Gradient descent: Difference between revisions

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(Added Algol W)
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Testing steepest descent method:
Testing steepest descent method:
The minimum is at x[0] = 0.107627, x[1] = -1.223260
The minimum is at x[0] = 0.107627, x[1] = -1.223260

=={{header|ALGOL W}}==
{{Trans|ALGOL 68}} which is a {{Trans|Go}} with the gradient function from {{Trans|Fortran}}
The results agree (to 6 places) with the Fortran and Julia samples.
<lang algolw>begin
procedure steepestDescent ( real array x ( * ); real value alphap, tolerance ) ;
real array fi ( 0 :: 1 );
real alpha, g0, g1, delG, b;
alpha := alphap;
g0 := g( x ); % Initial estimate of result. %
% Calculate initial gradient. %
gradG( fi, x );
% Calculate initial norm. %
delG := 0.0;
for i := 0 until 1 do delG := delG + ( fi( i ) * fi( i ) );
delG := sqrt( delG );
b := alpha / delG;
% Iterate until value is <= tolerance. %
while delG > tolerance do begin
% Calculate next value. %
for i := 0 until 1 do x(i) := x( i ) - ( b * fi(i) );
% Calculate next gradient. %
gradG( fi, x );
% Calculate next norm. %
delG := 0;
for i := 0 until 1 do delG := delg + ( fi( i ) * fi( i ) );
delG := sqrt( delG );
if delG > 0 then begin
b := alpha / delG;
% Calculate next value. %
g1 := g( x );
% Adjust parameter. %
if g1 > g0
then alpha := alpha / 2
else g0 := g1
end if_delG_gt_0
end while_delG_gt_tolerance
end steepestDescent ;
% Provides a rough calculation of gradient g(x). %
procedure gradG ( real array z, p ( * ) ) ;
real x, y;
x := p( 0 );
y := p( 1 );
z( 0 ) := 2 * ( x - 1 ) * exp( - ( y * y ) )
- 4 * x * exp( -2 * ( x * x ) ) * y * ( y + 2 );
z( 1 ) := ( -2 * ( x - 1 ) * ( x - 1 ) * y ) * exp( - y * y )
+ exp( -2 * x * x ) * ( y + 2 )
+ exp( -2 * x * x ) * y
end gradG ;
% Function for which minimum is to be found. %
real procedure g ( real array x ( * ) ) ;
( x( 0 ) - 1 )
* ( x( 0 ) - 1 )
* exp( - x( 1 ) * x( 1 ) ) + x( 1 ) * ( x( 1 ) + 2 )
* exp( - 2 * x( 0 ) * x( 0 ) )
real alpha, tolerance;
real array x ( 0 :: 1 );
x( 0 ) := 0.1; % Initial guess of location of minimum. %
x( 1 ) := -1;
tolerance := 0.0000006;
alpha := 0.1;
steepestDescent( x, alpha, tolerance );
r_format := "A"; r_w := 11; r_d := 7; s_w := 0; % output formatting %
write( "Testing steepest descent method:" );
write( "The minimum is at x(0) = ", x( 0 ), ", x(1) = ", x( 1 ) )
Testing steepest descent method:
The minimum is at x(0) = 0.1076268, x(1) = -1.2232596