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Line 275:
<syntaxhighlight lang="abc">HOW TO RETURN hailstone n:
PUT {} IN seq
WHILE 1=1:
PUT n IN seq[#seq]
n=1: RETURN seq
n mod 2=0: PUT floor(n/2) IN n
n mod 2=1: PUT 3*n+1 IN n
PUT hailstone 27 IN h27
WRITE "Length of Hailstone sequence for 27:", #h27/
WRITE "First 4 elements:", h27[0], h27[1], h27[2], h27[3]/
WRITE "Last 4 elements:", h27[#h27-4], h27[#h27-3], h27[#h27-2], h27[#h27-1]/
PUT 0, 0 IN longest, length
FOR n IN {1..100000}:
PUT hailstone n IN hn
IF #hn > length:
PUT n, #hn IN longest, length
WRITE longest, "has the longest hailstone sequence < 100,000, of length:", length/</syntaxhighlight>
<pre>Length of Hailstone sequence for 27: 112
First 4 elements: 27 82 41 124
Last 4 elements: 8 4 2 1
77031 has the longest hailstone sequence < 100,000, of length: 351</pre>
<syntaxhighlight lang="lisp">(defun hailstone (len)
Line 2,210 ⟶ 2,238:
Longest so far: 77031 @ 351 elements
Longest was starting from 77031 and was of length 351</pre>
<syntaxhighlight lang="bruijn">
:import std/Combinator .
:import std/List .
:import std/Math M
:import std/Number/Binary .
# hailstone sequence using binary shifts
hailstone y [[(0 =? (+1b)) {}0 go]]
go 0 : (=²?0 (1 /²0) (1 (↑¹0 + 0)))
# --- tests ---
seq-27 hailstone (+27b)
:test (∀seq-27) ((+112))
:test (take (+4) seq-27) ((+27b) : ((+82b) : ((+41b) : {}(+124b))))
:test (take (+4) <~>seq-27) ((+1b) : ((+2b) : ((+4b) : {}(+8b))))
below-100000 [0 : ∀(hailstone 0)] <$> seq
seq take (+99999) (iterate ++‣ (+1b))
main [head (max-by (M.compare ⋔ tail) below-100000)]
Line 3,449 ⟶ 3,503:
number: 77031, length: 351</pre>
<syntaxhighlight lang=easylang>
proc hailstone n . list[] .
list[] = [ ]
while n <> 1
list[] &= n
if n mod 2 = 0
n = n / 2
n = 3 * n + 1
list[] &= 1
hailstone 27 l[]
write "27 has length " & len l[] & " with "
for i to 4
write l[i] & " "
write "... "
for i = len l[] - 3 to len l[]
write l[i] & " "
print ""
for i = 1 to 100000
hailstone i l[]
if len l[] >= max_iter
max_i = i
max_iter = len l[]
print max_i & " has length " & max_iter
Line 3,922 ⟶ 4,010:
ELENA 46.x :
<syntaxhighlight lang="elena">import system'collections;
import extensions;
Line 3,961 ⟶ 4,049:
auto recursiveLengths := new Map<int,int>(4096,4096);
for(int i := 1,; i < maxNumber,; i+=1)
var chainLength := Hailstone(i, recursiveLengths);
Line 5,947 ⟶ 6,035:
<syntaxhighlight lang="kotlin">
fun hailstone(start: Int) = generateSequence(start) { n ->
when {
n == 1 -> null
n % 2 == 0 -> n / 2
else -> n * 3 + 1
fun main() {
val hail27 = hailstone(27).toList()
println("The hailstone sequence for 27 has ${hail27.size} elements:\n$hail27")
val (n, length) = (1..100000).asSequence()
.map { it to hailstone(it).count() }
.maxBy { it.second }
println("The number between 1 and 100000 with the longest hailstone sequence is $n, of length $length")
Alternative, doing it manually:
<syntaxhighlight lang="kotlin">import java.util.ArrayDeque
Line 6,671 ⟶ 6,782:
===Non-cached version===
Calculates sequence without using previous calculated sequences.
Line 6,716 ⟶ 6,827:
This sequence has 351 elements.</pre>
===Cached version===
Calculations are stored for used in later calculations.
<syntaxhighlight lang="miniscript">
Line 6,730 ⟶ 6,841:
n = n /2
end if
items.push( n)
end while
cache[origNum] = {"len": items.len,"items":items}
Line 6,736 ⟶ 6,847:
getLen = function(n)
if not cache.hasIndex(n) then calc( n)
if n == 1 then return 1
return cache[n].len + getLen(cache[n].items[-1]) - 1
Line 6,742 ⟶ 6,853:
getSequence = function(n)
if not cache.hasIndex(n) then calc( n)
if n == 1 then return [1]
return cache[n].items[:-1] + getSequence(cache[n].items[-1])
Line 6,752 ⟶ 6,863:
print "and ending with"
print h[-4:]
longSeq = 0
Line 6,764 ⟶ 6,873:
end if
end for
print "The number < 100,000 which has the longest hailstone sequence is " + longSeqVal + "."
print "This sequence has " + longSeq + " elements."
