Generalised floating point multiplication: Difference between revisions

Content added Content deleted
m (→‎{{header|Phix}}: added b_sub)
(Added Go)
Line 236: Line 236:
27|+e+0 |+e+0 |+-e+0 |+e++ |++e+0 |+--e+0 |+-e++ |+-+e+0 |+0-e+0 |+e+-- |+0+e+0 |++-e+0 |++e++ |
27|+e+0 |+e+0 |+-e+0 |+e++ |++e+0 |+--e+0 |+-e++ |+-+e+0 |+0-e+0 |+e+-- |+0+e+0 |++-e+0 |++e++ |


In the interests of brevity many of the comments and all of the commented-out code has been omitted.
<lang go>package main

import (

const (
maxdp = 81
binary = "01"
ternary = "012"
balancedTernary = "-0+"
decimal = "0123456789"
hexadecimal = "0123456789ABCDEF"
septemVigesimal = "0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQ"

/* helper functions */

func changeByte(s string, idx int, c byte) string {
bytes := []byte(s)
bytes[idx] = c
return string(bytes)

func removeByte(s string, idx int) string {
le := len(s)
bytes := []byte(s)
copy(bytes[idx:], bytes[idx+1:])
return string(bytes[0 : le-1])

func insertByte(s string, idx int, c byte) string {
le := len(s)
t := make([]byte, le+1)
copy(t, s)
copy(t[idx+1:], t[idx:])
t[idx] = c
return string(t)

func prependByte(s string, c byte) string {
le := len(s)
bytes := make([]byte, le+1)
copy(bytes[1:], s)
bytes[0] = c
return string(bytes)

func abs(i int) int {
if i < 0 {
return -i
return i

// converts Phix indices to Go
func gIndex(pIndex, le int) int {
if pIndex < 0 {
return pIndex + le
return pIndex - 1

func getCarry(digit, base int) int {
if digit > base {
return 1
} else if digit < 1 {
return -1
return 0

// convert string 'b' to a decimal floating point number
func b2dec(b, alphabet string) float64 {
res := 0.0
base := len(alphabet)
zdx := strings.IndexByte(alphabet, '0') + 1
signed := zdx == 1 && b[0] == '-'
if signed {
b = b[1:]
le := len(b)
ndp := strings.IndexByte(b, '.') + 1
if ndp != 0 {
b = removeByte(b, ndp-1) // remove decimal point
ndp = le - ndp
for i := 1; i <= len(b); i++ {
idx := strings.IndexByte(alphabet, b[i-1]) + 1
res = float64(base)*res + float64(idx) - float64(zdx)
if ndp != 0 {
res /= math.Pow(float64(base), float64(ndp))
if signed {
res = -res
return res

// string 'b' can be balanced or unbalanced
func negate(b, alphabet string) string {
if alphabet[0] == '0' {
if b != "0" {
if b[0] == '-' {
b = b[1:]
} else {
b = prependByte(b, '-')
} else {
for i := 1; i <= len(b); i++ {
if b[i-1] != '.' {
idx := strings.IndexByte(alphabet, b[i-1]) + 1
gi := gIndex(-idx, len(alphabet))
b = changeByte(b, i-1, alphabet[gi])
return b

func bTrim(b string) string {
// trim trailing ".000"
idx := strings.IndexByte(b, '.') + 1
if idx != 0 {
b = strings.TrimRight(strings.TrimRight(b, "0"), ".")
// trim leading zeros but not "0.nnn"
for len(b) > 1 && b[0] == '0' && b[1] != '.' {
b = b[1:]
return b

// for balanced number systems only
func bCarry(digit, base, idx int, n, alphabet string) (int, string) {
carry := getCarry(digit, base)
if carry != 0 {
for i := idx; i >= 1; i-- {
if n[i-1] != '.' {
k := strings.IndexByte(alphabet, n[i-1]) + 1
if k < base {
n = changeByte(n, i-1, alphabet[k])
n = changeByte(n, i-1, alphabet[0])
digit -= base * carry
return digit, n

