Generate random chess position: Difference between revisions

Content added Content deleted
(improved function pawn_on_extreme_ranks)
Line 556: Line 556:
Uses System.Random library:
Uses System.Random library:

Module RandomChess
<lang haskell>{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase, TupleSections #-}

module RandomChess
<lang haskell>{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
( placeKings
, placePawns
, placeRemaining
, boardSort
, emptyBoard
, toFen
, ChessBoard
, Square (..)
, Pos
, BoardState (..)
, getBoard

import System.Random (getStdRandom, randomR, Random, random)
import Control.Monad.State (State, get, gets, put)
import Data.List (find, sortBy)
import Data.List (find, sortBy)
import Data.Ord (comparing)
import System.Random (Random, StdGen, random, randomR)

type Pos = (Char, Int)
type Pos = (Char, Int)
Line 576: Line 591:

type PieceCount = [(Square, Int)]
type PieceCount = [(Square, Int)]

data BoardState = BoardState { board :: ChessBoard , generator :: StdGen }

instance Show Square where
instance Show Square where
Line 595: Line 612:
randomR (a, b) g = case randomR (fromEnum a, fromEnum b) g of
randomR (a, b) g = case randomR (fromEnum a, fromEnum b) g of
(x, g'') -> (toEnum x, g'')
(x, g'') -> (toEnum x, g'')
random g = randomR (minBound, maxBound) g
random = randomR (minBound, maxBound)

instance Random PieceColor where
instance Random PieceColor where
randomR (a, b) g = case randomR (fromEnum a, fromEnum b) g of
randomR (a, b) g = case randomR (fromEnum a, fromEnum b) g of
(x, g'') -> (toEnum x, g'')
(x, g'') -> (toEnum x, g'')
random g = randomR (minBound, maxBound) g
random = randomR (minBound, maxBound)

fullBoard :: PieceCount
fullBoard :: PieceCount
Line 620: Line 637:

emptyBoard :: ChessBoard
emptyBoard :: ChessBoard
emptyBoard = [ (EmptySquare, (x, y)) | x <- ['a' .. 'h'], y <- [1 .. 8] ]
emptyBoard = fmap (EmptySquare,) . (,) <$> ['a'..'h'] <*> [1..8]

replaceSquareByPos :: (Square, Pos) -> ChessBoard -> ChessBoard
replaceSquareByPos :: (Square, Pos) -> ChessBoard -> ChessBoard
replaceSquareByPos e@(s, p) = map (\x -> if p == snd x then e else x)
replaceSquareByPos e@(_, p) = fmap (\x -> if p == snd x then e else x)

isPosOccupied :: Pos -> ChessBoard -> Bool
isPosOccupied :: Pos -> ChessBoard -> Bool
Line 632: Line 649:

isAdjacent :: Pos -> Pos -> Bool
isAdjacent :: Pos -> Pos -> Bool
isAdjacent (x, y) (x'', y'') =
isAdjacent (x1, y1) (x2, y2) =
let upOrDown = (pred y == y'' || succ y == y'')
let upOrDown = (pred y1 == y2 || succ y1 == y2)
leftOrRight = (pred x == x'' || succ x == x'')
leftOrRight = (pred x1 == x2 || succ x1 == x2)
in (x'' == x && upOrDown)
in (x2 == x1 && upOrDown)
|| (pred x == x'' && upOrDown)
|| (pred x1 == x2 && upOrDown)
|| (succ x == x'' && upOrDown)
|| (succ x1 == x2 && upOrDown)
|| (leftOrRight && y == y'')
|| (leftOrRight && y1 == y2)

fen :: Square -> String
fen :: Square -> String
Line 655: Line 672:

boardSort :: (Square, Pos) -> (Square, Pos) -> Ordering
boardSort :: (Square, Pos) -> (Square, Pos) -> Ordering
boardSort (_, (x, y)) (_, (x'', y'')) | y < y'' = GT
boardSort (_, (x1, y1)) (_, (x2, y2)) | y1 < y2 = GT
| y > y'' = LT
| y1 > y2 = LT
| y == y'' = compare x x''
| y1 == y2 = compare x1 x2

toFen :: ChessBoard -> String
toFen :: ChessBoard -> String
toFen [] = " w - - 0 1" <> []
toFen [] = " w - - 0 1" <> []
toFen b = scanRow (map fst $ take 8 b) 0
toFen b = scanRow (fst <$> take 8 b) 0
scanRow [] 0 = nextRow
scanRow [] 0 = nextRow
scanRow [] n = show n <> nextRow
scanRow [] n = show n <> nextRow
scanRow ((EmptySquare) : xs) n = scanRow xs (succ n)
scanRow (EmptySquare:xs) n = scanRow xs (succ n)
scanRow (x : xs) 0 = nextPiece x xs
scanRow (x:xs) 0 = nextPiece x xs
scanRow (x : xs) n = show n <> nextPiece x xs
scanRow (x:xs) n = show n <> nextPiece x xs
nextRow = "/" <> toFen (drop 8 b)
nextPiece x xs = fen x <> scanRow xs 0

