Fraction reduction: Difference between revisions

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(Rename Perl 6 -> Raku, alphabetize, minor clean-up)
Line 289:
2988 have 9's omitted</pre>
=={{header|C++ sharp|C#}}==
<lang cppcsharp>#includeusing <array>System;
#include <iomanip>
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
namespace FractionReduction {
int indexOf(const std::vector<int> &haystack, int needle) {
class Program {
auto it = haystack.cbegin();
static int IndexOf(int n, int[] s) {
auto end = haystack.cend();
for (int idxi = 0; i < s.Length; i++) {
for (; it != end; it = std::next if (it)s[i] == n) {
if (*it == needle) { return i;
return idx; }
return -1;
return -1;
static bool getDigitsGetDigits(int n, int le, std::vector<int>[] &digits) {
while (n > 0) {
auto var r = n % 10;
if (r == 0 || indexOfIndexOf(digitsr, rdigits) >= 0) {
return false;
digits[le] = r;
n /= 10;
return true;
digits[le] = r;
n /= 10;
return true;
static int removeDigitRemoveDigit(const std::vector<int>[] &digits, int le, int idx) {
static std::array<int, 5> int[] pows = { 1, 10, 100, 1000, 10000 };
int var sum = 0;
auto var pow = pows[le - 2];
for (int i = 0; i < le; i++) {
if (i == idx) continue;
sum += digits[i] * pow;
pow /= 10;
return sum;
int main() {
return sum;
std::vector<std::pair<int, int>> lims = { {12, 97}, {123, 986}, {1234, 9875}, {12345, 98764} };
std::array<int, 5> count;
std::array<std::array<int, 10>, 5> omitted;
std::fill(count.begin(), count.end(), 0);
std::for_each(omitted.begin(), omitted.end(),
[](auto &a) {
std::fill(a.begin(), a.end(), 0);
for (size_t i = 0;static ivoid < lims.sizeMain(); i++) {
var lims = new int[,] { { 12, 97 }, { 123, 986 }, { 1234, 9875 }, { 12345, 98764 } };
std::vector<int> nDigits(i + 2);
var count = new int[5];
std::vector<int> dDigits(i + 2);
var omitted = new int[5, 10];
for (int n = lims[i].first;var nupperBound <= lims[i].secondGetLength(0); n++) {
for (int i = 0; i < upperBound; i++) {
std::fill(nDigits.begin(), nDigits.end(), 0);
bool nOk var nDigits = getDigits(n,new int[i + 2, nDigits)];
if (!nOk) { var dDigits = new int[i + 2];
continuevar blank = new int[i + 2];
for (int n = lims[i, 0]; n <= lims[i, 1]; n++) {
for (int d = n + 1; d <= lims[i]blank.secondCopyTo(nDigits, + 10); d++) {
std::fill var nOk = GetDigits(dDigits.begin()n, dDigits.end()i + 2, 0nDigits);
bool dOk = getDigits(d, iif +(!nOk) 2, dDigits);{
if (!dOk) { continue;
} for (int d = n + 1; d <= lims[i, 1] + 1; d++) {
for (size_t nix = 0; nix < nDigits blank.sizeCopyTo(dDigits, 0); nix++) {
auto digit var dOk = nDigits[nix]GetDigits(d, i + 2, dDigits);
auto dix = indexOf(dDigits, digitif (!dOk); {
if (dix >= 0) { continue;
auto rn = removeDigit(nDigits, i + 2, nix);}
autofor rd(int nix = removeDigit(dDigits,0; inix +< 2,nDigits.Length; dixnix++); {
if ((double)n / d ==var (double)rndigit / rd)= {nDigits[nix];
count[i]++var dix = IndexOf(digit, dDigits);
omitted[i][digit]++;if (dix >= 0) {
if var rn = RemoveDigit(count[nDigits, i] <=+ 12)2, {nix);
std::coutvar << n << '/' << d << "rd = " << rn << '/' << rd << " by omitting "RemoveDigit(dDigits, <<i digit+ <<2, "'s\n"dix);
if ((double)n / d == (double)rn / rd) {
omitted[i, digit]++;
if (count[i] <= 12) {
Console.WriteLine("{0}/{1} = {2}/{3} by omitting {4}'s", n, d, rn, rd, digit);
std::cout for (int i = 2; i <<= '\n'5; i++) {
Console.WriteLine("There are {0} {1}-digit fractions of which:", count[i - 2], i);
for (int j = 1; j <= 9; j++) {
for (int if (omitted[i =- 2;, ij] <== 5; i++0) {
