Function composition: Difference between revisions

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' 2* ' 1+ compose ( xt )
3 swap execute . \ 7</lang>
Modern Fortran standard has (limited) kind of higher-order functions (as result, argument, and with one level of nested functions) and optional arguments, and this enables to compose the following function (it is impure because Fortran ''has no closures'')
<lang fortran>
module functions_module
implicit none
private ! all by default
public :: f,g
pure function f(x)
implicit none
real, intent(in) :: x
real :: f
f = sin(x)
end function f
pure function g(x)
implicit none
real, intent(in) :: x
real :: g
g = cos(x)
end function g
end module functions_module
module compose_module
implicit none
private ! all by default
public :: compose
pure function f(x)
implicit none
real, intent(in) :: x
real :: f
end function f
pure function g(x)
implicit none
real, intent(in) :: x
real :: g
end function g
end interface
impure function compose(x, fi, gi)
implicit none
real, intent(in) :: x
procedure(f), optional :: fi
procedure(g), optional :: gi
real :: compose
procedure (f), pointer, save :: fpi => null()
procedure (g), pointer, save :: gpi => null()
if(present(fi) .and. present(gi))then
fpi => fi
gpi => gi
compose = 0
if(.not. associated(fpi)) error stop "fpi"
if(.not. associated(gpi)) error stop "gpi"
compose = fpi(gpi(x))
end function compose
end module compose_module
program test_compose
use functions_module
use compose_module
implicit none
write(*,*) "prepare compose:", compose(0.0, f,g)
write(*,*) "run compose:", compose(0.5)
end program test_compose
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