Heronian triangles: Difference between revisions

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m (→‎{{header|FutureBasic}}: Remove unsupported 'ConsoleWindow')
(Added XPL0 example.)
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7 x 65 x 68 210 140 68
7 x 65 x 68 210 140 68
3 x 148 x 149 210 300 149
3 x 148 x 149 210 300 149

<syntaxhighlight lang "XPL0">include xpllib; \for Min, GCD, StrSort, StrNCmp, and Print

func Hero(A, B, C); \Return area squared of triangle with sides A, B, C
int A, B, C, S;
[S:= (A+B+C)/2;
if rem(0) = 1 then return 0; \return 0 if area is not an integer
return S*(S-A)*(S-B)*(S-C);

func Heronian(A, B, C); \Return area of triangle if sides and area are integers
int A, B, C, Area2, Area;
[Area2:= Hero(A, B, C);
Area:= sqrt(Area2);
return if Area*Area = Area2 then Area else 0;

def MaxSide = 200;
int A, B, C, Area, Count, I, J, K;
char Array(1000, 5*5);
[Format(5, 0);
Count:= 0;
for A:= 1 to MaxSide do
for B:= A to MaxSide do
for C:= B to Min(A+B-1, MaxSide) do
if GCD(GCD(B,C), A) = 1 then
[Area:= Heronian(A, B, C);
if Area > 0 then
RlOut(8, float(Area));
RlOut(8, float(A+B+C));
RlOut(8, float(C));
RlOut(8, float(B));
RlOut(8, float(A));
for I:= 0 to 25-1 do Array(Count,I):= ChIn(8);
Count:= Count+1;
Print("Count = %d\n", Count);
StrSort(Array, Count);
Print(" A B C Perim Area\n");
for I:= 0 to 10-1 do
[for J:= 4 downto 0 do
Print("%5.5s", @Array(I, J*5+K));
for I:= 0 to Count-1 do
if StrNCmp(" 210", @Array(I,0), 5) = 0 then
[for J:= 4 downto 0 do
Print("%5.5s", @Array(I, J*5+K));
Count = 517
A B C Perim Area
3 4 5 12 6
5 5 6 16 12
5 5 8 18 12
4 13 15 32 24
5 12 13 30 30
9 10 17 36 36
3 25 26 54 36
7 15 20 42 42
10 13 13 36 60
8 15 17 40 60

17 25 28 70 210
20 21 29 70 210
12 35 37 84 210
17 28 39 84 210
7 65 68 140 210
3 148 149 300 210