std::cout << "There are " << count[i - 2] << ' ' << i << "-digit fractions of which:\n"continue;
for (int j = 1; j <= 9; j++) { }
if Console.WriteLine("{0,6} have {1}'s omitted", omitted[i - 2][, j], == 0j) {;
std::cout << std::setw(6) << omitted[i - 2][j] << " have " << j << "'s omitted\n";
std::cout << '\n';
return 0;
Line 477 ⟶ 465:
2988 have 9's omitted</pre>
=={{header|C#|C sharp++}}==
<lang csharpcpp>using#include System;<array>
#include <iomanip>
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
int indexOf(const std::vector<int> &haystack, int needle) {
namespace FractionReduction {
auto it = haystack.cbegin();
class Program {
auto end = haystack.cend();
static int IndexOf(int n, int[] s) {
for (int iidx = 0; i < s.Length; i++) {
for (; it != end; it = if std::next(s[i] == nit)) {
if (*it == needle) return i;{
return }idx;
return -1;
return -1;
static bool GetDigitsgetDigits(int n, int le, std::vector<int[]> &digits) {
while (n > 0) {
varauto r = n % 10;
if (r == 0 || IndexOfindexOf(rdigits, digitsr) >= 0) {
return false;
digits[le] = r;
n /= 10;
return true;
digits[le] = r;
n /= 10;
return true;
static int RemoveDigitremoveDigit(const std::vector<int[]> &digits, int le, int idx) {
static std::array<int, int[]5> pows = { 1, 10, 100, 1000, 10000 };
varint sum = 0;
varauto pow = pows[le - 2];
for (int i = 0; i < le; i++) {
if (i == idx) continue;
sum += digits[i] * pow;
pow /= 10;
return sum;
int main() {
std::vector<std::pair<int, int>> lims = { {12, 97}, {123, 986}, {1234, 9875}, {12345, 98764} };
return sum;
std::array<int, 5> count;
std::array<std::array<int, 10>, 5> omitted;
std::fill(count.begin(), count.end(), 0);
std::for_each(omitted.begin(), omitted.end(),
[](auto &a) {
std::fill(a.begin(), a.end(), 0);
for (size_t i = static0; voidi Main< lims.size(); i++) {
std::vector<int> nDigits(i + 2);
var lims = new int[,] { { 12, 97 }, { 123, 986 }, { 1234, 9875 }, { 12345, 98764 } };
std::vector<int> dDigits(i + 2);
var count = new int[5];
var omitted = new int[5, 10];
for (int n = varlims[i].first; upperBoundn <= lims[i].GetLength(0)second; n++) {
std::fill(nDigits.begin(), nDigits.end(), 0);
for (int i = 0; i < upperBound; i++) {
bool var nDigitsnOk = newgetDigits(n, int[i + 2], nDigits);
if (!nOk) var dDigits = new int[i + 2];{
var blank = new int[i + 2]continue;
for (int n = lims[i, 0]; n <= lims[i, 1]; n++) {
for (int d = n + 1; d blank<= lims[i].CopyTo(nDigits,second 0)+ 1; d++) {
var nOk = GetDigitsstd::fill(ndDigits.begin(), i + 2dDigits.end(), nDigits0);
bool dOk = getDigits(d, ifi (!nOk)+ {2, dDigits);
if (!dOk) continue;{
for (int d = n + 1; d <= lims[i, 1] + 1; d++) {}
for (size_t nix = 0; nix < blanknDigits.CopyTosize(dDigits, 0); nix++) {
auto var dOkdigit = GetDigits(d, i + 2, dDigits)nDigits[nix];
auto dix = indexOf(dDigits, if (!dOkdigit) {;
if (dix >= 0) continue;{
}auto rn = removeDigit(nDigits, i + 2, nix);
forauto (int nixrd = 0;removeDigit(dDigits, nixi <+ nDigits.Length;2, nix++dix) {;
if ((double)n / d var== digit(double)rn =/ rd) nDigits[nix];{
var dix = IndexOf(digit, dDigits)count[i]++;
if (dix >= 0) {omitted[i][digit]++;
if var rn = RemoveDigit(nDigits, count[i] +<= 2,12) nix);{
varstd::cout rd<< n << '/' << d << " = RemoveDigit(dDigits," << rn << '/' << rd << " by omitting " i<< +digit 2,<< dix)"'s\n";
if ((double)n / d == (double)rn / rd) {
omitted[i, digit]++;
if (count[i] <= 12) {
Console.WriteLine("{0}/{1} = {2}/{3} by omitting {4}'s", n, d, rn, rd, digit);
