Gradient descent: Difference between revisions

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* Objective Calls: 35
* Objective Calls: 35
* Gradient Calls: 35
* Gradient Calls: 35

... and just like Go, the results don't quite match anything else.
<lang Phix>-- Function for which minimum is to be found.
function g(sequence x)
atom {x0,x1} = x
return (x0-1)*(x0-1)*exp(-x1*x1) +
end function

-- Provides a rough calculation of gradient g(x).
function gradG(sequence x, atom h)
integer n = length(x)
sequence z = repeat(0, n)
atom g0 := g(x)
for i=1 to n do
x[i] += h
z[i] = (g(x) - g0) / h
end for
return z
end function

function steepestDescent(sequence x, atom alpha, tolerance)
integer n = length(x)
atom h = tolerance,
g0 = g(x) -- Initial estimate of result.

-- Calculate initial gradient.
sequence fi = gradG(x, h)

-- Calculate initial norm.
atom delG = sqrt(sum(sq_mul(fi,fi))),
b = alpha / delG

-- Iterate until value is <= tolerance.
while delG>tolerance do
-- Calculate next value.
x = sq_sub(x,sq_mul(b,fi))
h /= 2
-- Calculate next gradient.
fi = gradG(x, h)
-- Calculate next norm.
delG = sqrt(sum(sq_mul(fi,fi)))
b = alpha / delG
-- Calculate next value.
atom g1 = g(x)
-- Adjust parameter.
if g1>g0 then
alpha /= 2
g0 = g1
end if
end while
return x
end function
constant tolerance = 0.0000006, alpha = 0.1
sequence x = steepestDescent({0.1,-1}, alpha, tolerance)
printf(1,"Testing steepest descent method:\n")
printf(1,"The minimum is at x[1] = %.16f, x[1] = %.16f\n", x)</lang>
Testing steepest descent method:
The minimum is at x[1] = 0.1076572080934996, x[1] = -1.2232976080475890 -- (64 bit)
The minimum is at x[1] = 0.1073980565405569, x[1] = -1.2233251778997771 -- (32 bit)