Hex words: Difference between revisions

Added Algol 68
m (relocate python)
(Added Algol 68)
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Also filter out all such words which contain at least '''4''' distinct letters and display the same statistics but in decreasing order of decimal equivalent together with their total count.
=={{header|ALGOL 68}}==
<lang algol68># find words that contain only hex digits a-f #
IF FILE input file;
STRING file name = "unixdict.txt";
open( input file, file name, stand in channel ) /= 0
# failed to open the file #
print( ( "Unable to open """ + file name + """", newline ) )
# file opened OK #
BOOL at eof := FALSE;
# set the EOF handler for the file #
on logical file end( input file, ( REF FILE f )BOOL:
# note that we reached EOF on the #
# latest read #
at eof := TRUE;
# return TRUE so processing can continue #
INT count := 0;
INT max words = 100; # guess at the maximum number of words #
MODE HEXWORD = STRUCT( STRING word, LONG INT value, INT root, INT len );
[ 1 : max words ]HEXWORD hw;
get( input file, ( word, newline ) );
NOT at eof
# check the word contains only a-f and compute its decimal value #
IF INT word len = ( UPB word + 1 ) - LWB word;
word len >= 4
# the word is at least 4 characters long #
BOOL is hex word := word /= "";
LONG INT int word := 0;
FOR i FROM LWB word TO UPB word
WHILE is hex word := word[ i ] >= "a" AND word[ i ] <= "f"
int word *:= 16;
int word +:= ( ABS word[ i ] - ABS "a" ) + 10
IF is hex word
# have a hex word #
count +:= 1;
# compute the digital root #
LONG INT r := int word;
WHILE r > 9 DO
LONG INT dr := r MOD 10;
WHILE ( r OVERAB 10 ) > 0 DO dr +:= r MOD 10 OD;
r := dr
word OF hw[ count ] := word;
value OF hw[ count ] := int word;
root OF hw[ count ] := SHORTEN r;
len OF hw[ count ] := word len
close( input file );
# prints the HEXWORD hw #
PROC show = ( HEXWORD hw )VOID:
STRING pad = IF len OF hw >= 12 THEN "" ELSE ( 12 - len OF hw ) * " " FI;
print( ( word OF hw, ": ", pad, whole( value OF hw, -10 ), " [ ", whole( root OF hw, 0 ), " ]", newline ) )
END # show # ;
# Quicksorts in-place the array of HEXWORDS a, from lb to ub on ascending value #
PROC quicksort = ( REF[]HEXWORD a, INT lb, ub )VOID:
IF ub > lb THEN
# more than one element, so must sort #
INT left := lb;
INT right := ub;
# choosing the middle element of the array as the pivot #
LONG INT pivot := value OF a[ left + ( ( right + 1 ) - left ) OVER 2 ];
WHILE IF left <= ub THEN value OF a[ left ] < pivot ELSE FALSE FI DO left +:= 1 OD;
WHILE IF right >= lb THEN value OF a[ right ] > pivot ELSE FALSE FI DO right -:= 1 OD;
left <= right
HEXWORD t := a[ left ];
a[ left ] := a[ right ];
a[ right ] := t;
left +:= 1;
right -:= 1
quicksort( a, lb, right );
quicksort( a, left, ub )
FI # quicksort # ;
# show the hex words in ascending order of digital root #
FOR i FROM 1 TO count DO
IF root OF hw[ i ] = r THEN show( hw[ i ] ) FI
print( ( "Found ", whole( count, 0 ), " hex words", newline, newline ) );
# show the words in descending value order excluding those with less than 4 unique letters #
quicksort( hw, 1, count );
INT count 4 := 0;
FOR i FROM count BY -1 TO 1 DO
# check the word has at least four different digits #
INT a := 0, b := 0, c := 0, d := 0, e := 0, f := 0;
FOR c pos FROM LWB word OF hw[ i ] TO UPB word OF hw[ i ] DO
IF CHAR ch = ( word OF hw[ i ] )[ c pos ];
ch = "a"
THEN a := 1
ELIF ch = "b"
THEN b := 1
ELIF ch = "c"
THEN c := 1
ELIF ch = "d"
THEN d := 1
ELIF ch = "e"
THEN e := 1
ELSE f := 1
IF a + b + c + d + e + f >= 4
# have a hex word with at least 4 different digits #
count 4 +:= 1;
show( hw[ i ] )
print( ( "Found ", whole( count 4, 0 ), " hex words with 4 or more distinct digits", newline ) )
ababa: 703162 [ 1 ]
abbe: 43966 [ 1 ]
dada: 56026 [ 1 ]
deaf: 57007 [ 1 ]
decade: 14600926 [ 1 ]
cede: 52958 [ 2 ]
feed: 65261 [ 2 ]
abed: 44013 [ 3 ]
added: 712173 [ 3 ]
bade: 47838 [ 3 ]
beebe: 782014 [ 4 ]
decca: 912586 [ 4 ]
dade: 56030 [ 5 ]
bead: 48813 [ 6 ]
deface: 14613198 [ 6 ]
babe: 47806 [ 7 ]
fade: 64222 [ 7 ]
dead: 57005 [ 8 ]
efface: 15727310 [ 8 ]
facade: 16435934 [ 8 ]
accede: 11325150 [ 9 ]
beef: 48879 [ 9 ]
cafe: 51966 [ 9 ]
dacca: 896202 [ 9 ]
deed: 57069 [ 9 ]
face: 64206 [ 9 ]
Found 26 hex words
facade: 16435934 [ 8 ]
efface: 15727310 [ 8 ]
deface: 14613198 [ 6 ]
decade: 14600926 [ 1 ]
accede: 11325150 [ 9 ]
decca: 912586 [ 4 ]
fade: 64222 [ 7 ]
face: 64206 [ 9 ]
deaf: 57007 [ 1 ]
cafe: 51966 [ 9 ]
bead: 48813 [ 6 ]
bade: 47838 [ 3 ]
abed: 44013 [ 3 ]
Found 13 hex words with 4 or more distinct digits
Line 82 ⟶ 254:
13 such words found which contain 4 or more different digits.
