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A note on the last example: using brackets forces a and b to be evaluated before GCD is called. Not doing this will cause a compile error because a and b are not the same type as in the function declaration (they are Variant, not Long). Alternatively you can use the conversion function CLng as in print GCD(CLng(a),CLng(b))
A note on the last example: using brackets forces a and b to be evaluated before GCD is called. Not doing this will cause a compile error because a and b are not the same type as in the function declaration (they are Variant, not Long). Alternatively you can use the conversion function CLng as in print GCD(CLng(a),CLng(b))

<lang VBScript>Function GCD(a,b)
If a Mod b > 0 Then
c = a Mod b
a = b
b = c
GCD = b
Exit Do
End If
End Function

WScript.Echo "The GCD of 48 and 18 is " & GCD(48,18) & "."
WScript.Echo "The GCD of 1280 and 240 is " & GCD(1280,240) & "."
WScript.Echo "The GCD of 1280 and 240 is " & GCD(3475689,23566319) & "."
WScript.Echo "The GCD of 1280 and 240 is " & GCD(123456789,234736437) & "."</lang>

<pre>The GCD of 48 and 18 is 6.
The GCD of 1280 and 240 is 80.
The GCD of 1280 and 240 is 7.
The GCD of 1280 and 240 is 3.</pre>
