Gradient descent: Difference between revisions

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* Gradient Calls: 35
* Gradient Calls: 35

The gradient function has been rewritten to remove a term in the partial derivative with respect to y (two terms instead of three). This doesn’t change the result which agrees with those of Go, Fortran, Julia, etc.

<lang Nim>import math, strformat

func steepDescent(g: proc(x: openArray[float]): float;
gradG: proc(p: openArray[float]): seq[float];
x: var openArray[float]; alpha, tolerance: float) =
let n = x.len
var alpha = alpha
var g0 = g(x) # Initial estimate of result.

# Calculate initial gradient.
var fi = gradG(x)

# Calculate initial norm.
var delG = 0.0
for i in 0..<n:
delG += fi[i] * fi[i]
delG = sqrt(delG)
var b = alpha / delG

# Iterate until value is <= tolerance.
while delG > tolerance:
# Calculate next value.
for i in 0..<n:
x[i] -= b * fi[i]

# Calculate next gradient.
fi = gradG(x)

# Calculate next norm.
delG = 0
for i in 0..<n:
delG += fi[i] * fi[i]
delG = sqrt(delG)
b = alpha / delG

# Calculate next value.
let g1 = g(x)

# Adjust parameter.
if g1 > g0: alpha *= 0.5
else: g0 = g1

when isMainModule:

func g(x: openArray[float]): float =
## Function for which minimum is to be found.
(x[0]-1) * (x[0]-1) * exp(-x[1]*x[1]) + x[1] * (x[1]+2) * exp(-2*x[0]*x[0])

func gradG(p: openArray[float]): seq[float] =
## Provides a rough calculation of gradient g(p).
result = newSeq[float](p.len)
let x = p[0]
let y = p[1]
result[0] = 2 * (x-1) * exp(-y*y) - 4 * x * exp(-2*x*x) * y * (y+2)
result[1] = -2 * (x-1) * (x-1) * y * exp(-y*y) + 2 * (y+1) * exp(-2*x*x)

Tolerance = 0.0000006
Alpha = 0.1

var x = [0.1, -1.0] # Initial guess of location of minimum.

steepDescent(g, gradG, x, Alpha, Tolerance)
echo "Testing steepest descent method:"
echo &"The minimum is at x = {x[0]:.12f}, y = {x[1]:.12f} for which f(x, y) = {g(x):.12f}"</lang>

<pre>Testing steepest descent method:
The minimum is at x = 0.107626824329, y = -1.223259654882 for which f(x, y) = -0.750063420551</pre>
