Graph colouring: Difference between revisions

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Line 823: Line 823:
1-4 1-6 1-8 3-2 3-6 3-8 5-2 5-4 5-8 7-2 7-4 7-6
1-4 1-6 1-8 3-2 3-6 3-8 5-2 5-4 5-8 7-2 7-4 7-6
0:1 0:2 0:3 1:0 1:2 1:3 2:0 2:1 2:3 3:0 3:1 3:2
0:1 0:2 0:3 1:0 1:2 1:3 2:0 2:1 2:3 3:0 3:1 3:2
task ex4
nodes: 8, edges: 12, colours: 2
1-6 7-1 8-1 5-2 2-7 2-8 3-5 6-3 3-8 4-5 4-6 4-7
0:1 1:0 1:0 1:0 0:1 0:1 0:1 1:0 0:1 0:1 0:1 0:1

But, of course, we can do better than that. For example, we can try a few random ordered greedy color assignments, retaining a color assignment with the fewest colors:

<lang J>anneal=: {{
best=. i.#y [ cost=. #~.greedy y
for.i.#y do.
o=. ?~#y
c=.#~.greedy o ([ { {"1) y
if. cost > c do.
best=. o [ cost=. c
(/:best) { greedy best ([ { {"1) y
task=: {{
colors=. anneal parse y
echo'nodes: %d, edges: %d, colours: %d' sprintf #each graph;ref;~.colors
edgecolors=. <@(,&":':',&":])/"1(>labels i.L:1 ref){colors
,./>' ',.~each^:2(cut y),:each edgecolors

task ex1
nodes: 4, edges: 4, colours: 3
0-1 1-2 2-0 3
0:1 1:2 2:0 0:0
task ex2
nodes: 8, edges: 12, colours: 2
1-6 1-7 1-8 2-5 2-7 2-8 3-5 3-6 3-8 4-5 4-6 4-7
0:1 0:1 0:1 0:1 0:1 0:1 0:1 0:1 0:1 0:1 0:1 0:1
task ex3
nodes: 8, edges: 12, colours: 2
1-4 1-6 1-8 3-2 3-6 3-8 5-2 5-4 5-8 7-2 7-4 7-6
0:1 0:1 0:1 0:1 0:1 0:1 0:1 0:1 0:1 0:1 0:1 0:1
task ex4
task ex4