// convert a string from alphabet to alphabet2
func b2b(n, alphabet, alphabet2 string) string {
res, m := "0", ""
if n != "0" {
base := len(alphabet)
base2 := len(alphabet2)
zdx := strings.IndexByte(alphabet, '0') + 1
zdx2 := strings.IndexByte(alphabet2, '0') + 1
var carry, q, r, digit int
idx := strings.IndexByte(alphabet, n[0]) + 1
negative := (zdx == 1 && n[0] == '-') || (zdx != 1 && idx < zdx)
if negative {
n = negate(n, alphabet)
ndp := strings.IndexByte(n, '.') + 1
if ndp != 0 {
n, m = n[0:ndp-1], n[ndp:]
res = ""
for len(n) > 0 {
q = 0
for i := 1; i <= len(n); i++ {
digit = strings.IndexByte(alphabet, n[i-1]) + 1 - zdx
q = q*base + digit
r = abs(q) % base2
digit = abs(q)/base2 + zdx
if q < 0 {
if zdx != 1 {
digit, n = bCarry(digit, base, i-1, n, alphabet)
n = changeByte(n, i-1, alphabet[digit-1])
q = r
r += zdx2
if zdx2 != 1 {
r += carry
carry = getCarry(r, base2)
r -= base2 * carry
res = prependByte(res, alphabet2[r-1])
n = strings.TrimLeft(n, "0")
if carry != 0 {
res = prependByte(res, alphabet2[carry+zdx2-1])
if len(m) > 0 {
res += "."
ndp = 0
if zdx != 1 {
lm := len(m)
alphaNew := base37[0:len(alphabet)]
m = b2b(m, alphabet, alphaNew)
m = strings.Repeat("0", lm-len(m)) + m
alphabet = alphaNew
zdx = 1
for len(m) > 0 && ndp < maxdp {
q = 0
for i := len(m); i >= 1; i-- {
digit = strings.IndexByte(alphabet, m[i-1]) + 1 - zdx
q += digit * base2
r = abs(q)%base + zdx
q /= base
if q < 0 {
m = changeByte(m, i-1, alphabet[r-1])
digit = q + zdx2
if zdx2 != 1 {
digit, res = bCarry(digit, base2, len(res), res, alphabet2)
res += string(alphabet2[digit-1])
m = strings.TrimRight(m, "0")
res = bTrim(res)
if negative {
res = negate(res, alphabet2)
return res

// convert 'd' to a string in the specified base
func float2b(d float64, alphabet string) string {
base := len(alphabet)
zdx := strings.Index(alphabet, "0") + 1
carry := 0
neg := d < 0
if neg {
d = -d
res := ""
whole := int(d)
d -= float64(whole)
for {
ch := whole%base + zdx
if zdx != 1 {
ch += carry
carry = getCarry(ch, base)
ch -= base * carry
res = prependByte(res, alphabet[ch-1])
whole /= base
if whole == 0 {
if carry != 0 {
res = prependByte(res, alphabet[carry+zdx-1])
carry = 0
if d != 0 {
res += "."
ndp := 0
for d != 0 && ndp < maxdp {
d *= float64(base)
digit := int(d) + zdx
d -= float64(digit)
if zdx != 1 {
digit, res = bCarry(digit, base, len(res), res, alphabet)
res += string(alphabet[digit-1])
if neg {
res = negate(res, alphabet)
return res

func bAdd(a, b, alphabet string) string {
base := len(alphabet)
zdx := strings.IndexByte(alphabet, '0') + 1
var carry, da, db, digit int
if zdx == 1 {
if a[0] == '-' {
return bSub(b, negate(a, alphabet), alphabet)
if b[0] == '-' {
return bSub(a, negate(b, alphabet), alphabet)
adt := strings.IndexByte(a, '.') + 1
bdt := strings.IndexByte(b, '.') + 1
if adt != 0 || bdt != 0 {
if adt != 0 {
adt = len(a) - adt + 1
gi := gIndex(-adt, len(a))
a = removeByte(a, gi)
if bdt != 0 {
bdt = len(b) - bdt + 1
gi := gIndex(-bdt, len(b))
b = removeByte(b, gi)
if bdt > adt {
a += strings.Repeat("0", bdt-adt)
adt = bdt
} else if adt > bdt {
b += strings.Repeat("0", adt-bdt)
if len(a) < len(b) {
a, b = b, a
for i := -1; i >= -len(a); i-- {
if i < -len(a) {
da = 0
} else {
da = strings.IndexByte(alphabet, a[len(a)+i]) + 1 - zdx
if i < -len(b) {
db = 0
} else {
db = strings.IndexByte(alphabet, b[len(b)+i]) + 1 - zdx
digit = da + db + carry + zdx
carry = getCarry(digit, base)
a = changeByte(a, i+len(a), alphabet[digit-carry*base-1])
if i < -len(b) && carry == 0 {
if carry != 0 {
a = prependByte(a, alphabet[carry+zdx-1])
if adt != 0 {
gi := gIndex(-adt+1, len(a))
a = insertByte(a, gi, '.')
a = bTrim(a)
return a

