sequence moves = data[traindx][MOVES][k], not_red = {}
for m=1 to length(moves) do
if moves[m][2]!=CD_RED then
not_red = append(not_red,moves[m])
end if
end for
if length(not_red) then moves = not_red end if
sequence move = moves[rand(length(moves))]
if flip then move = mirror_move(move) end if
end if
end procedure
procedure new_game()
data[BOARD] = {{{"WWW","...","BBB"}},{{}}}
data[MOVES] = data[BOARD]
game_over = false
{player,opponent} = "WB"
{player_type,opponent_type} = {HUMAN,COMPUTER} -- (or any)
traindx = WHITE
{} = find_board(data[BOARD][BOARD][1]) -- (init training data)
end procedure
procedure train_rec()
-- Note this might require some more looping if train() is changed
-- to respect max-one-per-round original rules, as mentioned above
sequence board = data[BOARD][BOARD][1],
moves = possible_moves(board),
plopt = {player, opponent, traindx, data[MOVES]},
bwww = {bw,ww}
for i=1 to length(moves) do
if not game_over then train_rec() end if
game_over = false
data[BOARD][BOARD][1] = board
{player, opponent, traindx, data[MOVES]} = plopt
end for
{bw,ww} = bwww
end procedure
Ihandle dlg
-- saved from draw for mouse hover checks:
sequence board_centres = {}
integer board_radius2 = 0
procedure draw_board(cdCanvas cddbuffer, integer dx, i, px, py, mx)
sequence board = data[dx][BOARD][i],
centres = board -- (fully overwritten in draw pieces step)
integer diameter = floor(mx/5),
gap = floor(mx/8), -- (squares are twice the gap)
rhs = 7*gap -- (lhs==gap, rhs/lhs==top/btm)
-- draw grid lines
for l=1 to 7 by 2 do
integer l3 = l*gap
cdCanvasLine(cddbuffer, px+gap, py+l3, px+rhs, py+l3)
cdCanvasLine(cddbuffer, px+l3, py+gap, px+l3, py+rhs)
end for
-- draw pieces
for r=1 to length(board) do
for c=1 to length(board[r]) do
integer cx = px+2*c*gap,
cy = py+2*r*gap
centres[r][c] = {cx,cy}
integer piece = board[r][c]
if piece!='.' then
cdCanvasSector(cddbuffer, cx, cy, diameter, diameter, 0, 360)
cdCanvasArc(cddbuffer, cx, cy, diameter, diameter, 0, 360)
end if
end for
end for
if dx=BOARD then
-- save for motion_cb
board_centres = centres
board_radius2 = gap*gap
end if
-- draw arrows
sequence arrows = data[dx][MOVES][i]
for i=1 to length(arrows) do
if length(arrows[i])=0 then exit end if
integer {{{x1,y1},{x2,y2}},colour} = arrows[i]
{x1,y1} = centres[x1][y1]
{x2,y2} = centres[x2][y2]
if y1=y2 then ?9/0 end if -- horizontal??
integer ax = iff(x1<x2?-1:+1),
ay = iff(y1<y2?-1:+1)
if x1!=x2 then -- diagonal:
else -- vertical:
end if
end for
end procedure
function redraw_cb(Ihandle ih, integer /*posx*/, integer /*posy*/)
integer dx = IupGetInt(ih,"DATA"),
{cw,ch} = IupGetIntInt(ih, "DRAWSIZE")
-- first, calculate the best nw*nh way to fit them all in:
integer nw = 1, nh = 1
while nw*nh<length(data[dx][1]) do
if (cw/(nw+1))>(ch/(nh+1)) then
nw += 1
nh += 1
end if
end while
integer mx = min(floor(cw/nw), floor(ch/nh))
-- now draw all the boards
cdCanvas cddbuffer = IupGetAttributePtr(ih,"DBUFFER")
integer px = floor((cw-nw*mx)/2), -- (set margin)
py = floor((ch-nh*mx)/2), -- ""
this_row = 0
py = ch-mx-py -- (start at the top)
for i=1 to length(data[dx][1]) do
px += mx
this_row += 1
if this_row>=nw then
this_row = 0
px = floor((cw-nw*mx)/2)
py -= mx
end if
end for
end function
function map_cb(Ihandle ih)
atom res = IupGetDouble(NULL, "SCREENDPI")/25.4
cdCanvas cddbuffer = cdCreateCanvas(CD_GL, "10x10 %g", {res})
cdCanvasSetBackground(cddbuffer, CD_PARCHMENT)
end function
function canvas_resize_cb(Ihandle canvas)
cdCanvas cddbuffer = IupGetAttributePtr(canvas,"DBUFFER")
integer {canvas_width, canvas_height} = IupGetIntInt(canvas, "DRAWSIZE")
atom res = IupGetDouble(NULL, "SCREENDPI")/25.4
cdCanvasSetAttribute(cddbuffer, "SIZE", "%dx%d %g", {canvas_width, canvas_height, res})
end function
function check_position(integer px, py)
-- check if x,y is on (a 45 degree sector of player's piece of) a legal move.
-- notes: a result of {{1,1},{2,2},CD_GREEN} means bottom left takes centre.
-- perfectly fine to invoke for either the black or white player.