for (int i = 2; istd::cout <=< 5'\n'; i++) {
Console.WriteLine("There are {0} {1}-digit fractions of which:", count[i - 2], i);
for (int j = 1; j <= 9; j++) {
for (int if (omitted[i -= 2,; j]i <== 05; i++) {
std::cout << "There are " << count[i - 2] << ' ' << i << "-digit continuefractions of which:\n";
for (int j = 1; j <= 9; j++) }{
if Console.WriteLine("{0,6} have {1}'s omitted", omitted[i - 2, ][j], j== 0); {
std::cout << std::setw(6) << omitted[i - 2][j] << " have " << j << "'s omitted\n";
std::cout << '\n';
return 0;
Line 1,423:
<lang julia>using Combinatorics
Line 1,734 ⟶ 1,735:
351 have 8's omitted
2988 have 9's omitted</pre>
===The Model===
<lang MiniZinc>
%Fraction Reduction. Nigel Galloway, September 5th., 2019
include "alldifferent.mzn"; include "member.mzn";
int: S;
array [1..9] of int: Pn=[1,10,100,1000,10000,100000,1000000,10000000,100000000];
array [1..S] of var 1..9: Nz; constraint alldifferent(Nz);
array [1..S] of var 1..9: Gz; constraint alldifferent(Gz);
var int: n; constraint n=sum(n in 1..S)(Nz[n]*Pn[n]);
var int: i; constraint i=sum(n in 1..S)(Gz[n]*Pn[n]); constraint n<i; constraint n*g=i*e;
var int: g; constraint g=sum(n in 1..S)(if n=a then 0 elseif n>a then Gz[n]*Pn[n-1] else Gz[n]*Pn[n] endif);
var int: e; constraint e=sum(n in 1..S)(if n=l then 0 elseif n>l then Nz[n]*Pn[n-1] else Nz[n]*Pn[n] endif);
var 1..S: l; constraint Nz[l]=w;
var 1..S: a; constraint Gz[a]=w;
var 1..9: w; constraint member(Nz,w) /\ member(Gz,w);
output [show(n)++"/"++show(i)++" becomes "++show(e)++"/"++show(g)++" when "++show(w)++" is omitted"]
===The Tasks===
;Displaying 12 solutions
;minizinc --num-solutions 12 -DS=2
16/64 becomes 1/4 when 6 is omitted
26/65 becomes 2/5 when 6 is omitted
19/95 becomes 1/5 when 9 is omitted
49/98 becomes 4/8 when 9 is omitted
;minizinc --num-solutions 12 -DS=3
132/231 becomes 12/21 when 3 is omitted
134/536 becomes 14/56 when 3 is omitted
134/938 becomes 14/98 when 3 is omitted
136/238 becomes 16/28 when 3 is omitted
138/345 becomes 18/45 when 3 is omitted
139/695 becomes 13/65 when 9 is omitted
143/341 becomes 13/31 when 4 is omitted
146/365 becomes 14/35 when 6 is omitted
149/298 becomes 14/28 when 9 is omitted
149/596 becomes 14/56 when 9 is omitted
149/894 becomes 14/84 when 9 is omitted
154/253 becomes 14/23 when 5 is omitted
;minizinc --num-solutions 12 -DS=4
2147/3164 becomes 247/364 when 1 is omitted
2314/3916 becomes 234/396 when 1 is omitted
2147/5198 becomes 247/598 when 1 is omitted
3164/5198 becomes 364/598 when 1 is omitted
2314/6319 becomes 234/639 when 1 is omitted
3916/6319 becomes 396/639 when 1 is omitted
5129/7136 becomes 529/736 when 1 is omitted
3129/7152 becomes 329/752 when 1 is omitted
4913/7514 becomes 493/754 when 1 is omitted
7168/8176 becomes 768/876 when 1 is omitted
5129/9143 becomes 529/943 when 1 is omitted
7136/9143 becomes 736/943 when 1 is omitted
;minizinc --num-solutions 12 -DS=5
21356/31472 becomes 2356/3472 when 1 is omitted
21394/31528 becomes 2394/3528 when 1 is omitted
21546/31752 becomes 2546/3752 when 1 is omitted
21679/31948 becomes 2679/3948 when 1 is omitted
21698/31976 becomes 2698/3976 when 1 is omitted
25714/34615 becomes 2574/3465 when 1 is omitted
27615/34716 becomes 2765/3476 when 1 is omitted
25917/34719 becomes 2597/3479 when 1 is omitted
25916/36518 becomes 2596/3658 when 1 is omitted
31276/41329 becomes 3276/4329 when 1 is omitted
21375/41625 becomes 2375/4625 when 1 is omitted
31584/41736 becomes 3584/4736 when 1 is omitted
;minizinc --num-solutions 12 -DS=6