func aSmaller(a, b, alphabet string) bool {
if len(a) != len(b) {
log.Fatal("strings should be equal in length")
for i := 1; i <= len(a); i++ {
da := strings.IndexByte(alphabet, a[i-1]) + 1
db := strings.IndexByte(alphabet, b[i-1]) + 1
if da != db {
return da < db
return false

func bSub(a, b, alphabet string) string {
base := len(alphabet)
zdx := strings.IndexByte(alphabet, '0') + 1
var carry, da, db, digit int
if zdx == 1 {
if a[0] == '-' {
return negate(bAdd(negate(a, alphabet), b, alphabet), alphabet)
if b[0] == '-' {
return bAdd(a, negate(b, alphabet), alphabet)
adt := strings.Index(a, ".") + 1
bdt := strings.Index(b, ".") + 1
if adt != 0 || bdt != 0 {
if adt != 0 {
adt = len(a) - adt + 1
gi := gIndex(-adt, len(a))
a = removeByte(a, gi)
if bdt != 0 {
bdt = len(b) - bdt + 1
gi := gIndex(-bdt, len(b))
b = removeByte(b, gi)
if bdt > adt {
a += strings.Repeat("0", bdt-adt)
adt = bdt
} else if adt > bdt {
b += strings.Repeat("0", adt-bdt)
bNegate := false
if len(a) < len(b) || (len(a) == len(b) && aSmaller(a, b, alphabet)) {
bNegate = true
a, b = b, a
for i := -1; i >= -len(a); i-- {
if i < -len(a) {
da = 0
} else {
da = strings.IndexByte(alphabet, a[len(a)+i]) + 1 - zdx
if i < -len(b) {
db = 0
} else {
db = strings.IndexByte(alphabet, b[len(b)+i]) + 1 - zdx
digit = da - db - carry + zdx
carry = 0
if digit <= 0 {
carry = 1
a = changeByte(a, i+len(a), alphabet[digit+carry*base-1])
if i < -len(b) && carry == 0 {
if carry != 0 {
log.Fatal("carry should be zero")
if adt != 0 {
gi := gIndex(-adt+1, len(a))
a = insertByte(a, gi, '.')
a = bTrim(a)
if bNegate {
a = negate(a, alphabet)
return a

func bMul(a, b, alphabet string) string {
zdx := strings.IndexByte(alphabet, '0') + 1
dpa := strings.IndexByte(a, '.') + 1
dpb := strings.IndexByte(b, '.') + 1
ndp := 0
if dpa != 0 {
ndp += len(a) - dpa
a = removeByte(a, dpa-1)
if dpb != 0 {
ndp += len(b) - dpb
b = removeByte(b, dpb-1)
pos, res := a, "0"
if zdx != 1 {
// balanced number systems
neg := negate(pos, alphabet)
for i := len(b); i >= 1; i-- {
m := strings.IndexByte(alphabet, b[i-1]) + 1 - zdx
for m != 0 {
temp, temp2 := pos, -1
if m < 0 {
temp = neg
temp2 = 1
res = bAdd(res, temp, alphabet)
m += temp2
pos += "0"
neg += "0"
} else {
// non-balanced number systems
negative := false
if a[0] == '-' {
a = a[1:]
negative = true
if b[0] == '-' {
b = b[1:]
negative = !negative
for i := len(b); i >= 1; i-- {
m := strings.IndexByte(alphabet, b[i-1]) + 1 - zdx
for m > 0 {
res = bAdd(res, pos, alphabet)
pos += "0"
if negative {
res = negate(res, alphabet)
if ndp != 0 {
gi := gIndex(-ndp, len(res))
res = insertByte(res, gi, '.')
res = bTrim(res)
return res

func multTable() {
fmt.Println("multiplication table")
fmt.Printf("* |")
for j := 1; j <= 12; j++ {
fj := float64(j)
fmt.Printf(" #%s %3s |", float2b(fj, hexadecimal), float2b(fj, balancedTernary))
for i := 1; i <= 27; i++ {
fi := float64(i)
a := float2b(fi, balancedTernary)
fmt.Printf("\n%-2s|", float2b(fi, septemVigesimal))
for j := 1; j <= 12; j++ {
if j > i {
fmt.Printf(" |")
} else {
fj := float64(j)
b := float2b(fj, balancedTernary)
m := bMul(a, b, balancedTernary)
fmt.Printf(" %6s |", m)