Line 7,240 ⟶ 7,351:
[351, 77031]
=={{header|Onyx (wasm)}}==
<syntaxhighlight lang="C">
use core { * }
hailstone :: (n: u32) -> [..]u32 {
seq: [..]u32;
array.push(&seq, n);
while n > 1 {
n = n/2 if n%2 == 0 else (n*3)+1;
array.push(&seq, n);
return seq;
Longest :: struct { num, len : u32; }
main :: () {
// -------
// task 1:
// -------
// "Create a routine to generate the hailstone
// sequence for a number."
i := 27;
seq := hailstone(i);
printf("Task 1:\n{}: {}\n\n",
// -------
// task 2:
// -------
// "Use the routine to show that the hailstone
// sequence for the number 27 has
// 112 elements starting with
// 27, 82, 41, 124 and ending with 8, 4, 2, 1"
slice_size := 4;
len := seq.length;
slice_first := seq[0..slice_size];
slice_last := seq[seq.length-slice_size..seq.length];
printf("Task 2:\nlength: {}, first: {}, last: {}\n\n",
// -------
// task 3:
// -------
// "Show the number less than 100,000
// which has the longest hailstone sequence
// together with that sequences length."
l : Longest;
for i in 1..100000 {
seq := hailstone(i);
if l.len < seq.length { l = .{num = i, len = seq.length}; }
printf("Task 3:\nLongest Num: {}, Sequence Length: {}\n", l.num, l.len);
Line 8,795 ⟶ 8,971:
<pre>the hail sequence of 27 has length 112 and has the form 27 82 41 ... 4 2 1
the number less than 100000 with the longest hail sequence is 77031 with length 351</pre>
<syntaxhighlight lang="refal">$ENTRY Go {
= <ShowHailstone 27>
<ShowLongest 100000>;
Hailstone {
1 = 1;
s.N, <Mod s.N 2>: {
0 = s.N <Hailstone <Div s.N 2>>;
1 = s.N <Hailstone <+ 1 <* 3 s.N>>>;
ShowHailstone {
s.N, <Hailstone s.N>: e.Seq,
<Lenw e.Seq>: s.Len s.1 s.2 s.3 s.4 e.X s.D4 s.D3 s.D2 s.D1
= <Prout 'The hailstone sequence for the number '
<Symb s.N> ' has ' <Symb s.Len> ' elements,\n'
'starting with ' s.1 s.2 s.3 s.4
'and ending with ' s.D4 s.D3 s.D2 <Symb s.D1>'.'>;
FindLongest {
s.Max = <FindLongest s.Max 1 1 1>;
s.Max s.Max s.Long s.Len = s.Long s.Len;
s.Max s.Cur s.Long s.Len,
<Hailstone s.Cur>: e.CurSeq,
<Lenw e.CurSeq>: s.CurLen e.X,
<+ s.Cur 1>: s.Next,
<Compare s.CurLen s.Len>: {
'+' = <FindLongest s.Max s.Next s.Cur s.CurLen>;
s.X = <FindLongest s.Max s.Next s.Long s.Len>;
ShowLongest {
s.Max, <FindLongest s.Max>: s.Long s.Len
= <Prout 'The number < ' <Symb s.Max> ' which has the longest'
' hailstone sequence is ' <Symb s.Long> '.\n'
'The length of its Hailstone sequence is '
<Symb s.Len> '.'>;
<pre>The hailstone sequence for the number 27 has 112 elements,
starting with 27 82 41 124 and ending with 8 4 2 1.
The number < 100000 which has the longest hailstone sequence is 77031.
The length of its Hailstone sequence is 351.</pre>
Line 9,468 ⟶ 9,693:
Maximum length 351 at number=77031
<syntaxhighlight lang="setl">program hailstone_sequence;
hail27 := hailstone(27);
print("The hailstone sequence for the number 27 has", #hail27, "elements,");
print("starting with", hail27(..4), "and ending with", hail27(#hail27-3..));
sizes := [#hailstone(n) : n in [1..99999]];
maxsize := max/sizes;
maxelem := [n : n in [1..#sizes] | sizes(n) = maxsize](1);
print("The number < 100,000 with the longest hailstone sequence is",maxelem);
print("The length of its sequence is",sizes(maxelem));
proc hailstone(n);
seq := [];
loop doing seq with:= n; while n/=1 do
if even n then
n div:= 2;
n := 3*n + 1;
end if;
end loop;
return seq;
end proc;
end program;</syntaxhighlight>
<pre>The hailstone sequence for the number 27 has 112 elements,
starting with [27 82 41 124] and ending with [8 4 2 1]
The number < 100,000 with the longest hailstone sequence is 77031
The length of its sequence is 351</pre>
Line 10,325 ⟶ 10,581:
<syntaxhighlight lang="ecmascriptwren">var hailstone = Fn.new { |n|
if (n < 1) Fiber.abort("Parameter must be a positive integer.")
var h = [n]
