Hello world/Standard error: Difference between revisions

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m (added whitespace before the TOC (table of contents), added a ;Task: (bold) header, added other whitespace to the task's preamble.)
(Lingo added)
Line 381:
stderr('Goodbye, World!')</lang>
{{libheader|CommandLine Xtra}}
<lang lingo>-- print to standard error
stdErr("Goodbye, World!", TRUE)
-- print to the Windows debug console (shown in realtime e.g. in Systernal's DebugView)
dbgPrint("Goodbye, World!")</lang>
Mac OS X:
{{libheader|Shell Xtra}}sx = xtra("Shell").new()
-- print to standard error
sx.shell_cmd("echo Goodbye, World!>&2")
-- print to system.log (shown in realtime e.g. in Konsole.app)
sx.shell_cmd("logger Goodbye, World!")</lang>