123495/172893 becomes 12345/17283 when 9 is omitted
123594/164792 becomes 12354/16472 when 9 is omitted
123654/163758 becomes 12654/16758 when 3 is omitted
124678/135679 becomes 12478/13579 when 6 is omitted
124768/164872 becomes 12768/16872 when 4 is omitted
125349/149352 becomes 12549/14952 when 3 is omitted
125394/146293 becomes 12534/14623 when 9 is omitted
125937/127936 becomes 12537/12736 when 9 is omitted
125694/167592 becomes 12564/16752 when 9 is omitted
125769/135786 becomes 12769/13786 when 5 is omitted
125769/165837 becomes 12769/16837 when 5 is omitted
125934/146923 becomes 12534/14623 when 9 is omitted
;Count number of solutions
;minizinc --all-solutions -s -DS=3
%%%mzn-stat: nSolutions=122
;minizinc --all-solutions -s -DS=4
%%%mzn-stat: nSolutions=660
;minizinc --all-solutions -s -DS=5
%%%mzn-stat: nSolutions=5087
Line 2,141 ⟶ 2,305:
Took 1m38.85577279s
<lang python>def indexOf(haystack, needle):
idx = 0
for straw in haystack:
if straw == needle:
return idx
idx += 1
return -1
def getDigits(n, le, digits):
while n > 0:
r = n % 10
if r == 0 or indexOf(digits, r) >= 0:
return False
le -= 1
digits[le] = r
n = int(n / 10)
return True
def removeDigit(digits, le, idx):
pows = [1, 10, 100, 1000, 10000]
sum = 0
pow = pows[le - 2]
i = 0
while i < le:
if i == idx:
i += 1
sum = sum + digits[i] * pow
pow = int(pow / 10)
i += 1
return sum
def main():
lims = [ [ 12, 97 ], [ 123, 986 ], [ 1234, 9875 ], [ 12345, 98764 ] ]
count = [0 for i in range(5)]
omitted = [[0 for i in range(10)] for j in range(5)]
i = 0
while i < len(lims):
n = lims[i][0]
while n < lims[i][1]:
nDigits = [0 for k in range(i + 2)]
nOk = getDigits(n, i + 2, nDigits)
if not nOk:
n += 1
d = n + 1
while d <= lims[i][1] + 1:
dDigits = [0 for k in range(i + 2)]
dOk = getDigits(d, i + 2, dDigits)
if not dOk:
d += 1
nix = 0
while nix < len(nDigits):
digit = nDigits[nix]
dix = indexOf(dDigits, digit)
if dix >= 0:
rn = removeDigit(nDigits, i + 2, nix)
rd = removeDigit(dDigits, i + 2, dix)
if (1.0 * n / d) == (1.0 * rn / rd):
count[i] += 1
omitted[i][digit] += 1
if count[i] <= 12:
print "%d/%d = %d/%d by omitting %d's" % (n, d, rn, rd, digit)
nix += 1
d += 1
n += 1
i += 1
i = 2
while i <= 5:
print "There are %d %d-digit fractions of which:" % (count[i - 2], i)
j = 1
while j <= 9:
if omitted[i - 2][j] == 0:
j += 1
print "%6s have %d's omitted" % (omitted[i - 2][j], j)
j += 1
i += 1
return None
<pre>16/64 = 1/4 by omitting 6's
19/95 = 1/5 by omitting 9's
26/65 = 2/5 by omitting 6's
49/98 = 4/8 by omitting 9's
132/231 = 12/21 by omitting 3's
134/536 = 14/56 by omitting 3's
134/938 = 14/98 by omitting 3's
136/238 = 16/28 by omitting 3's
138/345 = 18/45 by omitting 3's
139/695 = 13/65 by omitting 9's
143/341 = 13/31 by omitting 4's
146/365 = 14/35 by omitting 6's
149/298 = 14/28 by omitting 9's
149/596 = 14/56 by omitting 9's
149/894 = 14/84 by omitting 9's
154/253 = 14/23 by omitting 5's
1234/4936 = 124/496 by omitting 3's
1239/6195 = 123/615 by omitting 9's
1246/3649 = 126/369 by omitting 4's
1249/2498 = 124/248 by omitting 9's
1259/6295 = 125/625 by omitting 9's
1279/6395 = 127/635 by omitting 9's
1283/5132 = 128/512 by omitting 3's
1297/2594 = 127/254 by omitting 9's
1297/3891 = 127/381 by omitting 9's
1298/2596 = 128/256 by omitting 9's
1298/3894 = 128/384 by omitting 9's
1298/5192 = 128/512 by omitting 9's
12349/24698 = 1234/2468 by omitting 9's
12356/67958 = 1236/6798 by omitting 5's
12358/14362 = 1258/1462 by omitting 3's
12358/15364 = 1258/1564 by omitting 3's
