Handle a signal: Difference between revisions

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m (syntax highlighting fixup automation)
(Add Fortran example.)
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main bye</syntaxhighlight>
{{Works with|gfortran}}
Must be compiled with the <code>-fcoarray=single</code> flag to enable use of atomic operations.
<syntaxhighlight lang="fortran">program signal_handling
use, intrinsic :: iso_fortran_env, only: atomic_logical_kind
implicit none
integer(C_INT) function usleep(microseconds) bind(c)
use, intrinsic :: iso_c_binding, only: C_INT, C_INT32_T
integer(C_INT32_T), value :: microseconds
end function usleep
end interface
integer, parameter :: half_second = 500000
integer, parameter :: sigint = 2
integer, parameter :: sigquit = 3
logical(atomic_logical_kind) :: interrupt_received[*]
integer :: half_seconds
logical :: interrupt_received_ref
interrupt_received = .false.
half_seconds = 0
! "Install" the same signal handler for both SIGINT and SIGQUIT.
call signal(sigint, signal_handler)
call signal(sigquit, signal_handler)
! Indefinite loop (until one of the two signals are received).
if (usleep(half_second) == -1) &
print *, "Call to usleep interrupted."
call atomic_ref(interrupt_received_ref, interrupt_received)
if (interrupt_received_ref) then
print "(A,I0,A)", "Program ran for ", half_seconds / 2, " second(s)."
end if
half_seconds = half_seconds + 1
print "(I0)", half_seconds
end do
subroutine signal_handler(sig_num)
use, intrinsic :: iso_c_binding, only: C_INT
integer(C_INT), value, intent(in) :: sig_num
! Must be declared with attribute `value` to force pass-by-value semantics
! (what C uses by default).
select case (sig_num)
case (sigint)
print *, "Received SIGINT."
case (sigquit)
print *, "Received SIGQUIT."
end select
call atomic_define(interrupt_received, .true.)
end subroutine signal_handler
end program signal_handling</syntaxhighlight>