Heronian triangles: Difference between revisions

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m (→‎{{header|Perl 6}}: Declare a variable, add a batch size constraint to spread the load more effectively)
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<small>'''Note''': when generating triangles it may help to restrict</small> <math>a <= b <= c</math>
<lang Ada>with Ada.Containers.Indefinite_Ordered_Sets;
with Ada.Finalization;
with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO;
procedure Heronian is
package Int_IO is new Ada.Text_IO.Integer_IO(Integer);
use Int_IO;
-- ----- Some math...
function GCD (A, B : in Natural) return Natural is (if B = 0 then A else GCD (B, A mod B));
function Int_Sqrt (N : in Natural) return Natural is
R1 : Natural := N;
R2 : Natural;
if N <= 1 then
return N;
end if;
R2 := (R1+N/R1)/2;
if R2 >= R1 then
return R1;
end if;
R1 := R2;
end loop;
end Int_Sqrt;
-- ----- Defines the triangle with sides as discriminants and a constructor which will
-- compute its other characteristics
type t_Triangle (A, B, C : Positive) is new Ada.Finalization.Controlled with record
Is_Heronian : Boolean;
Perimeter : Positive;
Area : Natural;
end record;
overriding procedure Initialize (Self : in out t_Triangle) is
-- Let's stick to integer computations, therefore a modified hero's formula
-- will be used : S*(S-a)*(S-b)*(S-c) = (a+b+c)*(-a+b+c)*(a-b+c)*(a+b-c)/16
-- This will require long integers because at max side size, the product
-- before /16 excesses 2^31
Long_Product : Long_Long_Integer;
Short_Product : Natural;
Self.Perimeter := Self.A + Self.B + Self.C;
Long_Product := Long_Long_Integer(Self.Perimeter)
* Long_Long_Integer(- Self.A + Self.B + Self.C)
* Long_Long_Integer( Self.A - Self.B + Self.C)
* Long_Long_Integer( Self.A + Self.B - Self.C);
Short_Product := Natural(Long_Product / 16);
Self.Area := Int_Sqrt (Short_Product);
Self.Is_Heronian := (Long_Product mod 16 = 0) and (Self.Area * Self.Area = Short_Product);
end Initialize;
-- ----- Ordering triangles with criteria (Area,Perimeter,A,B,C)
function "<" (Left, Right : in t_Triangle) return Boolean is
(Left.Area < Right.Area or else (Left.Area = Right.Area and then
(Left.Perimeter < Right.Perimeter or else (Left.Perimeter = Right.Perimeter and then
(Left.A < Right.A or else (Left.A = Right.A and then
(Left.B < Right.B or else (Left.B = Right.B and then
Left.C < Right.C))))))));
package Triangle_Lists is new Ada.Containers.Indefinite_Ordered_Sets (t_Triangle);
use Triangle_Lists;
-- ----- Displaying triangle characteristics
Header : constant String := " A B C Per Area" & ASCII.LF & "---+---+---+---+-----";
procedure Put_Triangle (Position : Cursor) is
Triangle : constant t_Triangle := Element(Position);
Put(Triangle.A, 3);
Put(Triangle.B, 4);
Put(Triangle.C, 4);
Put(Triangle.Perimeter, 4);
Put(Triangle.Area, 6);
end Put_Triangle;
-- ----- Global variables
Triangles : Set := Empty_Set;
-- Instead of constructing two sets, or browsing all the beginning of the set during
-- the second output, start/end cursors will be updated during the insertions.
First_201 : Cursor := No_Element;
Last_201 : Cursor := No_Element;
procedure Memorize_Triangle (A, B, C : in Positive) is
Candidate : t_Triangle(A, B, C);
Position : Cursor;
Dummy : Boolean;
if Candidate.Is_Heronian then
Triangles.Insert (Candidate, Position, Dummy);
if Candidate.Area = 210 then
First_201 := (if First_201 = No_Element then Position
elsif Position < First_201 then Position
else First_201);
Last_201 := (if Last_201 = No_Element then Position
elsif Last_201 < Position then Position
else Last_201);
end if;
end if;
end Memorize_Triangle;
-- Loops restrict to unique A,B,C (ensured by A <= B <= C) with sides < 200 and for
-- which a triangle is constructible : C is not greater than B+A (flat triangle)
for A in 1..200 loop
for B in A..200 loop
for C in B..Integer'Min(A+B-1,200) loop
-- Filter non-primitive triangles
if GCD(GCD(A,B),C) = 1 then
Memorize_Triangle (A, B, C);
end if;
end loop;
end loop;
end loop;
Put_Line (Triangles.Length'Img & " heronian triangles found :");
Put_Line (Header);
Triangles.Iterate (Process => Put_Triangle'Access);
Put_Line ("Heronian triangles with area = 201");
Put_Line (Header);
Position : Cursor := First_201;
Put_Triangle (Position);
exit when Position = Last_201;
Position := Next(Position);
end loop;
end Heronian;</lang>
<pre> 517 heronian triangles found :
A B C Per Area
3 4 5 12 6
5 5 6 16 12
5 5 8 18 12
4 13 15 32 24
5 12 13 30 30
9 10 17 36 36
3 25 26 54 36
7 15 20 42 42
10 13 13 36 60
8 15 17 40 60</pre>
Heronian triangles with area = 201
A B C Per Area
17 25 28 70 210
20 21 29 70 210
12 35 37 84 210
17 28 39 84 210
7 65 68 140 210
3 148 149 300 210</pre>
=={{header|ALGOL 68}}==