12358/17368 = 1258/1768 by omitting 3's
12358/19372 = 1258/1972 by omitting 3's
12358/21376 = 1258/2176 by omitting 3's
12358/25384 = 1258/2584 by omitting 3's
12359/61795 = 1235/6175 by omitting 9's
12364/32596 = 1364/3596 by omitting 2's
12379/61895 = 1237/6185 by omitting 9's
12386/32654 = 1386/3654 by omitting 2's
There are 4 2-digit fractions of which:
2 have 6's omitted
2 have 9's omitted
There are 122 3-digit fractions of which:
9 have 3's omitted
1 have 4's omitted
6 have 5's omitted
15 have 6's omitted
16 have 7's omitted
15 have 8's omitted
60 have 9's omitted
There are 660 4-digit fractions of which:
14 have 1's omitted
25 have 2's omitted
92 have 3's omitted
14 have 4's omitted
29 have 5's omitted
63 have 6's omitted
16 have 7's omitted
17 have 8's omitted
390 have 9's omitted
There are 5087 5-digit fractions of which:
75 have 1's omitted
40 have 2's omitted
376 have 3's omitted
78 have 4's omitted
209 have 5's omitted
379 have 6's omitted
591 have 7's omitted
351 have 8's omitted
2988 have 9's omitted</pre>
===The Model===
<lang MiniZinc>
%Fraction Reduction. Nigel Galloway, September 5th., 2019
include "alldifferent.mzn"; include "member.mzn";
int: S;
array [1..9] of int: Pn=[1,10,100,1000,10000,100000,1000000,10000000,100000000];
array [1..S] of var 1..9: Nz; constraint alldifferent(Nz);
array [1..S] of var 1..9: Gz; constraint alldifferent(Gz);
var int: n; constraint n=sum(n in 1..S)(Nz[n]*Pn[n]);
var int: i; constraint i=sum(n in 1..S)(Gz[n]*Pn[n]); constraint n<i; constraint n*g=i*e;
var int: g; constraint g=sum(n in 1..S)(if n=a then 0 elseif n>a then Gz[n]*Pn[n-1] else Gz[n]*Pn[n] endif);
var int: e; constraint e=sum(n in 1..S)(if n=l then 0 elseif n>l then Nz[n]*Pn[n-1] else Nz[n]*Pn[n] endif);
var 1..S: l; constraint Nz[l]=w;
var 1..S: a; constraint Gz[a]=w;
var 1..9: w; constraint member(Nz,w) /\ member(Gz,w);
output [show(n)++"/"++show(i)++" becomes "++show(e)++"/"++show(g)++" when "++show(w)++" is omitted"]
===The Tasks===
;Displaying 12 solutions
;minizinc --num-solutions 12 -DS=2
16/64 becomes 1/4 when 6 is omitted
26/65 becomes 2/5 when 6 is omitted
19/95 becomes 1/5 when 9 is omitted
49/98 becomes 4/8 when 9 is omitted
;minizinc --num-solutions 12 -DS=3
132/231 becomes 12/21 when 3 is omitted
134/536 becomes 14/56 when 3 is omitted
134/938 becomes 14/98 when 3 is omitted
136/238 becomes 16/28 when 3 is omitted
138/345 becomes 18/45 when 3 is omitted
139/695 becomes 13/65 when 9 is omitted
143/341 becomes 13/31 when 4 is omitted
146/365 becomes 14/35 when 6 is omitted
149/298 becomes 14/28 when 9 is omitted
149/596 becomes 14/56 when 9 is omitted
149/894 becomes 14/84 when 9 is omitted
154/253 becomes 14/23 when 5 is omitted
;minizinc --num-solutions 12 -DS=4
2147/3164 becomes 247/364 when 1 is omitted
2314/3916 becomes 234/396 when 1 is omitted
2147/5198 becomes 247/598 when 1 is omitted
3164/5198 becomes 364/598 when 1 is omitted
2314/6319 becomes 234/639 when 1 is omitted
3916/6319 becomes 396/639 when 1 is omitted
5129/7136 becomes 529/736 when 1 is omitted
3129/7152 becomes 329/752 when 1 is omitted
4913/7514 becomes 493/754 when 1 is omitted
7168/8176 becomes 768/876 when 1 is omitted
5129/9143 becomes 529/943 when 1 is omitted
7136/9143 becomes 736/943 when 1 is omitted
;minizinc --num-solutions 12 -DS=5
21356/31472 becomes 2356/3472 when 1 is omitted
21394/31528 becomes 2394/3528 when 1 is omitted
21546/31752 becomes 2546/3752 when 1 is omitted
21679/31948 becomes 2679/3948 when 1 is omitted
