Halt and catch fire

Revision as of 20:24, 12 September 2021 by Puppydrum64 (talk | contribs)

Create a program that crashes as soon as possible, with as few lines of code as possible. Be smart and don't damage your computer, ok?

Halt and catch fire
You are encouraged to solve this task according to the task description, using any language you may know.
  1. Halt and Catch Fire

6502 Assembly

Upon executing this byte as code, the processor will halt. No interrupts can occur either. This does not occur on 65c02-based hardware such as the Apple II or Atari Lynx. <lang 6502asm> db $02</lang>

68000 Assembly

The 68000 can only read words or longs at even addresses. Attempting to do so at an odd address will crash the CPU. <lang 68000devpac>CrashBandicoot equ $100001 LEA CrashBandicoot,A0 MOVE.W (A0),D0</lang>

Z80 Assembly

The processor is permanently halted. Strangely enough, this does not work on the Game Boy. Rather, both the HALT instruction and the instruction after it are skipped. <lang z80>di halt</lang>