func test(name, alphabet string) {
a := b2b("+-0++0+.+-0++0+", balancedTernary, alphabet)
b := b2b("-436.436", decimal, alphabet)
c := b2b("+-++-.+-++-", balancedTernary, alphabet)
d := bSub(b, c, alphabet)
r := bMul(a, d, alphabet)
fmt.Printf("%s\n%s\n", name, strings.Repeat("=", len(name)))
fmt.Printf(" a = %.16g %s\n", b2dec(a, alphabet), a)
fmt.Printf(" b = %.16g %s\n", b2dec(b, alphabet), b)
fmt.Printf(" c = %.16g %s\n", b2dec(c, alphabet), c)
fmt.Printf("a*(b-c) = %.16g %s\n\n", b2dec(r, alphabet), r)

func main() {
test("balanced ternary", balancedTernary)
test("balanced base 27", balancedBase27)
test("decimal", decimal)
test("binary", binary)
test("ternary", ternary)
test("hexadecimal", hexadecimal)
test("septemvigesimal", septemVigesimal)

balanced ternary
a = 523.2391403749428 +-0++0+.+-0++0+
b = -436.4359999999999 -++-0--.--0+-00+++-0-+---0-+0++++0--0000+00-+-+--+0-0-00--++0-+00---+0+-+++0+-0----0++
c = 65.26748971193416 +-++-.+-++-
a*(b-c) = -262510.9026799813 ----000-0+0+.0+0-0-00---00--0-0+--+--00-0++-000++0-000-+0+-----+++-+-0+-+0+0++0+0-++-++0+---00++++

balanced base 27
a = 523.2391403749428 AUJ.FLI
c = 65.26748971193416 BK.GF

a = 523.2391403749428 523.239140374942844078646547782350251486053955189757658893461362597165066300868770004
b = -436.436 -436.436
c = 65.26748971193413 65.267489711934156378600823045267489711934156378600823045267489711934156378600823045
a*(b-c) = -262510.9026799813 -262510.90267998140903693918986303277315826215892262734715612833785876513103053772667101895163734826631742752252837097627017862754285047634638652268078676654605120794218

a = 523.2391403749427 1000001011.001111010011100001001101101110011000100001011110100101001010100100000111001000111
b = -436.436 -110110100.011011111001110110110010001011010000111001010110000001000001100010010011011101001
c = 65.26748971193416 1000001.01000100011110100011010010101100110001100000111010111111101111001001001101111101
a*(b-c) = -262510.9026799814 -1000000000101101110.111001110001011000001001000001101110011111011100000100000100001000101011100011110010110001010100110111001011101001010000001110110100111110001101000000001111110101

a = 523.2391403749428 201101.0201101
b = -436.4360000000002 -121011.102202211210021110012111201022222000202102010100101200200110122011122101110212
c = 65.26748971193416 2102.02102
a*(b-c) = -262510.9026799813 -111100002121.2201010011100110022102110002120222120100001221111011202022012121122001201122110221112

a = 523.2391403749427 20B.3D384DB9885E94A90723EF9CBCB174B443E45FFC41152FE0293416F15E3AC303A0F3799ED81589C62
b = -436.436 -1B4.6F9DB22D0E5604189374BC6A7EF9DB22D0E5604189374BC6A7EF9DB22D0E5604189374BC6A7EF9DB2
c = 65.26748971193416 41.447A34ACC60EBFBC937D5DC2E5A99CF8A021B641511E8D2B3183AFEF24DF5770B96A673E28086D905
a*(b-c) = -262510.9026799814 -4016E.E7160906E7DC10422DA508321819F4A637E5AEE668ED5163B12FCB17A732442F589975B7F24112B2E8F6E95EAD45803915EE26D20DF323D67CAEEC75D7BED68AA34E02F2B492257D66F028545FB398F60E

a = 523.2391403749428 JA.6C9
b = -436.4359999999999 -G4.BKML7C5DJ8Q0KB39AIICH4HACN02OJKGPLOPG2D1MFBQI6LJ33F645JELD7I0Q6FNHG88E9M9GE3QO276
c = 65.26748971193416 2B.76
a*(b-c) = -262510.9026799812 -D92G.OA1C42LM0N8N30HDAFKJNEIFEOB0BHP1DM6ILA9P797KPJ05MCE6OGMO54Q3I3NQ9DGB673C8BC2FQF1N82