21698/31976 becomes 2698/3976 when 1 is omitted
25714/34615 becomes 2574/3465 when 1 is omitted
27615/34716 becomes 2765/3476 when 1 is omitted
25917/34719 becomes 2597/3479 when 1 is omitted
25916/36518 becomes 2596/3658 when 1 is omitted
31276/41329 becomes 3276/4329 when 1 is omitted
21375/41625 becomes 2375/4625 when 1 is omitted
31584/41736 becomes 3584/4736 when 1 is omitted
;minizinc --num-solutions 12 -DS=6
123495/172893 becomes 12345/17283 when 9 is omitted
123594/164792 becomes 12354/16472 when 9 is omitted
123654/163758 becomes 12654/16758 when 3 is omitted
124678/135679 becomes 12478/13579 when 6 is omitted
124768/164872 becomes 12768/16872 when 4 is omitted
125349/149352 becomes 12549/14952 when 3 is omitted
125394/146293 becomes 12534/14623 when 9 is omitted
125937/127936 becomes 12537/12736 when 9 is omitted
125694/167592 becomes 12564/16752 when 9 is omitted
125769/135786 becomes 12769/13786 when 5 is omitted
125769/165837 becomes 12769/16837 when 5 is omitted
125934/146923 becomes 12534/14623 when 9 is omitted
;Count number of solutions
;minizinc --all-solutions -s -DS=3
%%%mzn-stat: nSolutions=122
;minizinc --all-solutions -s -DS=4
%%%mzn-stat: nSolutions=660
;minizinc --all-solutions -s -DS=5
%%%mzn-stat: nSolutions=5087
Line 2,571 ⟶ 2,404:
1298/3894 => 128/384 removed 9
1298/5192 => 128/512 removed 9</pre>
=={{header|Perl 6}}==
{{works with|Rakudo|2019.07.1}}
;[[wp:Anomalous cancellation|Anomalous Cancellation]]
<lang perl6>my %reduced;
my $digits = 2..4;
for $ * - 1 -> $exp {
my $start = sum (0..$exp).map( { 10 ** $_ * ($exp - $_ + 1) });
my $end = 10**($exp+1) - sum (^$exp).map( { 10 ** $_ * ($exp - $_) } ) - 1;
($start ..^ $end).race(:8degree, :3batch).map: -> $den {
next if $den.contains: '0';
next if $den.comb.unique <= $exp;
for $start ..^ $den -> $num {
next if $num.contains: '0';
next if $num.comb.unique <= $exp;
my $set = ($den.comb.head(* - 1).Set ∩ $num.comb.skip(1).Set);
next if $set.elems < 1;
for $set.keys {
my $ne = $num.trans: $_ => '', :delete;
my $de = $den.trans: $_ => '', :delete;
if $ne / $de == $num / $den {
print "\b" x 40, "$num/$den:$_ => $ne/$de";
%reduced{"$num/$den:$_"} = "$ne/$de";
print "\b" x 40, ' ' x 40, "\b" x 40;
my $digit = $exp +1;
my %d = %reduced.pairs.grep: { .key.chars == ($digit * 2 + 3) };
say "\n({+%d}) $digit digit reduceable fractions:";
for 1..9 {
my $cnt = +%d.pairs.grep( *.key.contains: ":$_" );
next unless $cnt;
say " $cnt with removed $_";
say "\n 12 Random (or all, if less) $digit digit reduceable fractions:";
say " {.key.substr(0, $digit * 2 + 1)} => {.value} removed {.key.substr(* - 1)}"
for %d.pairs.pick(12).sort;
{{out|Sample output}}
<pre>(4) 2 digit reduceable fractions:
2 with removed 6
2 with removed 9
12 Random (or all, if less) 2 digit reduceable fractions:
16/64 => 1/4 removed 6
19/95 => 1/5 removed 9
26/65 => 2/5 removed 6
49/98 => 4/8 removed 9
(122) 3 digit reduceable fractions:
9 with removed 3
1 with removed 4
6 with removed 5
15 with removed 6
16 with removed 7
15 with removed 8
60 with removed 9
12 Random (or all, if less) 3 digit reduceable fractions:
149/298 => 14/28 removed 9
154/352 => 14/32 removed 5
165/264 => 15/24 removed 6
176/275 => 16/25 removed 7
187/286 => 17/26 removed 8
194/291 => 14/21 removed 9
286/385 => 26/35 removed 8
286/682 => 26/62 removed 8
374/572 => 34/52 removed 7
473/572 => 43/52 removed 7
492/984 => 42/84 removed 9
594/693 => 54/63 removed 9
(660) 4 digit reduceable fractions:
14 with removed 1
25 with removed 2
92 with removed 3
