Greatest common divisor: Difference between revisions

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m →‎{{header|PowerShell}}: some whitespace to make reading easier
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<lang nial>|gcd 9 6 3
<lang objeck>
bundle Default {
class GDC {
function : Main(args : String[]), Nil {
for(x := 1; x < 36; x += 1;) {
IO.Console->GetInstance()->Print("GCD of ")->Print(36)->Print(" and ")->Print(x)->Print(" is ")->PrintLine(GDC(36, x));
function : native : GDC(a : Int, b : Int), Int {
t : Int;
if(a > b) {
t := b; b := a; a := t;
while (b <> 0) {
t := a % b; a := b; b := t;
return a;