-- this can get invoked when board_centres still=={} (returns {}).
if not game_over
and player_type=HUMAN
and board_centres!={} then -- (when started with mouse cursor on-board)
integer height = length(board_centres),
width = length(board_centres[1]),
direction = iff(player='W'?+1:-1)
for y=1 to height do
integer yd = y+direction
if yd>=1 and yd<=height then
for x=1 to width do
sequence c = sq_sub(board_centres[4-y][x],{px,py})
integer {cx,cy} = sq_mul(c,{1,direction})
if cy>0 and (cx*cx+cy*cy)<=board_radius2 then
atom angle = -arctan(cx/cy)*CD_RAD2DEG
if angle>=-67.5 and angle<=67.5 then
-- within one of three 45 degree sectors:
-- >22.5 is a move right,
-- 22.5..-22.5 is a move up,
-- <-22.5 is a move left
sequence board = data[BOARD][BOARD][1]
integer move = floor((angle+22.5)/45), -- (-1/0/+1)
tgt = iff(move=0?'.':opponent),
xm = x+move
if xm>=1 and xm<=width
and board[y][x]=player
and board[yd][xm]==tgt then
return {{{y,x},{yd,xm}},CD_GREEN}
end if
end if
return {} -- (we may as well quit now)
end if
end for
end if
end for
end if
return {}
end function
function motion_cb(Ihandle board_canvas, integer x, y, atom /*pStatus*/)
data[BOARD][MOVES][1] = {check_position(x,y)}
end function
procedure redraw_all()
Ihandle frame = IupGetAttributePtr(dlg,"BOARD_FRAME")
string title = iff(game_over?sprintf("%c wins (Black:%d, White:%d)",{opponent,bw,ww}):"Board")
IupSetAttribute(frame, "TITLE", title)
end procedure
function button_cb(Ihandle /*board_canvas*/, integer button, pressed, x, y, atom /*pStatus*/)
if button=IUP_BUTTON1 and not pressed then -- (left button released)
end if
end function
function new_game_cb(Ihandle /*ih*/)
end function
function train_cb(Ihandle /*ih*/)
sequence pott = {player_type, opponent_type}
{player_type, opponent_type} = pott -- (restore)
end function
function exit_cb(Ihandle /*ih*/)
return IUP_CLOSE
end function
constant help_text = """
Hexapawn may be the simplest game for which a self-learning game AI
is not completely and utterly trivial, or at least non-obvious.
Pieces can move forward into an empty square or diagonally to take
an opponent's piece (no initial double or en passant moves).
The game is over if a piece reaches the third row, all opponent
pieces are captured, or the opponent has no valid move.
White always goes first.
Hover the mouse over a (45 degree sector of) a piece until an arrow
appears (if that's valid), then click.
Either or both players can be computer or human (the machine learns
from both). Note that when both are computer, mouse clicks (anywhere
on the board canvas) are still needed before it makes a move.
The "Train" option performs an exhaustive search of all possible moves.
Note the results may turn out slightly different if you manually
teach it a few moves first. Once fully trained, white cannot possibly win.
Interestingly, it never learns anything about winning moves, it just
avoids losing moves, which is enough to make it (/black) unbeatable.
In the training data, red arrows indicate losing moves, and grey ones
still potential winners. Red arrows in the game log indicate what has
just been learnt from playing(/losing) the last game.
The human-player games quickly become a test to see how fast you
can decipher/fill the training data, which is made slightly more
difficult (for a human) by board/move mirroring. How many games can
you win, and how few to prove that white will (eventually) always
lose? My records are 14 and 3 respectively, however on the latter
you will get/need a few more wins on the way to finishing the full
training of it.
Enhancing this game to handle larger boards and other games such as
noughts and crosses/tic-tac-toe and/or checkers/draughts (etc) is
left as an exercise for the reader.
function help_cb(Ihandln /*ih*/)
end function
function key_cb(Ihandle /*dlg*/, atom c)
if c=K_ESC then return IUP_CLOSE end if
if c=K_F1 then return help_cb(NULL) end if
end function
procedure main()
Ihandle board_canvas = IupGLCanvas("DATA=%d,RASTERSIZE=50x50",{BOARD}),
moves_canvas = IupGLCanvas("DATA=%d,RASTERSIZE=50x50",{MOVES}),
black_canvas = IupGLCanvas("DATA=%d,RASTERSIZE=50x50",{BLACK}),
white_canvas = IupGLCanvas("DATA=%d,RASTERSIZE=50x50",{WHITE}),
board_frame = IupFrame(board_canvas,"TITLE=Board"),
moves_frame = IupFrame(moves_canvas,"TITLE=\"Game log\""),
black_frame = IupFrame(black_canvas,"TITLE=Black"),
white_frame = IupFrame(white_canvas,"TITLE=White"),
left = IupSplit(board_frame,moves_frame,"ORIENTATION=HORIZONTAL,MINMAX=100:900"),
right = IupVbox({black_frame,white_frame}),
full = IupSplit(left,right,"ORIENTATION=VERTICAL,MINMAX=100:900")
dlg = IupDialog(full,"TITLE=Hexapawn,RASTERSIZE=800x800")
Ihandles c4 = {board_canvas, moves_canvas, black_canvas, white_canvas}
"RESIZE_CB", Icallback("canvas_resize_cb")})
IupSetCallbacks(board_canvas, {"MOTION_CB", Icallback("motion_cb"),
"BUTTON_CB", Icallback("button_cb")})
Ihandle main_menu = IupMenu({IupMenuItem("&New game",Icallback("new_game_cb")),
IupMenuItem("&Help (F1)",Icallback("help_cb")),
IupMenuItem("E&xit", Icallback("exit_cb"))})
IupSetCallback(dlg, "K_ANY", Icallback("key_cb"))
end procedure
There is also a straightforward translation of Go in demo\rosetta\heaxpawn_go.exw if anyone is interested...