-- State functions
nextRow = "/" <> toFen (drop 8 b)
randomPos :: State BoardState Pos
nextPiece x xs = fen x <> scanRow xs 0
randomPos = do
currentState <- get
let gen1 = generator currentState
let (num, gen2) = randomR (1, 8) gen1
let (chr, gen3) = randomR ('a', 'h') gen2
put (currentState {generator = gen3})
let pos = (chr, num)
if isPosOccupied pos (board currentState) then
pure pos

randomPiece :: State BoardState Square
-- IO functions
randomPiece = do
currentState <- get
let gen1 = generator currentState
let (rank, gen2) = random gen1
let (color, gen3) = random gen2
put (currentState {generator = gen3})
pure $ ChessPiece rank color

placeKings :: State BoardState ()
randomPos :: ChessBoard -> IO Pos
placeKings = do
randomPos b = pos >>= \p -> if isPosOccupied p b then randomPos b else pos
currentState <- get
p1 <- randomPos
pos = (,) <$> chr <*> num
p2 <- randomPos
num = getStdRandom $ randomR (1, 8)
chr = getStdRandom $ randomR ('a', 'h')

randomPiece :: IO Square
randomPiece = ChessPiece <$> rank <*> color
rank = getStdRandom random
color = getStdRandom random

placeKings :: ChessBoard -> IO ChessBoard
placeKings b = do
p1 <- randomPos b
p2 <- randomPos b
if p1 `isAdjacent` p2 || p1 == p2
if p1 `isAdjacent` p2 || p1 == p2
then placeKings b
then placeKings
else pure
else do
( replaceSquareByPos ((ChessPiece King White), p1)
let updatedBoard = replaceSquareByPos (ChessPiece King White, p1) $
$ replaceSquareByPos ((ChessPiece King Black), p2) b
replaceSquareByPos (ChessPiece King Black, p2) (board currentState)
put currentState { board = updatedBoard }

placePawns :: ChessBoard -> IO ChessBoard
placePawns :: State BoardState ()
placePawns b = num >>= go b
placePawns = do
currentState <- get
let gen1 = generator currentState
go :: ChessBoard -> Int -> IO ChessBoard
let (totalPawns, gen2) = randomR (1, 16) gen1
go b'' 0 = pure b''
put currentState { generator = gen2 }
go b'' n = do
go totalPawns
pos <- randomPos b''
pawn@(ChessPiece _ color) <- randomPawn
if promoted color == snd pos
go :: Int -> State BoardState ()
go 0 = pure ()
|| isPosOccupied pos b''
go n = do
|| enpassant color == snd pos
currentState <- get
|| firstPos color == snd pos
then go b'' n
let gen1 = generator currentState
pos <- randomPos
else go (replaceSquareByPos (pawn, pos) b'') (pred n)
let (color, gen2) = random gen1
promoted White = 8
put currentState { generator = gen2 }
promoted Black = 1
let pawn = ChessPiece Pawn color
enpassant White = 5
let currentBoard = board currentState
enpassant Black = 4
if promoted color == snd pos || isPosOccupied pos currentBoard ||
firstPos White = 1
enpassant color == snd pos || firstPos color == snd pos
firstPos Black = 8
then go n
else do
put currentState { board = replaceSquareByPos (pawn, pos) currentBoard }
go $ pred n
promoted White = 8
promoted Black = 1
enpassant White = 5
enpassant Black = 4
firstPos White = 1
firstPos Black = 8

placeRemaining :: State BoardState ()
num = getStdRandom (randomR (1, 16))
placeRemaining = do
currentState <- get
let gen1 = generator currentState
let (n, gen2) = randomR (5, sum $ fmap snd remaining) gen1
put currentState { generator = gen2 }
go remaining n
remaining = filter (\case
(ChessPiece King _, _) -> False
(ChessPiece Pawn _, _) -> False
(EmptySquare, _) -> False
_ -> True)

go :: [(Square, Int)] -> Int -> State BoardState ()
randomPawn = ChessPiece Pawn <$> rColor where rColor = getStdRandom (random)
go _ 0 = pure ()
go remaining n = do
currentState <- get
let currentBoard = board currentState
position <- randomPos
piece <- randomPiece
if not (isPermitted piece) || isPosOccupied position currentBoard
then go remaining n
else do
let updatedBoard = replaceSquareByPos (piece, position) currentBoard
put currentState { board = updatedBoard }
go (consume piece remaining) (pred n)
isPermitted p =
case find ((==p) . fst) remaining of
Just (_, count) -> count > 0
Nothing -> False
consume p'' = fmap (\(p, c) -> if p == p'' then (p, pred c) else (p, c))

placeRemaining :: ChessBoard -> IO ChessBoard
getBoard :: State BoardState ChessBoard
getBoard = gets (sortBy boardSort . board)</lang>
placeRemaining b = do
n <- num (sum $ map snd remaining)
putStrLn $ "Placing " <> show n
<> " more random positions after placing 2 kings and "
<> (show $ totalPawns b) <> " pawns. "
go remaining b n
remaining :: [(Square, Int)]
remaining = filter
((ChessPiece King _), _) -> False
((ChessPiece Pawn _), _) -> False
(EmptySquare , _) -> False
_ -> True