14 with removed 4
29 with removed 5
63 with removed 6
16 with removed 7
17 with removed 8
390 with removed 9
12 Random (or all, if less) 4 digit reduceable fractions:
1348/4381 => 148/481 removed 3
1598/3196 => 158/316 removed 9
1783/7132 => 178/712 removed 3
1978/5934 => 178/534 removed 9
2971/5942 => 271/542 removed 9
2974/5948 => 274/548 removed 9
3584/4592 => 384/492 removed 5
3791/5798 => 391/598 removed 7
3968/7936 => 368/736 removed 9
4329/9324 => 429/924 removed 3
4936/9872 => 436/872 removed 9
6327/8325 => 627/825 removed 3</pre>
Line 2,824 ⟶ 2,551:
"10 minutes and 13s"
<lang python>def indexOf(haystack, needle):
idx = 0
for straw in haystack:
if straw == needle:
return idx
idx += 1
return -1
def getDigits(n, le, digits):
while n > 0:
r = n % 10
if r == 0 or indexOf(digits, r) >= 0:
return False
le -= 1
digits[le] = r
n = int(n / 10)
return True
def removeDigit(digits, le, idx):
pows = [1, 10, 100, 1000, 10000]
sum = 0
pow = pows[le - 2]
i = 0
while i < le:
if i == idx:
i += 1
sum = sum + digits[i] * pow
pow = int(pow / 10)
i += 1
return sum
def main():
lims = [ [ 12, 97 ], [ 123, 986 ], [ 1234, 9875 ], [ 12345, 98764 ] ]
count = [0 for i in range(5)]
omitted = [[0 for i in range(10)] for j in range(5)]
i = 0
while i < len(lims):
n = lims[i][0]
while n < lims[i][1]:
nDigits = [0 for k in range(i + 2)]
nOk = getDigits(n, i + 2, nDigits)
if not nOk:
n += 1
d = n + 1
while d <= lims[i][1] + 1:
dDigits = [0 for k in range(i + 2)]
dOk = getDigits(d, i + 2, dDigits)
if not dOk:
d += 1
nix = 0
while nix < len(nDigits):
digit = nDigits[nix]
dix = indexOf(dDigits, digit)
if dix >= 0:
rn = removeDigit(nDigits, i + 2, nix)
rd = removeDigit(dDigits, i + 2, dix)
if (1.0 * n / d) == (1.0 * rn / rd):
count[i] += 1
omitted[i][digit] += 1
if count[i] <= 12:
print "%d/%d = %d/%d by omitting %d's" % (n, d, rn, rd, digit)
nix += 1
d += 1
n += 1
i += 1
i = 2
while i <= 5:
print "There are %d %d-digit fractions of which:" % (count[i - 2], i)
j = 1
while j <= 9:
if omitted[i - 2][j] == 0:
j += 1
print "%6s have %d's omitted" % (omitted[i - 2][j], j)
j += 1
i += 1
return None
<pre>16/64 = 1/4 by omitting 6's
19/95 = 1/5 by omitting 9's
26/65 = 2/5 by omitting 6's
49/98 = 4/8 by omitting 9's
132/231 = 12/21 by omitting 3's
134/536 = 14/56 by omitting 3's
134/938 = 14/98 by omitting 3's
136/238 = 16/28 by omitting 3's
138/345 = 18/45 by omitting 3's
139/695 = 13/65 by omitting 9's
143/341 = 13/31 by omitting 4's
146/365 = 14/35 by omitting 6's
149/298 = 14/28 by omitting 9's
149/596 = 14/56 by omitting 9's
149/894 = 14/84 by omitting 9's
154/253 = 14/23 by omitting 5's
1234/4936 = 124/496 by omitting 3's
1239/6195 = 123/615 by omitting 9's
1246/3649 = 126/369 by omitting 4's
1249/2498 = 124/248 by omitting 9's
1259/6295 = 125/625 by omitting 9's
1279/6395 = 127/635 by omitting 9's
1283/5132 = 128/512 by omitting 3's
1297/2594 = 127/254 by omitting 9's
1297/3891 = 127/381 by omitting 9's
1298/2596 = 128/256 by omitting 9's
1298/3894 = 128/384 by omitting 9's
1298/5192 = 128/512 by omitting 9's
12349/24698 = 1234/2468 by omitting 9's
12356/67958 = 1236/6798 by omitting 5's
12358/14362 = 1258/1462 by omitting 3's
12358/15364 = 1258/1564 by omitting 3's
12358/17368 = 1258/1768 by omitting 3's
12358/19372 = 1258/1972 by omitting 3's
12358/21376 = 1258/2176 by omitting 3's
12358/25384 = 1258/2584 by omitting 3's
12359/61795 = 1235/6175 by omitting 9's
12364/32596 = 1364/3596 by omitting 2's
12379/61895 = 1237/6185 by omitting 9's
12386/32654 = 1386/3654 by omitting 2's