multiplication table
* | #1 + | #2 +- | #3 +0 | #4 ++ | #5 +-- | #6 +-0 | #7 +-+ | #8 +0- | #9 +00 | #A +0+ | #B ++- | #C ++0 |
1 | + | | | | | | | | | | | |
2 | +- | ++ | | | | | | | | | | |
3 | +0 | +-0 | +00 | | | | | | | | | |
4 | ++ | +0- | ++0 | +--+ | | | | | | | | |
5 | +-- | +0+ | +--0 | +-+- | +0-+ | | | | | | | |
6 | +-0 | ++0 | +-00 | +0-0 | +0+0 | ++00 | | | | | | |
7 | +-+ | +--- | +-+0 | +00+ | ++0- | +---0 | +--++ | | | | | |
8 | +0- | +--+ | +0-0 | ++-- | ++++ | +--+0 | +-0+- | +-+0+ | | | | |
9 | +00 | +-00 | +000 | ++00 | +--00 | +-000 | +-+00 | +0-00 | +0000 | | | |
A | +0+ | +-+- | +0+0 | ++++ | +-0-- | +-+-0 | +0--+ | +000- | +0+00 | ++-0+ | | |
B | ++- | +-++ | ++-0 | +--0- | +-00+ | +-++0 | +00-- | +0+-+ | ++-00 | ++0+- | +++++ | |
C | ++0 | +0-0 | ++00 | +--+0 | +-+-0 | +0-00 | +00+0 | ++--0 | ++000 | ++++0 | +--0-0 | +--+00 |
D | +++ | +00- | +++0 | +-0-+ | +-++- | +00-0 | +0+0+ | ++0-- | +++00 | +---++ | +--+0- | +-0-+0 |
E | +--- | +00+ | +---0 | +-0+- | +0--+ | +00+0 | ++-0- | ++0++ | +---00 | +--+-- | +-0-0+ | +-0+-0 |
F | +--0 | +0+0 | +--00 | +-+-0 | +0-+0 | +0+00 | ++0-0 | ++++0 | +--000 | +-0--0 | +-00+0 | +-+-00 |
G | +--+ | ++-- | +--+0 | +-+0+ | +000- | ++--0 | ++0++ | +---+- | +--+00 | +-00-+ | +-+--- | +-+0+0 |
H | +-0- | ++-+ | +-0-0 | +0--- | +00++ | ++-+0 | ++++- | +--00+ | +-0-00 | +-0+0- | +-+0-+ | +0---0 |
I | +-00 | ++00 | +-000 | +0-00 | +0+00 | ++000 | +---00 | +--+00 | +-0000 | +-+-00 | +-++00 | +0-000 |
J | +-0+ | +++- | +-0+0 | +0-++ | ++--- | +++-0 | +--0-+ | +-0-0- | +-0+00 | +-+00+ | +0--+- | +0-++0 |
K | +-+- | ++++ | +-+-0 | +000- | ++-0+ | ++++0 | +--+-- | +-00-+ | +-+-00 | +-+++- | +0-0++ | +000-0 |
L | +-+0 | +---0 | +-+00 | +00+0 | ++0-0 | +---00 | +--++0 | +-0+-0 | +-+000 | +0--+0 | +00--0 | +00+00 |
M | +-++ | +--0- | +-++0 | +0+-+ | ++0+- | +--0-0 | +-0-0+ | +-+--- | +-++00 | +0-0++ | +0000- | +0+-+0 |
N | +0-- | +--0+ | +0--0 | +0++- | +++-+ | +--0+0 | +-000- | +-+-++ | +0--00 | +00--- | +00+0+ | +0++-0 |
O | +0-0 | +--+0 | +0-00 | ++--0 | ++++0 | +--+00 | +-0+-0 | +-+0+0 | +0-000 | +000-0 | +0+-+0 | ++--00 |
P | +0-+ | +-0-- | +0-+0 | ++-0+ | +---0- | +-0--0 | +-0+++ | +-+++- | +0-+00 | +00+-+ | +0++-- | ++-0+0 |
Q | +00- | +-0-+ | +00-0 | ++0-- | +---++ | +-0-+0 | +-+-+- | +0--0+ | +00-00 | +0+-0- | ++---+ | ++0--0 |
10| +000 | +-000 | +0000 | ++000 | +--000 | +-0000 | +-+000 | +0-000 | +00000 | +0+000 | ++-000 | ++0000 |