num mx = getStdRandom $ randomR (5, mx)

totalPawns = length . filter
(\case ((ChessPiece Pawn _), _) -> True
_ -> False

Module Main
go :: [(Square, Int)] -> ChessBoard -> Int -> IO ChessBoard
<lang haskell>module Main where
go _ b'' 0 = pure b''
go permitted b'' n = do
position <- randomPos b''
piece <- randomPiece
if (not $ isPermitted piece) || isPosOccupied position b''
then go permitted b'' n
else go (consume piece permitted)
(replaceSquareByPos (piece, position) b'')
(pred n)

import Control.Monad.State (evalState)
import RandomChess (ChessBoard, emptyBoard, placeKings, getBoard,
isPermitted p = case find (\x -> fst x == p) permitted of
placePawns, placeRemaining, toFen, BoardState (..))
Just (_, count) -> count > 0
import System.Random (newStdGen)
Nothing -> False
consume p'' = map (\(p, c) -> if p == p'' then (p, pred c) else (p, c))

draw :: ChessBoard -> IO ()
draw :: ChessBoard -> IO ()
draw b = do
draw b = do
showXAxis >> drawLine
mapM_ (\b@(p, (x,y)) ->
case x of 'h' -> putStr (" | " <> show p <> " | " <> show y <> "\n") >> drawLine
'a' -> putStr (show y <> " | " <> show p)
(\b@(p, (x, y)) -> case x of
'h' -> putStr (" | " <> show p <> " | " <> show y <> "\n") >> line
_ -> putStr (" | " <> show p)
'a' -> putStr (show y <> " | " <> show p)
_ -> putStr (" | " <> show p)
showXAxis >> putStrLn "" >> putStrLn (toFen b)
putStrLn ""
putStrLn $ toFen sorted
-- mapM_ print $ sortBy (comparing fst) $ filter (\(s, _) -> s /= EmptySquare) b

drawLine = putStrLn (" " <> replicate 33 '-')
sorted = sortBy boardSort b
line = putStrLn (" " <> (replicate 33 '-'))
showXAxis = do
showXAxis = do
putStr " "
putStr " "
mapM_ (\(_, (x, _)) -> putStr $ " " <> [x]) (take 8 sorted)
mapM_ (\(_, (x, _)) -> putStr $ " " <> [x]) (take 8 b)
putStrLn ""
putStrLn ""

main :: IO ()
main :: IO ()
main = do
main = placeKings emptyBoard >>= placePawns >>= placeRemaining >>= draw</lang>
stdGen <- newStdGen
draw $ evalState buildBoard (BoardState emptyBoard stdGen)
buildBoard = placeKings >> placePawns >> placeRemaining >> getBoard</lang>
Run 1
Run 1
<pre> a b c d e f g h
Placing 8 more random positions after placing 2 kings and 11 pawns.
a b c d e f g h
8 | | | | | | | | | 8
8 | | | | | | | | | 8
7 | ♙ | | | | | | | | 7
7 | ♙ | | | | | | | | 7
6 | | | | | | | | | 6
6 | | | | | | | | | 6
5 | | | | | | | | | 5
5 | | | | | | | | | 5
4 | | | | | | | | | 4
4 | | | | | | | | | 4
3 | | | | | | | | | 3
3 | | | | | | | | | 3
2 | | | | ♟ | | | | | 2
2 | | | | | | | | ♟ | 2
1 | | | | | | | | | 1
1 | | | | | | | | | 1
a b c d e f g h
a b c d e f g h

3B1k2/P4ppB/6pp/2p1p3/4K3/1Pp2bR1/r1pp1Q2/3b1N2/ w - - 0 1
2rN2n1/PppKPP1P/3q4/N6p/2P2BP1/pQrp1Bk1/n3P1Pp/2R5/ w - - 0 1</pre>
Run 2
Run 2
<pre> a b c d e f g h
Placing 9 more random positions after placing 2 kings and 2 pawns.
a b c d e f g h
8 | | | | | | | | | 8
8 | | | | | | | | | 8
7 | | | | | | | | | 7
7 | | | | | | | | | 7
6 | | | | | | | | | 6
6 | | | | | | | | | 6
5 | | | | | | | | | 5
5 | | | | | | | | | 5
4 | | | | | | | | | 4
4 | | | | | | | | | 4
3 | | | | | | | | | 3
3 | | | | | | | | | 3
2 | | | | | | | | | 2
2 | | | | | | | | | 2
1 | | | | | ♝ | | | | 1
1 | | | | | ♝ | | | | 1
a b c d e f g h
a b c d e f g h

1R6/KP4k1/4n3/5r2/1B6/2P4N/2Q2n2/1q2b3/ w - - 0 1
4k3/pKP5/p1rp4/2p5/8/1p2P2q/4p2N/RR2b3/ w - - 0 1</pre>