There are 4 2-digit fractions of which:
2 have 6's omitted
2 have 9's omitted
There are 122 3-digit fractions of which:
9 have 3's omitted
1 have 4's omitted
6 have 5's omitted
15 have 6's omitted
16 have 7's omitted
15 have 8's omitted
60 have 9's omitted
There are 660 4-digit fractions of which:
14 have 1's omitted
25 have 2's omitted
92 have 3's omitted
14 have 4's omitted
29 have 5's omitted
63 have 6's omitted
16 have 7's omitted
17 have 8's omitted
390 have 9's omitted
There are 5087 5-digit fractions of which:
75 have 1's omitted
40 have 2's omitted
376 have 3's omitted
78 have 4's omitted
209 have 5's omitted
379 have 6's omitted
591 have 7's omitted
351 have 8's omitted
2988 have 9's omitted</pre>
Line 2,971 ⟶ 2,866:
The digit 9 was crossed out 2988 times
(formerly Perl 6)
{{works with|Rakudo|2019.07.1}}
;[[wp:Anomalous cancellation|Anomalous Cancellation]]
<lang perl6>my %reduced;
my $digits = 2..4;
for $ * - 1 -> $exp {
my $start = sum (0..$exp).map( { 10 ** $_ * ($exp - $_ + 1) });
my $end = 10**($exp+1) - sum (^$exp).map( { 10 ** $_ * ($exp - $_) } ) - 1;
($start ..^ $end).race(:8degree, :3batch).map: -> $den {
next if $den.contains: '0';
next if $den.comb.unique <= $exp;
for $start ..^ $den -> $num {
next if $num.contains: '0';
next if $num.comb.unique <= $exp;
my $set = ($den.comb.head(* - 1).Set ∩ $num.comb.skip(1).Set);
next if $set.elems < 1;
for $set.keys {
my $ne = $num.trans: $_ => '', :delete;
my $de = $den.trans: $_ => '', :delete;
if $ne / $de == $num / $den {
print "\b" x 40, "$num/$den:$_ => $ne/$de";
%reduced{"$num/$den:$_"} = "$ne/$de";
print "\b" x 40, ' ' x 40, "\b" x 40;
my $digit = $exp +1;
my %d = %reduced.pairs.grep: { .key.chars == ($digit * 2 + 3) };
say "\n({+%d}) $digit digit reduceable fractions:";
for 1..9 {
my $cnt = +%d.pairs.grep( *.key.contains: ":$_" );
next unless $cnt;
say " $cnt with removed $_";
say "\n 12 Random (or all, if less) $digit digit reduceable fractions:";
say " {.key.substr(0, $digit * 2 + 1)} => {.value} removed {.key.substr(* - 1)}"
for %d.pairs.pick(12).sort;
{{out|Sample output}}
<pre>(4) 2 digit reduceable fractions:
2 with removed 6
2 with removed 9
12 Random (or all, if less) 2 digit reduceable fractions:
16/64 => 1/4 removed 6
19/95 => 1/5 removed 9
26/65 => 2/5 removed 6
49/98 => 4/8 removed 9
(122) 3 digit reduceable fractions:
9 with removed 3
1 with removed 4
6 with removed 5
15 with removed 6
16 with removed 7
15 with removed 8
60 with removed 9
12 Random (or all, if less) 3 digit reduceable fractions:
149/298 => 14/28 removed 9
154/352 => 14/32 removed 5
165/264 => 15/24 removed 6
176/275 => 16/25 removed 7
187/286 => 17/26 removed 8
194/291 => 14/21 removed 9
286/385 => 26/35 removed 8
286/682 => 26/62 removed 8
374/572 => 34/52 removed 7
473/572 => 43/52 removed 7
492/984 => 42/84 removed 9
594/693 => 54/63 removed 9
(660) 4 digit reduceable fractions:
14 with removed 1
25 with removed 2
92 with removed 3
14 with removed 4
29 with removed 5
63 with removed 6
16 with removed 7
17 with removed 8
390 with removed 9
12 Random (or all, if less) 4 digit reduceable fractions:
1348/4381 => 148/481 removed 3
1598/3196 => 158/316 removed 9
1783/7132 => 178/712 removed 3
1978/5934 => 178/534 removed 9
2971/5942 => 271/542 removed 9
2974/5948 => 274/548 removed 9
3584/4592 => 384/492 removed 5
3791/5798 => 391/598 removed 7
3968/7936 => 368/736 removed 9
4329/9324 => 429/924 removed 3
4936/9872 => 436/872 removed 9
6327/8325 => 627/825 removed 3</pre>